Inferno #01
31 декабря 2000

Inferno - The authors.

<b>Inferno</b> - The authors.
 So it's time to submit to the authors
of creation.

 By the shell at different times and in conjunction
appended ruchenki several people
from different groups.


- Jocker / Omega Hackers Group (1997-1999)
- Shaitan / Omega Hackers Group now

  Shaitan / Stars of Keladan (1998-2000)

 Also in the writing of his advice helped:

- ALK / Extreme
- Jerri / Alien Factory

 With graphics helped us:

- Disabler / Omega Hackers Group now

  Disabler / Disabler Production Lab.

- Shadow / Alien Factory (2000)

 All the music that you can
hear in the journal (if you
There muzykalka, and if it is included with SetUp'e)
written by one person, and
namely MMCM / Sage Group

 Authors of the articles here indicate we will not, discharge 
the same as will be specified in beginning of each article.

 To communicate with the editorial board to report
you our coordinates.


  Max Shashkin 2:5057 / 21.36

  Evgeny Milun 2:5057 / 21.38

        Subj: Inferno


Other articles:

Others - overview Computer Profi OS and CP / M.

Others - Questionnaires: Sharing useful information.

Others - Russian Rulez: Elbrus - the description of the new processor developed by Russian engineers.

Interview - Jerri / Alien Factory: How did the game Walker.

For Coderz - Ports PC Profi.

For Coderz - The Muse from PC (description of audio file formats).

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 0000 - # 1FFF).

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 2000 - # 3FFF).

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone: the phone line signal amplifier.

Shelezyaka - ADC izngutri: simple analogotsifrovoy converter.

Gameland - game review Project-X.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Inferno - Managing zhunalom.

Softinka - ZX Word Updated: New, but not quite, a text editor.

Softinka - Extractor: software to extract the files from the Spectrum emulyatorskih formats.

Softinka - a review of programs for testing drives, as well as setting the magnetic head drives.

Humor - Unfiltered: marasmic real ads and statements of people both famous and not so out of "Crocodile".

Soap - Foam: e-mail section.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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