Inferno #01
31 декабря 2000

Others - Questionnaires: Sharing useful information.

<b>Others</b> - Questionnaires: Sharing useful information.

(C) Shaitan / Stars of Keladan

 Recently, it became very fashionable
conduct any survey on the topic
"Who is cooler all?" And with all the screaming that umeraet 
scene, but no one, and not lift a finger for what would

support young people and to help already
eminent people to create a quality product. Oddly enough, but 
sometimes it happens that any "homegrown" coder at some point 
knows best everyone in town, and it is not a paradox - everyone 
has his own inclinations, that person is trying to build up to 
incredible heights.  Here, this is why we decided to organize a 
project that so called "Exchange" through which we so nadeemya, 
everyone will be able to get the necessary information.  And 
now tell as conceived mechanism this project. You fill out a 
questionnaire that given below, and send to

one of the e-mail addresses edition.
Once we have your instructive Questionnaire
You will be notified of acceptance. All we have adopted 
information will be processed and sorted to principle "to each 
according to his needs", ie of urgency. After a while you

will be sent information on relevant issues, or will be given a 
link to person who can really help

you. After taking your information from us, we kindly ask you, 
send at the same address where you receive a message 
notification.  And now go directly to the questionnaire. 
Immediately say, that at points with numbers 4, 6, 11, 13 not 
required to answer, and then answer the questions you can, if 
you wish, write a few words from myself. 






 6.Luchshie, in your opinion, your products

 7B what information you need

 8.How do you have plans

 9.Kakova highest level of guest computer configuration

10.Kak you should contact the

11.How groups are in your city


12.Gotovy you to cooperation with other
   In other groups

13.Kakoy information you are willing to share
   Camping with the other

 Here such here anketka. For the convenience of answering the 
questions, this form (if it so you can call it that) is located 
in the annex to the text file named votes.W

Other articles:

Others - overview Computer Profi OS and CP / M.

Others - Questionnaires: Sharing useful information.

Others - Russian Rulez: Elbrus - the description of the new processor developed by Russian engineers.

Interview - Jerri / Alien Factory: How did the game Walker.

For Coderz - Ports PC Profi.

For Coderz - The Muse from PC (description of audio file formats).

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 0000 - # 1FFF).

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 2000 - # 3FFF).

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone: the phone line signal amplifier.

Shelezyaka - ADC izngutri: simple analogotsifrovoy converter.

Gameland - game review Project-X.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Inferno - Managing zhunalom.

Softinka - ZX Word Updated: New, but not quite, a text editor.

Softinka - Extractor: software to extract the files from the Spectrum emulyatorskih formats.

Softinka - a review of programs for testing drives, as well as setting the magnetic head drives.

Humor - Unfiltered: marasmic real ads and statements of people both famous and not so out of "Crocodile".

Soap - Foam: e-mail section.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
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Smiley - ordinary jokes.
Iron - A computer's memory.

В этот день...   1 May