ZX Format #01
31 октября 1995

Toys - on the shelves: a UFO. Enemy Unknown

<b>Toys</b> - on the shelves: a UFO. Enemy Unknown
UFO. The enemy is unknown. "

       New details.

         B. Mednonogov

   I think many of you
have already acquired to date
time game "UFO. The enemy is unknown." and spent many 
interesting hours at his computer, trying to settle accounts 
with the uninvited visitors from outer space. Hopefully, this

game, despite its large
volume, has not caused you any -
any difficulties. Especially when
available detailed description. However, you will be interested 
to learn those game details that

were not addressed in the description.

   To get started is to elaborate on the aliens. Judging from 
the research conducted by you, all the newcomers - the product 
genetic engineering. That is why most of them do not have 
reproductive organs, and some For example, flotteram, implanted 
device is clearly artificial. Each type created by 
extraterrestrial intelligence for certain purposes, so

has its own characteristics and mannerisms.


   These are good scouts, can move quickly and
be elusive due to its low growth. It is with them
you are more likely to be the
face at the first stage
War. In open battle they do not like to get involved and, 
seeing you, prefer to retreat, firing back. The most difficult 
to deal with them on a cross- areas (forest, savannah, in

mountains). If you do not see them,
they try to lie low and not
move. That is, if you do not burn
indicator "A", sektoidy not moved. Just behave Mouton and part 
of the slip - slip. 


   Good soldiers, although some slow-witted. In the original 
game have green skin color. Not afraid of you, however, and

do not like to be approached closely.
Tactics of their actions is
to bombard you,
keeping a certain distance.
If you are approaching, Mouton
retreat, if he must turn away
You are trying to persecute you. Mouton - the rarest
"Visitors" on Earth, so do not
miss the chance to capture their
alive. Examining Mouton, you
have the chance to develop biodyne, which will help restore 
your health in battle. 


   Very aggressive, due to
special structure of the body are capable of
quickly locate you (examining
that their ability, you will receive
device with similar
properties - the scanner). Usually
flottery try to attack the group surrounded and shot from close 
range. By - probably in they lack the instinct for 
self-defense, so their attacks will not cease. The most 
difficult fight in the open flotterami terrain (desert, steppe,

tundra), especially if you lingered after landing


   The main purpose of their activities
on Earth - coordination
other newcomers. None
However, they are not afraid to open
bout. Compared with other
Alien has a great advantage: very strong
protection (2 - 3 times more
than in other species) and the ability to fire a big
distances (approximately equal to half the playing field). 
Enough dangerous opponent in any territory, the tactics the 
movement of which predict a rather difficult.


   That's really a nightmare for
any hunter for newcomers.
Do not conduct independent combat
action, but may appear with
any type of aliens. Their number is not large: a large ship, 
city or base - one - two, the average ship - up to one, small 
ships them to Fortunately, there is no. However, the problems 
they can not deliver enough. So try to destroy

or paralyze them first

   Slip - slips.

   Snake-like creature with a very
living brains. This is the only
species capable of self-reproduction, so the plans of the 
aliens just slip - slip should be the primary colonizers of the 
earth. Rapidly evolving. In the process of fighting each of 
them maintains its specific tactics, however, because - because 
they do not fight "Team" to destroy them - not

the most difficult task.

   It should be noted that, unlike
from you, all the aliens are aimed fire, that is, they fire 
only when you are on the line of sight. Why do not they so 
often fall into? For several reasons: 

 - Not all things are viewed sweep
(Fences, windows, hills, etc.)

 - You are also not standing still

 - Shooting accuracy (and your
aliens) is dependent on the distance. At the beginning of the 
game spread hits you in half, However, keep in mind that over 
time Aliens shoot more accurate

(Meaning that they adapt to terrestrial conditions).

   Many people ask why
explore sektoida, because after
This proposal does not appear
about new research? The point
that only examining all
aliens, you can begin to investigate the objectives of their
frequent arrivals at Earth, and
know where the threat
our world. However, among all
research, there are three
"Empty", nothing you do not give
(You know, what?).

   In general, most of which play
adheres to one of the two most popular tactics of research:

   a) We first examine the components and types of UFO (it is 
the most many studies, but after their

end you will have a new

   b) First, to investigate the strangers in order to develop 
new weapons and equipment (this facilitates maintenance of 

   In any case, you should first develop a stun (with the 
exception of its main purposes - capture live aliens - is

also an excellent one-off weapons).

   How to fight? Here I have no
universal prescriptions, as
meaning the game and is to come up with their own
methods of dealing with aliens.
I suggest a few obvious suggestions:

 - To move as you can
more - the enemy will be harder for you to get

 - When combing a stick - any particular route, covering the 
whole area, or sometimes you will have a long search for "lost" 
the aliens. I've heard that anyone - even the maps, for 
example, upon release UFO base in order to celebrate,

where he was

 - After you've far - will direct a hero, do not wait
until it stops, and move the cursor with the sight of the place
where the most likely to meet with
adversary to be able to immediately open fire

 - Do not forget to press the "H".

