ZX Format #01
31 октября 1995

Information - From the authors

<b>Information</b> - From the authors

       dear readers!

   You see before you is the first
release of a new electronic journal "ZX-Format", written by
for the Spectrum and it is dedicated.

   We thank you for that
Are you interested in them and are
this appeal. So to speak,
"Thank you for your purchase.

   Nice to know that you
sinklerist (or future sinklerist) that you have all of us
beloved Speccy, and you it at least
occasionally turn. We hope
help you learn how to use it, and if you already figured out 
bytes, registers and tracks - contact

us and teach us and our readers. Ask questions, answer others, 
suggest topics which is light.

   One of the main objectives we set ourselves a new edition - 
is the union of all who able to create something really 
worthwhile for the Spectrum. Programmers, artists, musicians 
need to know each other and act together. Journal - it

opportunity for everyone to tell about myself. Share 
experiences, learn about new developments,

publish an article - but few -
Is that all you can think of!

   Creating software secretly becomes profitable. If you live in
away from the big cities, we
can assist you in distributing software. Only one request, 
rather not even asked, but motto - selling in Russia - write in 
Russian. And then in the eyes of the ripples from the name of 
Ivanov, typed in Roman characters.

   Creating the magazine, we proceeded
from their own aspirations and interests, so your suggestions
may surprise us. Surprise and

   Now let us look at
sections of our magazine.

1. TOYS.

   Almost all are in various
game. Just him and the subject of this

 - Desyatochka "

   Games, like everything else on
light, there are good and bad.
And then there are masterpieces. Hope
that they have enough to fill our "Desyatochki. As you can 
imagine, it is extremely popular method vote. You too can take 
part in this: if you live in St. Petersburg, do not be lazy, go 
to the store firm "Logros Software" at the address

specified in the "Authors" and
Express your personal opinion
or by sending a letter, write to
it in large letters "DESYATOCHKA"
and provide the best in your opinion, the game. It is desirable 
to give more information about authors and year of writing.

 - "What's New"

   All worthwhile, that there is
on the market, should not escape
of your attention. This column
will allow you all the time to be in
course of events.

 - "On the shelves"

   How to pass the maze, how to deal with the unbeaten, it 
seemed would be a monster under the stairs is a treasure - 
these and many other questions on the passage of the various 
games we will answer You in this category.

   But! This kind of information
will be issued only through
Some time after the
described by the game. Very many
Way to go, they like to dig up all yourself. However,
they can skip this section.

 - "Novella"

   What is a computer story to explain, perhaps, no
necessary. And if there is,
then ... However, read all


   This section is fully dedicated to those who he wrote what -
program or wants to write
them in the future. We plan to
introduce you to a course on
BASIC and assembly language, understandable and

   In addition, we will talk about
TR-DOS and the various system
programs in terms of their most effective use.

3. IS-DOS.

   There is such a wonderful system - IS-DOS, giving the second
life is no longer a young Speccy. K
Unfortunately, not everyone uses it
fully, if ever, used.

   We'll tell you about its features for both beginners and 
inveterate users and programmers.

4. IRON.

   Spectrum all give light weight and weight wrong. Extra memory
drives, mouse, there are now more and modems - about this and
many others here will be written.

 - "Periphery"

   Accordingly, the peripheral
devices such as light
pen, for example.

 - "Revision"

   Various improvements to your favorite car.

 - "Producers"

   Article developers and / or
manufacturers of all iron.


   How often interesting to know
the story of creation which - or
program, to understand what is the the author, known
only an abstract name to
screen, ask him

   We will put in the magazine
interviews with many such
people, their story about themselves and their creations.


   What can I say? Premiere
new program is a premiere of the new program.

7. REST.

   That's worked 22 hours
with an hour break for lunch, and
as a result there are only
most basic desires - food and
sleep. There is not until the seventh section.

 - "Something"

   Say, a programmer - it does not
profession, it is diagnosed. And these
most programmers are very
laugh. When we laugh, when
No, but it happens all the time

 - "Demo"

   And here you can admire the chosen us for rates demoshku or 

8. PO Box.

   All, as mentioned earlier -
"We'll", "we will help to learn" - can be paraphrased as:
"You tell us - what sounds!
Have questions - write. Can you help - please write. Do not 
like it structure of the magazine, I would like

something to change or add -
write back. Oh, and do not forget, please, about "Desyatochku.

 - Letters of Games "

   Problems, advice, POKES, all
that belongs to the Games, in which
You play.

 - "Sharing experiences"

   Same problems, advice, suggestions. But even "serious"

 - "Ads"

   With this rubric is clear. Want to read the announcement - 
see, you want to publish - Please contact us (on the first

time it is desirable to come in person).


   Want to take part in the competition? Please! Conditions in

10. MISC.

   We looked back and suddenly realized how insignificant part 
of a huge computer world can illuminate the first eight 
sections. Therefore, all that does not fit the previous

headers, we put

   So you've read the first article
the first issue, which
We hope to publish and develop
with your help.

   Come out to the main menu, choose a theme and ... However, 
well, read something you know how. 

        Good luck!

 P.S. If you have a desire to help further develop the magazine 
and send us any, even ridiculous amount, we will be happy to 
accept it. Thanks in advance.

              Ch. Ed. P. Rindin.

Other articles:

IS-DOS - Information: The news in the world IS-DOS

IS-DOS - a beginner: IS-DOS - the first acquaintance

IS-DOS - users: A short guide on system drive IS-DOS

IS-DOS - Programmers: UniColor - Standard color settings in the programs of IS-DOS

IS-DOS - programmers: Window System IS-DOS

IS-DOS - Programmers: Program gmen.com

Iron - Revised:-lock to port # 1FFD on Scorpion ZS-256

Iron - The provinces of: brake KAY'ya

Iron - Manufacturer: KAY

Iron - Manufacturers: Scorpion ZS 256

Toys - Novella: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy

Toys - on the shelves: Bulls and Cows

Toys - on the shelves: a UFO. Enemy Unknown

Toys - What's New: Overview of new products

Interview - Old friends: A Story of Glory Mednonogova on its activities as a programmer

Information - From the authors

Contest - Competition for the Competition

Contest - Levels of Laser Squad

a rest - Something: one day in the life of a programmer

Mailbox - Classified Ad

Mailbox - Exchange of experiences: Cheats

Mailbox - Letters Game

Premiere - Color Lines

Programmers - Basic for All: Basic programmers

Programmers - Assembler: Assembler for Dummies

Programmers - Systems: Editor missions to the game Laser Squad

Miscellaneous - Amiga: Amiga History

Miscellaneous - Outlook: Toy

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Feedback - contact the publisher.

В этот день...   7 May