ZX Review #3-4
22 июля 1997 |
New Programs - I. Roshchin. HELP_Z80. Davydov. Catalog's Base v1.8.
NEW PROGRAMS (C) Ivan Roshchin, Moscow. HELP_Z80 This unparalleled program is an electronic guide to the teams microprocessor Z80. With it you can learn a mnemonic (and its meaning), encoding an impact on flags and run-time for each command processor, and and other useful information. HELP contains a description of 1136 teams, including the undocumented, is just 9 kilobytes, and can work on ZX SPECTRUM with a storage capacity of 48 up to 512K. A brief summary: - As well as popular debugger STS, HELP may be in any memory page addresses # DB00-# FFFF, so it can be used in conjunction with any assembler. With its HELP work does not spoil the value of a single memory cell, excluding himself and the screen area. Thus, it is completely autonomous. - Information about the commands of the processor can be viewed as plain text. With the existing search tools easy to find information about a specific team or to learn how to decipher its mnemonic. - You can write all the information on a disk in the form of several text files total more than 66K (eg, for printing). - Have the means to communicate with the assembler / debugger: for example, you write or debugging a program, and when you press a certain combination keys on the screen appears with background information on team, on which key is pressed. In the description given detailed instructions on making changes to the debugger STS (any version) to implement this feature. P.S. There is a version of this program containing the integral information on the teams process Sor 6502. It can be used to use in conjunction with the ac Sembler TASM 4 by RST7. 1 2 ******************************** (C) Davydov, s.Zaprudnoe Nizhny Novgorod region. CATALOG'S BASE v.1.8. 1. Purpose of the program. The program is designed to create card files software software on the disk OS TR-DOS. Speed up your file cabinets is determined, basically, the time required for disc replacement in the drive. Allows you to quickly determine on which disk is one or another program, if at least know something about its name. Data Buffer Size 30 KB, which pozvoyaet include in a single database information about 250-300 ROM (2500-3000 files). Data is stored on disk in the form of a code file of variable length. Supported operations compare and merge the databases. Can display information on printer of any type. 2. Hardware requirements. SPECTRUM-compatible computer with 48 KB of memory and higher. The program does not use non-standard calls to the ROM TRDOS and will work with any version of TR-DOS. COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER PROGRAMS. Initially, the program was written as a set of procedures to facilitate work with the program DDB 2.0, author SOKupriyanov, (c) 1991, almost only one similar to that Time (1994). Therefore, the data structure is identical, and can be downloaded and processed file bdate2.0, created by the program DDB2. 3. Error handling. In the event of erroneous situations prints out the content system variable ERR_NR (23,610), and the execution of the current Operation aborted. With some typical mistakes instead ERR_NR printed text about describing the nature of the error. When downloading files, their structure is checked and when non-compliance load is not performed. Available memory information is not destroyed. 4. MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. SINCLAIR, CURSOR, QAOP - menu navigation. 0, SPACE, ENTER - to select menu item. EDIT (CAPS +1) - break operation is being performed or the transition to another menu. For all press queries press "Y" is taken as confirmation and any other key - for the abandonment of the operation. 5. MENU. In version 1.8 there are three menus, which can enter into or selecting the relevant item or by pressing the EDIT (CS +1). 5.1. MENU disk. Appears immediately after downloading. Consists of the following items: "SEARCH" - opens the search menu. "EDIT" - the edit menu. "Change the file type" - for files, created programs me, I chose the extension broadening "b", since, Firstly, it has something in common with the word your BASIC PROGRAM, and Secondly, I do not met him nor the one regular program. If You have files with the expansion are, it can, in order to avoid of confusion changing it to any other. "Selecting the drive" - A, B, C, D. If you go away to the desired key, can ponazhimat on any other, with input is used only two junior bits. Completion TSBs Yes - ENTER. "Catalogue of the disk" - serves to Mandu "CAT" TR-DOS. "Comparison of the disc and the base" - CD in the current drive (BASIC - program and MAGIC-files) are comparable is called a data base GOVERNMENTAL, located in RAM computer. Pec remains to the number of occurrences of the filename and the EU Does a file with this has It is found, the name of the drive. "Adding a Disk - information tion of the BASIC-program Max and MAGIC - files disk in the current dis kovode added to the end database and discs with owls falling names can can be unbounded Noe number. If name is added to dis ka found in the database data derived request for authorization add a drive. When affirmative corresponding those asked necessary, remove of disks with the same name. When Oatka else from adding you holds the operation comparison of disk and ba Shl. "Loading database" - with the current drive loads Xia previously recorded file. In the absence of the file on disk or pressing ENTER without enter the name displays Xia list available on disk files. When Download is available at memory information is not destroyed, which allows you to combine database. Therefore, if you want to chat to work with but curve database, you Take in the edit menu tirovaniya operation "Cleaning the base." "Writing database" - database will children kept in the file with the entered name. "Comparison of databases - allows y increasing of the exchange on programs. So I think that practical interest represent only differences between the base mi, prints the names of files from the database, we find dyascheysya on the drive to torye not found in base loaded in the memory. With a large number of coincidences tions on the screen before rather long time may no output with periodic on increment to the drive. Do not be afraid and do not cha nites to the button "RE SET ". Enable (disable) the printer - switching devices properties of the output information tion. When you turn Printer information printer output in the same format as and on the screen. 