Inferno #01
31 декабря 2000

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 2000 - # 3FFF).

<b>For Coderz</b> - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 2000 - # 3FFF).
    RESTART ROM 48 (1982)

    (Programs and tables)

         Part Two

(C) Shaitan / Stars of Keladan

203S PR-STRING program printed characters
from teukschey position. Start address
line is set in register pair DE, and
length in the BC
204E Print Position
2089 INPUT Command Command
2189 IN - ASSING
21D6 IN - CHAN - K
21E1 COLOUR Item Routines
229B BORDER Command Command
BORDER. The register must contain a
color code
22AA PIXEL Address
22V0 Pixel Position Computation address
pixel coordinates x, y contained
in registers C and A, respectively. Count
begins with the upper-left corner. On
output in the HL register pair will contain the address and the 
register and the displacement within a given address in bits

22CE POINT Command Command
POINT. Registers B and C are given by the coordinates y, x, 
respectively 22DC PLOT Command Command

PLOT. Coordinates x, y should be stationed at the top of the 
stack calculator 22DF PLOT Command2 Command

PLOT. Coordinates x, y should be stationed in the registers C 
and B respectively 22E5 PLOT Command3 Command

PLOT. Coordinates x, y should be stationed in the registers C 
and B respectively 2307 STK - TO - BC

2314 STK - TO - A
232D CIRCLE Command Command
CIRCLE. The initial parameters must be
placed on top of the stack calculator
2394 DRAW-ARC Command Command
DRAW x, y, a data removed from the top
Stack Calculator
2477 DRAW-1 Command Command
DRAW. The upper values ​​are the offsets calculator
247D Initial Parametr
24B7 Line Drawiong
24VA DRAW-2 Command Command
DRAW. Registers B and C contained modules of the displacement 
y, x, and a couple of DE to sign: If 1, then the plus sign, 
otherwise minus

24FB SCANING Save on a stack of zero value priorities
2530 SYNTAZ - Z Z Flag Set
253V Scaning SCREEN $ Executing a statement SCREEN $. 
Coordinates are specified in the familiarity of the registers B 
and C, the number of columns and line number respectively. 
Result placed on top of the stack calculator

2583 Scaning ATTR Executing a statement
ATTR. Coordinates are specified in the familiarity
in registers B and C, the number of columns and number of
lines, respectively
2596 Scaning function table Table
functions do not require arguments
25AF Scaning functions routines
25F8 Scaning RND Executing a statement
2,627 Scaning PI Implementation of the operator PI
2634 Scaning INKEY $ Executing a statement
26C9 Scaning variable routines
2734 Scaning main loop
2756 Scaning operands Use
calculator to perform spetsificheskihoperatsy with one or two 
operands 2795 Table of operators Table code conversion 
operation in the literal calculator Table 27B0 Table priorities 
priority operations 27BD Scaning function FN Implementation

operator FN
28B2 LOOK - VARS Sub-search variable
2996 STK - VAR Sub used
to find simple string variables
and array variables. Line parameters
or the array returned by
stack calculator
2A52 SLICING Any substring can be
isolated from the line, and this program is called each time a 
specified selection 2AB1 STK-STORE program passes the 
parameters of the current line in a stack calculator. 
Calculator stack is increased by one value. In a set of string 
parameters register pair BC contains the length line register 
pair HL - initial row address and the register A is not used

and contains 0. Sometimes the register A contains
1 and indicates the presence of an array element.
2AEE DE. (DE + 1)
2AFF LET Command Command LET
2BF1 STK - FETCH Deleted value of
calculator stack into the registers A, B, C,
D, E.
2C02 DIM Command Execution Operator
2C9B DECIMAL to floating - point
2D22 STK - DIGIT Digital ASCII code is transmitted to a stack 
calculator in a floating as

2D28 STACK - A value of register A is placed on the stack 
calculator 2D2B STACK - BC The value of register pair BC is 
placed on the stack calculator 2D3B INTEGER to floating - point

2D4F E - Format to floating - point literal calculator 3C
2DA2 Floating - point to BC High value is placed in a stack 
calculator register-pair BC

2DE3 Print a floating - point numbers
Prints the current flow of
in decimal form, located on the top of the stack calculator
2DC1 LOG (2A)
2DD5 Floating - point to A stelyatora High value is placed into 
register A 2F8B CA = 10 * A + C

