ZX Format #01
31 октября 1995

IS-DOS - Programmers: Program gmen.com

<b>IS-DOS</b> - Programmers: Program gmen.com
Topic "How is it done?"

           Eliseev VA

        Program gmen.com

   and a system restart menu (# 91).

    Today, under the heading "How is it done?"
we are acquainted with the inner workings of the program 
gmen.com. This small but extremely necessary programm governs 
the appointment of devices shell IS-DOS, it allows you to assign

any logical unit (A, B, C and
etc.), systemic (S), quick (Q) or
current (T). The basis of this program is the processing 
procedure menu - a special box with your cursor and text 
options, the selection of which causes execution respective 
teams. For processing the menu at the core IS-DOS system 
responds restart with the number # 91. I hope that a detailed 
analysis of source code gmen.com help you easily and quickly 
master this difficult process and learn how to use it in their 

    So, your attention is invited
source code gmen.com format IS-ASSEMBLER'a with detailed 
commentary on each line of code. 


; Example restart
; Menu # 91

; Utility System menu gmen.com
; Source code with comments

       ORG # 5DC0


, The bulk of the program:
Setting of flowers, opening windows,
; Call menu

START XOR A; zeroing Reg. A

       LD IX, WND; in the IX - the address vector
                      ; Torus window

       LD HL, (COL +5); moved from Century
       LD (WND +4), HL; torus unicolor in

                      And the vector color window

                      The windows and shades

       LD HL, (COL +7); moved from Century
       LD (IX-10), L; torus unicolor in

       LD (IX-12), H; vector color menu

                      ; The ground and work
                      ; Which the cursor

       LD C, # 61; open

       RST # 10; restart wt # 61

       LD C, # 91; call menu

       RST # 10; restart menu # 91

And the vector menu located directly
; To vector window, the offset for the IX
, Counted in the opposite direction

END XOR A; output in the SHELL on

       LD A, # F2; finished

       RET; menu # 91

; # F2 - code inside the shell command
; (Analog shell2 maintaining positions
; Cursor both panels), which
; Performed by RET, if installed
; Flag Z (team XOR A)

; Initialization procedure menu:
, Reads from the vector configuration
; Of the names of the system, fast and
; Current devices and places them in
The text menu

INIT LD C, # 10; definition addresses

       RST # 10; vector

       EXX; configuration system
                      ; Themes (q cnfg # 10)

                      And in HL-mail

       LD C, # 41 in C - the number for

                      ; Transformation

                      ; Device numbers

                      , (# 00 - # 05) in

                      ; Character (A-F)


       DEC HL; in HL - address of numbers
                      ; Pa system

                      ; Device

       LD A, (HL); assume the number

                      ; Unit in A

       ADD A, C; convert

       LD (TXT +8), A; put in the text

                      ; Menu

       DEC HL; the same fast

       LD A, (HL); device

       ADD A, C

       LD (TXT +17), A

       DEC HL; the same for the current

       LD A, (HL); device

       ADD A, C

       LD (TXT +26), A;

       EXX; repair kit

                      ; Register

       RET; return to the menu


; Procedure for the appointment of one of the devices
; System, fast and current simultaneously
, Used a system of "hot keys"
; Restart menu # 91
, At the entrance to B - number of devices in the sim; 
arbitrary (AF) as 

ALL LD C, # 10; definition addresses

       RST # 10; vector configuration.

       LD A, # CF; in A - the number for

                      ; Conversion of

                      ; Symbolic form in

                      ; Number

       ADD A, B; transformation


       DEC HL; in HL - address of numbers
                      ; Pa system

                      ; Device

       LD (HL), A; record number

       DEC HL; the same fast

       LD (HL), A

       DEC HL; the same for the current

       LD (HL), A
END1 XOR A; return to the menu

       INC A


And if the procedure of "hot keys terminates; is called with 
flag set Z, then ; Return to the running line with

; Number, a cat. stored in A


; Procedure for the appointment of devices
, Working out the menu options on the ENTER

SET LD C, # 10; definition addresses

       RST # 10; vector configuration.