   After the first release
Games are often asked:
"How to pick up objects? Think
You may have noticed that all the selected automatically upon 
successful completion of a fight. However, important point is 
that each item corresponds to the

certain sprite on the game
field. So do not burn out
blaster pistol or right and
left, as the less damage you'll do inside a UFO,
the more appliances and equipment you get.

   In addition to the above in the "Encyclopedia ufologist" 
parameters weapons there is another quite significant - it 
characterizes the level of destruction of the environment

objects. Each object on the playing field (wall, trees, etc.)
has a corresponding meaning
from 0 to 3. If the level of destruction inflicted weapons more 
/ equal to such value, the object will be destroyed. Now you

should be clear why the gun (level = 0) can not
shoot nothing but empty space, while the rocket launcher or a 
blaster (level = 2) destroy a lot of things. The laser gun is

average force of impact (level = 1).
But even plazmopushka can not
punching things third-level
(Walls, vehicles, rocks). Although
it was conceived, for technical reasons, there were 
difficulties in implementation. 

   A lot of talk goes on a secret city "Mednonogov" (and
You managed to find it?). I
assure that this is just the author's oversight. After
I was told about its existence, I realized how much
unusual situations in the game
"Elite" - the harder the game, the
difficult to foresee all and debug.

   On the question of engineers and scientists. The dependence 
of the growth rate of of the work of those professionals are 
not directly proportional, but rather logarithmic, that is, the 
more you specialists, the greater the number should be retained 
for obtaining tangible growth in their


   For those interested in
programming. Volume of computer codes for this game is 22 
kilobytes (for comparison, in "Pinocchio" and "Tankodrome" 5 - 
6 kb), almost they are all in the second and fifth

pages (in my experience,
that placing the code at the top
page difficult). Of these, 5kb
provide a job with the card
4kb service menu system
6Kb implement the algorithm of
battlefield. The remaining codes are implemented
sub graphs of the lower
level of service keyboard
disc surgery, and miscellaneous support routines. Total
volume of the original assembly
text was more than 130 K. 7th
page contains an auxiliary screen, and is used to store the 
second floor, third of the shadow screen and

different buffers. 0th (8th)
page contains the text of the Encyclopaedia ufologist "and part 
of the procedures associated with protection. 1st entire page 
is busy sprite characters in four angles and cards with all 
types of floors UFO. The remaining four angle

together with a world map and sprites
buttons - in the third page. 2nd
page includes sprites
to depict the body and inner UFOs, dictionary, text
menu, as well as sprites and bullets
explosion. Fourth page is
buffer - loaded here
landscapes (sprites + 20 pieces
Map 16 * 16 + descriptors and information on the generation of 
the playing field), or pictures from the "Encyclopedia of 
ufologist" united in blocks of 3 compressed screen. Landscapes 
also compress (nearly 2-fold). A total of game of 13 types of 
landscapes, the most rare - mountains (You could land there?) 
Total Program was more than 600kb in compressed form - about 
400 Kb. The second disc in the original version

first conceived only as a
key, but in the future and
It was posted the data required in the course of the game, 
which allowed to keep for 2 - 3 Reserve copies of the game 
blocks. Spelling the game took more than six months.

   Want to warn you of
acquisition hacked version
game. There has been hacked
rather old version - 1.02
(Except the present errors in it was added a bunch of new)
while the latter, the most complete version of the 
corresponding author's intention was 1.04. Her story is more 
interesting, though difficult, when you save it to disk does 
not have to restart the computer, the game does not

hangs from time to time.

   Currently, work is underway to establish a continuing game - 
UFO-2. Devils abyss. " The plot is as follows:

   ... A few years after
you have stopped the invasion of aliens and defeated
them to Mars. However, as later
turned out at the last moment
superbrain managed to send to Earth
signal that activates the underwater capsules with embryos
aliens. For several decades a new generation of newcomers, who 
managed to create an under water a lot of bases and

settlements. Then they began to attack the islands, ports and 
ships. At this point in the case re- enter the world 
organization ufologists.

   The main difference from the game
"UFO. The enemy is unknown, but
new graphics and landscapes
(Whose volume is much
more), would be that you run simultaneously by several soldiers 
(aquanauts). Your soldiers will cover each other, conduct 
reconnaissance, to put together beats. For obvious reasons 
command of his troops You will not perform in a dynamic and 
step by step - as is done in the games "UFO.

Enemy unknown "and" Xcom. Terror
in the deep ". significantly increase the time of each
battlefield. You'll have a lot of attention paid to the seizure 
of alien alive, because in this game they will be more 
"talkative" and you will try to squeeze out of them

maximum information. The game will be enough surprises, such as 
secret levels. Think You will enjoy this game even

more than the first part.

   Attention! Attached you
find "introshku" UFO-2. Look, if you wish, but
Note that it only works
in 128 mode.

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