Scenergy #01
31 мая 1999

Chars - the charts with 116 questionnaires staff meeting Scenergy.

<b>Chars</b> - the charts with 116 questionnaires staff meeting
 These charts were compiled from 116
questionnaires, which were collected by a team of
Scenergy during the year. Because of this
many were outdated, but still
result is interesting because survey of such
volume, as far as is known, speccy
carried out the first time.
 I have disqualified a few scenery in
category best organizer, as they do not even
are registered in any group, and Category
This includes those people who are better
organizes the work of the group. Because These charts
first, then they are two exceptions,
you will not find in the subsequent
 First - I kept the "old scenery"
who have already cast speccy, in all
charts, despite the fact that for them
reserved only all time favorites.

 Second - you will find not only the Top 10 in
each category, as intended, but
all the other places. How will the next
releases - you can guess;)

 In the charts may be inaccurate with the names of
scenery and their groups, because filled
some of the completed questionnaires are not very much

 If you are somewhere you can see a line like this
Handle / ex-Group, then know that either this
group "died" in this new sceners
has not yet entered or left the group sceners
and the new not yet listed, or sceners
generally left speccy. This I used
only in those cases where I knew exactly
that the 'ex' I can write with confidence. In
Either way, this latter group, in
which was sceners.

 Now about how to watch the charts. They
consist of several columns, and in early
each column - the explanation that it

 # N - a place in this category sceners or group has

       coder, cracker, group, etc ... - That I will not tell you
 pts - points, of course!
 % - Percentage of total points collected
 # M - how many questionnaires that group or sceners mentioned.
 # 1 - how many questionnaires that group or sceners listed as

       "Number one"

 Of course, all this applies only to
this category, as they
considered separately. A
location by location depends on
number of points, if it matches, then
look how many times sceners or group
mentioned, if this is also the same, then
as the decisive use the last field -
How many times a group or sceners were
first. And if you and this is the same, then
Applicants receive one seat.

 Night with caffeine, nicotine, and these
charts ... And of course, music!

 So I remember the last few weeks,
in fact count 116 long questionnaires - it is not
joke! The point made, and I'm certainly ready to
put on the altar of the Spectrum a few
nights of my life ...

 So, I suggest you to fill out a new
survey! It is little changed since I
gained valuable experience for anything, how much and how
people love to vote. Fill is not
so hard, and I urge it to do
all the scenery, because Such surveys are not only
very interesting, but also reflect
historical situation of the scene for
certain period.

 These charts should be in every magazine,
which focuses not on coding,
toys or iron, but on stage as a

 How to vote:

 Not bored, read!

 The first rule that everyone had
to understand himself - you can not vote for themselves
and for the members or the products of the group.

 The same is so logical, because what you
do - is to evaluate you or your
work the rest of the scene. In previous questionnaires
many people voted for himself, not to mention
have on members of their group. Where he could - I had these
points are not counted, but not always so
markedly since the I felt very fast and
remember each Water-not so easy. K
Besides, I do not know all the scenery, and know
I can not. If someone has not been mentioned
group, I could deduct the extra points.

 Also, you should vote for the active:
individuals and groups who are still alive in the world
Spectrum and something to release.

 The old legend and favorite scenery
You can vote in the categories under the general
name <>, and
other categories - only for the active

 Try to vote for a truly
nice scenery, not for friends or
the guys in your land, because they do not
gather many votes, if their
activities are not at the level, and I just
'll have to spend too much time, considering
all of it.

 But this does not mean that you need
vote for the coolest - if you are on
one reason or another very like that
or other group - vote!

 Do not write these names on the questionnaires. Such
items will not be counted on two
reasons: I have neither the time nor
desire to find out what the handle in this
person and whether he is in any
group. Write clearly - and the nickname sceners
his group or groups, as I can not
know which group each of scenery.
If he was any association - contact
only an association. And please write the full
name, not reduced, but I can not
know all the little and not known
groups that you write to me here: D

 It seems that's all. Help with
distribution of questionnaires. File with a new
form is attached. Open
it using a text editor
fill out and send it to us. File name
'Votesheet.W'. Give them to your friends and
familiar. On this occasion Scenergy
invites to cooperation swapper'ov,
as official distributors of our

Other articles:

Chars - the charts with 116 questionnaires staff meeting Scenergy.

Charts - the best: Organizer, Musician, Coder, Cracking group, Scener, Group, Demo, Mazazine, Party.

Charts - Best: Single Coder, Cracker, Graphilian, Organizer, Musician, Group, Site.

Charts - Statistics - the numbers and thinking.

Coding - Driver RAM DISK'a for ZX-Spectrum'128.

Coding - On the use of macros or TASM 4.12 - RULEZ!

Coding - the implementation of Phong Bump Mapping on the Speccy.

Coding - sync with the music in demah.

Cracking Scene - crack contest.

Cracking Scene - Illegal scene on the Speccy.

Demo Parrt - venue CC'999.

Demo Party - gloomy thoughts Random'a: "What should I do for you to believe in design Haosa'999?"

Demo Party - New demopati: Designs Haosa'999 - past and future.

Demo Party - Pro Fun Top and all-all-all ... (Belated report Serzh'a in 5 parts)

Demoscene - Chaosite - technical data on Haosaytu.

Demoscene - the history of composition and softografiya Omega Hackers Group.

Demoscene - A new group Novgorodoskaya "RaZZLeRS".

Demoscene - An Open Letter to the scene and Kano himself.

Demoscene - the composition and the contacts of the Lithuanian group zERo.

Editorial - Information section - INDEX ...

Groups - statistics about the active groups: Digital Reality

News - Codebuster track stolen from Zhenya? Fatality site has moved. Extreme leaves the Spectrum. Wait for a 4-th number Subliminal Extacy? Lithuanian group Zer0 longer suschesvuet. Phantasy returned to the stage! Problems with Complex compo. Disputes about associations.

Sceneexplorer - Conments - based on questionnaires: "What about the Sprinter and dumate GMX", "where taking the program," in which networks have addresses.

Sceneexplorer - The results of the survey.

Sceneexplorer - List of questioning.

Scenergy - How to contact us.

Scenergy - Work with Scenrgy Setup.

VIP - Interview with David Brabenom c, author of the great game Elite.

VIP - An Interview with galandskoy demo group The Lords.

VIP - An interview with the Moscow Spectrum team - Cosmic (Progress).

Warez Pack - description of the application log: Energy Trackmo, Forever: Final Release, Yes.

Warez Pack - description of the application log: First Association

Warez Pack - description of the application log: Pussy: Love from Titanic, CrossWord.

Warez Pack - description of the application log: SpriteLand v1.27

Warez Pack - description of the application log: Worms

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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