ZX Format #01
31 октября 1995 |
Mailbox - Classified Ad
________________________________ LOGROS Software If you wanted something newcomer of the software or peripherals, and you live in St. Petersburg, please contact LOGROS studio and you will not regret it. We sell the program as disks and on cassette. Both folders contain more than 3000 programs and constantly replenished. Also you can buy very useful peripherals such as modem or KEMPSTON MOUSE, corporate board or a computer. We trade on the weekends on the radio market Avtovo (Business Club JUNO Tray 21), and on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00 in the store at: Metro Petrograd, nab.reki Karpovka, Building 5, the shop - warehouse Lenpoligraphmash. Lunch from 14.00 to 15.00. ________________________________ If you need music for written on a new powerful Music Editor Contact the Editor in the name of Andrei Litvinov (LAV). For music downloaders do not write! ________________________________ Creat Soft research ltd. (C) Maxim Romanov Greetings to all readers new electronic journal ZX FORMAT, and congratulations on the release of its first issue! Hope That it will please you every month, and will not be a thing at once, and be as directory, or better yet, guide to the ZX SPECTRUM. If you still do not have manipulator of the mouse, you lucky! Now is the time it buy! Because it the best electronic journals, working with it, and under it adapted and Much has been written software! Except You can build it yourself! Save a lot of money! You already can order by mail this home-made! The scope for independent assembly supplied the following Hardware: 1. The printed circuit board interface includes controller Two Sinclair Joystick 2. Programmed matrix 3. Schematic and wiring scheme. (In the instructions for tuning is necessary! All works from the first time, if Using quality details) To work with the mouse to Buy 7 shirpotrebnyh mkiroshem, neskoloko resistors, and 2 transistor! To complete the work with dopayat joysticks have two more chips and 10 diodes! AVAILABLE Even beginners! Why is this mouse? She the cheapest of the existing date designs. Compatible with corporate PO. Any program mentioned Kempston Mouse be with her operate without problems and zamorochek! The interface is designed to work with cheap, but at the same time naiboee quality "Passive Mice," which provide a smoother displacement than the "active". A typical example of a mouse - the "Search" EC-1841, etc. Already there well-developed base Software as a System and Game. If you liked the game UFO-1, Know UFO-2 will work with mouse! In any case, this development does not suffer the same fate similar developments such as: connect the mouse port joystick, mouse connection through muz.soprotsessor, etc. Previously secret, but now accessible to everyone, the new mouse interface for any Spectrum! Cost of the (Fee + n / m + scheme) 15000 without account transfer. Remember this name: KEMPSTON MOUSE from CREATE SOFT reasearch ltd. ________________________________ Gruppa Create Soft research ltd pozdravlyaet vseh Fan ZX SPECTRUM with the new piterskogo elektronnogo zhurnala ZX FORMAT. Using sluchaem vtiskivaem in this product shall tvorenie nekotoruyu reklamnuyu informatsiyu about Kempston Mouse. And kstati! Danny zhurnal ie ZF ponimaet danny interfeys and rabotaet with him HOW to prochem delayut mnogie drugie novye programmy. If the y vas still the plug on the net kakim any prichinam then unto you sleduet pospeshit! HOW spoken kolichestvo tovara nA sklade ogranicheno and inflation kontroliruema DO NOT ... Until now it was realizovano large screen varianta interfeysa.Prichem pervy and the second strongly DO NOT otlichalis. The second variant differs improved deshifratsiey. Ha danny moment rasprostranyaetsya tretya realizatsiya interfeysa which included Vse luchshee, that was in predyduschih versiyah and dobavok nekotorye otdelnye uluchsheniya. Konkretno their large screen. 1.Na plate realizovano large screen porta Joystick tipa SINCLAIR, levy and pravy sootvetstvenno. Shema sdelana takim obrazom that would could odnovremenno igrat two igrokam nA these dzhoystikah bez vzaimnyh conflicts mezhdu dzhoystikami (tak vsegda byvaet If the plug on these sticks baldy HOW large screen ryada klaviatury). 2. Usovershenstvovanny sistemny pozvolyaet teper razem bez truda connect to danny devays mashine tipa Scorpio (unto me personally izvestna only odna takaya mashina, this Apartment belongs Scorpio sobstvennoy personoy). For the connected other tipam mashin dostatochno raspayat the instructions razem nA nuzhnye (again Vse zhe ukazano) conclusions protsessora, add an rezistor, well koroche delat almost nechego ... It is worth zametit that nasha gruppa tak zhe realizuet chistye platy with zaprogrammirovannoy PLA for samostoyatelnoy assembly. Yavlenie it last vesma nedolgo - HOW only konchayutsya Vse platy, We razvodim new variant bolee kompaktny and nA is lafa for samodelschikov zakonchitsya. Although isklyucheniya possible. In chisle for non-resident persons in zainteresovannyh rasprostranenii sego devaysa in svoem regione HOW to RESIDENCE komplekta to build, and tak for samostoyatelnoy assembly tselyu prodazhi. There are tak zhe postavki big party with to wide discount. In any sluchae If the you suddenly zainteresuetes and reshite uznat Vse Details of the unto you is obratitsya Phone + (Eight hundred twelve) 151-7793 20.00-24.00 msc, or go to the Distributor. Neskolko words for svedeniya pokupateley reshayuschihsya here here buy sey devays: imeetsya neskolko variantov prodazhi ready plat: 1. Full komplekt vklyuchayuschy in sebya Sam Interfeys, manipulyator mouse (for zakazu vozmozhna ustanovka imported mouse) usually tipa SEARCH and disketa with soprovozhdayuschimi programmami. Plus vsemu pasport with dokumentatsiey to plug in and garantiey razmerom in sex-Year period. 2.Tolko plata interfeysa with pasportom (Apartment belongs brat If the meaning of vas uzhe Apartment belongs kakaya the mouse, or if you threw a kakoy Comp tipa MAC, PC, ATARI ST in rezultate chego y vas ostalas takaya malenkaya but ochen horoshenkaya myshka ...) and soprovozhdayuschim drive. 3.Konechno zhe possible drugie varianty, but their nado obgovarivat by vysheprevedennomu Phone +. TSENA INTERFEYSA MOUSE (nashego) VSEGO about $ 15 ZA TSELY KOMPLEKT C myshoy, DISC, PLATOY And GARANTIEY! Choosing ostaetsya za vami ... ________________________________
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