01 января 1987 |
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WANTED - VOLEX TTX TELETEXT ADAPTOR for 48K Spectrum. Must be working - A.D. CLAPHAM, 3 Leivers house,Derwent Crescent Arnold, Nottingham, NGS бTF (Tel:0602 203327 EVENINGS) I have a SHINWA CP 80 printer and wish to PRINT (actually on the printer of line drawings from a program called FURNITURE -my problem is that I do not know of POKE or RANDOMISE No. which will do this -I use TASMAN INTERFACE software-any help would be appreciated by a 71 year old pensioner PERCY on 0454-260578 thanks in anticipation -diolch!! CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH BULLETIN BOARD COMMUNICATIONS IN GENERAL, OR BETTER STILL WITH THE USE OF A VOYAGER 7 MODEM AND NEWTERM COMMS SOFTWARE? CHRIS CLAYTON, 21 RUDCHESTER CLOSE, CARLISLE CA2 7XL. (0228 32150) You can achieve high-quality, almost desk-top type, mixed text and graphics both on-screen and print-outs from a suite of programs including: Word-Master: a word-processor, `14.95; Headliner: a graphics designer, `7.95; and Typeliner: a multi- column layout utility, `10.50. The quality of the pamphlet we have received is excellent, The word-processor in particular has extensive features too numerous to include here.For full details write to CARDEX,11 Marsh Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 2AE (Tel.0229 36957) BUCCANEER USER GROUP do a free monthly Spectrum cassette mag. with lots of character, letters, etc. Just send a blank C60 cassette and an S.A.E. well before the 2Oth of the month to: Sarah Stavers, 24 Eric Close, Forest Gate, London, E7 OAY (Sayyou heard it from OUTLET!). The mag. is issued at the end of the month. PHANTOM is a VIEWDATA BB currently running on a spectrum!! - Its got its own "Speccy Club" area as well as lots of other general areas too - Why not give it a try - 8pm to 8am only on 0226 202825 Every night. OPUS DISCOVERY CLUB 8 Raynham Crescent, Blackhill, Keighley, West Yorks. BD21 2TP. Write for details of their monthly newsletter. For Sale : INTERFACE 3 (Tape to M/Drive convertor) (48k) - `25. INTERFACE 007 (as above) - `20. SINCLAIR ZX PRINTER (new) - `15. Wanted : MODEM/ Software to work on Spectrum 128. Phone : 0977 511205 (evenings) and ask for MELVYN. OUTBOARD BB ADVERT The Gnome At Home is a BB that has a SPECCY section called SPECTACULAR. You can ring it on (01)888-8894 ,it uses normal viewdata(like PRESTEL) s/w.The page for Speccys is *spect.0# see you there! - Brian Gaff. SOFTWARE CITY, 173 MANSFIELD RD. NOTTINGHM,NG1 ЗFR (0602 410495) offer a range of guaranteed,USED items such as spares, various drives, interfaces and Spectrum sand even used s/ware-very cheap, They also offer cash for s/ware. Write or phone for details. Reduce costs by sending your old fabric printer ribbons to: ALADDINK, 4 HURKUR CRESCENT, EYEMOUTH, BERWICKSHIRE, TD14 SAP to be re-inked. Special offer:- ONLY `1.00 PER RIBBON! (Telephone:08907 50965) You can get extra microdrives for `27.50, I'face 1 + 1 or 2 drives for `57.50 or `83.50 and 5 blank cartridges for `9 from APPLIED TECHNOLOGY, 64 Tannery Drift, Royston, Herts SG8 SDE (Tel.0763 41754). Adventure games on microdrive or Opus disc by Peter Hoar: EXTRICATOR-`3.99(TAPE-`2.99) ENERGEM ENIGMA-`5.99(TAPE-`4.99) available from PRECISION GAMES, 2 Fern Hill, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex, SS16 SUE. We hope to do a review soon. SPARE KEYBOARD MEMBRANES (Spectrum:`4.50, Spectrum+:`9.50 inc. p.p.), POWER SUPPLIES (`8.00 inc. p.p.)can be obtained from VERRAN MICRO-MAINTENANCE LIMITED, UNIT 2H & 2J, ALBANY PARK, FRIMLEY ROAD, CAMBERLEY, SURREY GU15 2PL (0276 66266). They also repair Spectrums (`19.95) VERY WIDE RANGE of spares and accessories offered by MICROSNIPS of 37 Seaview Road, Wallasey, Merseyside L45 ЧQN (051 630 3013) including: microdrive cartridges: `1.99, 4-pack:`7.95, DK-Tronic keyboard: `34.95, Saga Emperor keyboard: `49.95. (postage - ADD:`1 orders up to `20, ADD:`2 orders up to `50) MICRODRIVE CARTRIDGES are available at `1.75 each or a storage box with 10 (`22.45) or 20(`39.95) cartridges (the box alone is `4.95) from TRANSFORM LTD, 24 WEST OAK, BECKENHAM, KENT, BRЗ 2EZ (Tel.01 658 6350) STORT SOFT do 500 sheets of 11" x 9.5", бOgm continuous printer paper at `4.95 or `9 for 9Ogm from 18 Crown Close, Sheering, Bishop's Stortford, Herts CM22 7NX (Tel.0279 89509) 'Plug-in black box' program to microdrive transfer 'at the touch of a button' for `29.95. Write to KOBRAHSOFT, 'PLEASANT VIEW', HULME LANE, HULME, LONGTON, STOKE-ON-TRENT, STAFFS, STЗ SBH and ask for INTERFACE MD1. We recommend MULTIFACE 1 (48K)- `40.95 inc. and MULTIFACE 128 (any Spectrum)-`45.95 inc. Plugs in the back of your Spectrum then just press a button to transfer ANY program to microdrive. Both include a through port, the '128' formats cartridges to 100K+, the '1' has a joystick interface. Write to ROMANTIC ROBOT, 15 HAYLAND CLOSE, LONDON NW9 OLH (Tel.01-200 8870) Can't afford a Multiface? LERM do a soft tape to microdrive transfer that converts most programs at `11.99 (tape) or `12.99 (cartridge, 48K Spectrums only). Write to LERM, 11 Beaconsfield Close, Whitley Bay, NE25 9UW (Tel.091-2533615). Ask for TRANSFER PACK 4 and state type of Spectrum and drive. E.g. SPECTRUM PLUS and MICRODRIVE. Alternatively, send an SAE for details of their info sheets. SAME-DAY REPAIR OF YOUR MICRODRIVE (`19.50), INTERFACE 1 (`19.50) OR SPECTRUM (`16.00). Send them to: THETFORD MICROS, 21 GUILDHALL STREET, THETFORD, NORFOLK IP24 2DT(Tel.0842 61645) T.V. SERVICES OF CAMBRIDGE LTD. has been an OFFICIAL Sinclair Repair Depot for the past 6 years. They repair microdrives: `15.95, Interface 1: `18.75 and Spectrums: `18.75. Call or send to: French's Road, Cambridge, СВЧ ЗNP (Tel.0223 311371) Finally, note that you can put any message you want on OUTBOARD (well almost anything!) but keep it brief. Something you want or something to sell? If there's room we'll stick it on OUTBOARD. All free of course! Just send it in a short DATA statement (why not use JOTTER?) on your next cartridge to CHEZRON
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