2F98 Prepare to ADD
2FBA Fetch to numbers
3004 ADD - BACK
300F SUBTRACTIONS literal calculator
03. Upper value is subtracted from the calculator stack.
3014 ADDITION literal calculator 0F.
Addition of the top two stack values
30A9 HL = HL * DE
30C0 Prepare to multiply or divide
30CA MULTIPLICATION literal calculator
04. Multiplication of the top two stack values ​​calculator
31AF DIVIDE literal calculator 05. Dividing the top stack value 
calculator on the underlying 3214 Integer function to words 
zerro literal calculator 3A 3293 RESTACK TWO

3297 RE - STACK literal Calculator 3D
32C5 Table of Constants Constants Table
for internal use calculator
32D7 Table of Adresses address table
routines calculator
33A1 DELETE literal calculator 2002
33A2 Single operation literal calculator 3B
33C0 DUPLICATE literal calculator 1931
33C6 STACK literals Literal calculator
33F7 Skin Conctants
3406 Memory Location
340E Get from memory area Literal calculator F0
341B STACK a Constant Literal calculator A0
342D Store in memory area Literal calculator C0
343C EXCHANGE literal calculator 2001
3449 Series Generator literal calculator 1986
346A ABS literal calculator 2A
346E Unary Minus literal calculator 1B
3492 SIGNUM literal calculator 1929
34A5 IN Literal calculator 2C
34AC PEEK literal calculator 2B
34B3 USR Number Literal calculator 2D
34BC USR String Literal calculator 1919
34E9 TEST - ZERO = 0
34F9 Greater then zero> 0 Literal calculator 1937
3501 NOT <0 Literal calculator 1930
3506 Lese then ZERO literal calculator
350B Zero or one of 0 or 1
351B OR Literal calculator 2007
3524 Number AND Number Literal calculator 2008
352D String AND Number Literal calculator 1910
353B NO-L-EQ literal calculator 2009

     NO-GR-EQ literal calculator 0A

     NOS-NEQL literal calculator 0B

     NO-GTR literal calculator 0C

     NO-LESS literal calculator 0D

     NOS-EQL literal calculator 0E

     STR-L-EQ literal calculator 1911

     STR-GR-EQ literal calculator 1912

     STRS-NEQL literal calculator 1913

     STR-GTR literal calculator 1914

     STR-LES literal calculator 1915

     STR-GTR literal calculator 1916
359C String Concatenation literal calculator 1917
35C9 CHR $ literal calculator 2F
35DE VAL $ 18 a calculator literal

     VAL literal calculator 1D
361F STR $ literal calculator 2E
3645 READ - IN Literal calculator 1A
3669 CODE literal calculator 1C
3674 LEN literal calculator 1E
367A Decrease the counter literal calculator 1935
3686 JUMP literal calculator 1933
368F JUMP on True literal calculator
369B END - CALC literal calculator 1938
Exiting the calculator
36A0 MODULIS literal calculator 1932
36AF INT literal calculator 1927
36C4 EXPONENTIAL literal calculator 1926
3713 NATURAL LOG literal calculator 1925
3783 Reduca Arg. Literal calculator 1939
37AA COS literal calculator 1920
37B5 SIN literal calculator 1F
37DA TAN literal calculator 1921
37E2 ARCTAN literal calculator 1924
3833 ARCSIN literal calculator 1922
3843 ARCCOS literal calculator 1923
384A SQR literal calculator 1928
3851 TO-POWER literal calculator 2006
3D00 Font Standard Font

Other articles:

Others - overview Computer Profi OS and CP / M.

Others - Questionnaires: Sharing useful information.

Others - Russian Rulez: Elbrus - the description of the new processor developed by Russian engineers.

Interview - Jerri / Alien Factory: How did the game Walker.

For Coderz - Ports PC Profi.

For Coderz - The Muse from PC (description of audio file formats).

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 0000 - # 1FFF).

For Coderz - Pro ROM 48k Spectrum (# 2000 - # 3FFF).

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone: the phone line signal amplifier.

Shelezyaka - ADC izngutri: simple analogotsifrovoy converter.

Gameland - game review Project-X.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Inferno - Managing zhunalom.

Softinka - ZX Word Updated: New, but not quite, a text editor.

Softinka - Extractor: software to extract the files from the Spectrum emulyatorskih formats.

Softinka - a review of programs for testing drives, as well as setting the magnetic head drives.

Humor - Unfiltered: marasmic real ads and statements of people both famous and not so out of "Crocodile".

Soap - Foam: e-mail section.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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