       LD E, (IX-9) read from the vector

                      ; Menu, the current position
                      ; Tion cursor

       XOR A

       LD D, A; reset D

       SBC HL, DE; set HL

                      ; Address matches
                      ; Yuschego device

                      ; Vector system

                      , By subtracting

                      ; Room menu bar

       PUSH HL; save the address

       LD A, (HL);

       LD H, (IX-9) to determine the relative
       LD L, # 08; coordinates are positive

                      ; For the cursor editing
                      ; Tirovaniya (H-Y,

                      ; L-X)

       SCF; set a flag C

                      ; To call dvtrn

                      ; # 4A after q dev

                      ; # 8C

       LD C, # 8C; call q dev # 8C

       RST # 10; (name request

                      ; Device)

; By calling dvtrn # 4A obtained
And as a result of q dev # 8C name
; Device in a symbolic form (AF)
, Is converted to the physical number of
, (# 00 - # 05)

       POP HL; remember the address

                      ; Device

                      ; Vector configuration.

       JR NZ, SET2; if the device

                      , So there is no name,

                      ; Go to SET2

       LD (HL), A; otherwise - to write

                      ; Room at
SET2 LD C, # 08; waiting press

       RST # 10; keys kwait # 08

       JR END1; return to the menu

; To return to the menu using fragment
; The previous procedure (see END1)


, Procedure and exit the menu
, Practice options EXIT

EXIT OR # FF; put in A Code

                      ; # FF to exit

                      ; Menu and reset

                      ; Flag

       RET; return to the menu


; The data area of ​​the program:

; Vector unicolor - a special table,
, Containing information about the program colors, and we and 
you can edit them in ; By universal utility unicolor

COL DEFM "UnCo"; marker program

                      ; Unicolor

       DEFB # 04; the number of colors

       DEFB% 01110000; color box

       DEFB% 01000001; shadow color

       DEFB% 00000111; color cursor

       DEFB% 01000111; color desktop

                      ; Cursor

And the vector menu - table settings for
; Of menu # 91, located before the
; Vector window, the offset for the index
; Addressing is measured in inverse
; Side from the beginning of the vector window

       DEFB% 01100000; color desktop

                      ; Cursor

       DEFB% 00000000; status register

       DEFB% 00000110; color of the cursor

       DEFB # 01; cursor position

       DEFW INIT; address of the procedure

                      ; Initialization

       DEFW # 0000 procedure address

                      ; Caused by

                      ; Pressing any

                      ; Keys (0-no

                      ; Procedure)

       DEFW TABKEY; address of the procedure

                      ; Service

                      ; Keyboard shortcuts

       DEFW TABENT; address of the procedure

                      ; Service

                      ; To ENTER

And the vector window

WND DEFW # 0415; window coordinates

       DEFW # 0806; window size

       DEFB% 01110000; color box

       DEFB% 00000001; shadow color

       DEFW # 091D; coordinates print

; Map cursor 00 - string does not
, Used 01 - used

       DEFB # 01

       DEFB # 01

       DEFB # 01

       DEFB # 01

The text box

TXT DEFM "System A"

       DEFM "Quick A"

       DEFM "Current A"

       DEFM "Exit"

       DEFB 03; end mark

                      ; Text

; Table addresses the procedures invoked by
, Pressing ENTER


       DEFW SET

       DEFW SET

       DEFW EXIT

; Address table handling procedures
; Keyboard shortcuts


       DEFB # 04; number of the menu bar

                      ; For the regime holds
                      ; Its equation of "grief
                      , Whose key "

       DEFB # 00; marker mode

                      ; Run line

       DEFB # 20; SP - EXIT

       DEFW EXIT

       DEFB # 31; 1 - mgr. "A"

       DEFW ALL

       DEFB # 32, 2 - mgr. "B"

       DEFW ALL

       DEFB # 33; 3 - mgr. "C"

       DEFW ALL

       DEFB # 34, 4 - mgr. "D"

       DEFW ALL

       DEFB # 35, 5 - mgr. "E"

       DEFW ALL

       DEFB # 36, 6 - mgr. "F"

       DEFW ALL

       DEFB # FF; end mark

                      ; List


    Author - Leontiev

    Comments - Eliseev

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