5.2. Edit menu. "SEARCH" "Disk" - go to another menu. "The names of the drives" - displays the names of CDs included in the base, and information about number of free sectors on them. If number of free sector looks Strangely enough, it means that Disk mutilated 9 th Sector zero road ki, and it's time to restoration rehydrating. "Removing the drive" - if you enter instead of the name can be use tune my Since the search. Ver hny and lower Regis spectra do not differ. When you click on ENTER without entering a name will FLS has printed on the drive. For all drives, the names of which ryh satisfy the satisfying condition search, shows Xia request for removal of the disk from the database. "Information on the base" - the number of files, disks and wasps tatok free months that in mind. Print is also satisfied with nenii most operations with the base data GOVERNMENTAL. In the next ver siyah this function does not be. I will give a constant but displayed Institute formational window. "Sort Files" - after you complement this operation tion for printing discrete Cove filenames They will be displayed in alphabetical order. Return to the original Therefore, the location is not possible. "Sort discs" - with the addition lenii new drive to the basis of information about it located at the end base. This operation allows you to organize base for the drive names in alphabetical order. With a large volume base process can markedly delayed, Therefore, to avoid ka It turned out that the computer dependent, the buffer sorting I've placed in the mounting plate display area PA cards, an organized and SRI sorting eq the wound will be depicted huddle melteshaschie band. Not very es tetichno, but the print how much otsor preted, and how much No, the speed of sorting mounting plate will slow further more. "Cleaning the base" - Delete information from memory. Enable (disable) the printer - switching devices properties of the output information tion. 5.3. MENU search operation. "Printing" - displays all database in the alphabet Witney order in filenames in the form material: the file name, for so the drive on which torus we find this file converges. Print CDs "- is derived from derzhimoe all disks included in the base data. "Find file" - allows us to define share the drive on which rum is the required my file. The requested is called a model for search. The upper and lower case taken into account, ie modeled on the war may be found in the files "WAR GAME", "Star War" etc. If you make sample press ENTER a blank line, you holds the operation "Print file". Search CD "- on the same principle CESG is displayed containing zhimoe drive names satisfy required condition. If you enter an image sample press ENTER to empty string, satisfied varies Operation "ne chat discs. "The names of the drives" - displays the names of CDs available at base, and the number of free sectors on the them. "EDIT" "Disk" - go to another menu. Enable (disable) the printer - switching devices properties of the output information tion. 6. Printer driver. The structure of the driver and point entry similar to the driver a text editor "ZX-WORD". If you have one, you can use, but if not, then develop their own drivers, might facilitate the following example of a printer driver "EPSON", connected through the interface "ZX-LPRINT III". Just do not Remember to provide control "BREAK" and install the carry flag when you click "BREAK" in an emergency pechatayushego device, otherwise the program runs the risk of freeze at random "Switching" the printer is physically not connected to the computer. Entry point: # 5B00 - treatment initiative crystallization; # 5B03 - how to print. The maximum length of driver 256 bytes. The structure of the driver: 140. # 5B00 NOP # 5B01 JR INIT; entry point ; ZX-WORD # 5B03 PRINT 2 INIT - initialization routine function that performs all training tovitelnye action to to the printer started printing alternative to bombarded. At this address ne transmits control when you complement Operation Enable Printer. PRINT - transfer to the printer symbol ox, whose code is found Camping in the battery. Driver passes the following Codes: - Sequence # 0D, # 0Avozvrat carriage and line feed. On all printers, descriptions I have seen the same codes are used to print internal buffer of the printer. If you have to do a different code, add it in the preparation of conversion tables. - # 20 .. # 7E - special codes characters and Roman letters to standard ASCII, which coincides decoder with SPECTRUM. - # 80 .. # 9F - A, B, C, D, E, G. .. S, I - the big Russian letters in alphabetical order. - # A0 .. # AF - a, b, c, d, e, e, Well ... o, n - small Russian letters. - # E0 .. EF - p, s, t. .. e, w, I - Small Russian letters. Not only me, but also in EDITORe they are also absent. (In ZX-WORD they are, but to gain text it is not so convenient because its 64-character). This letter, which is very similar to E e, with only two points above. The encoding of Russian letters is taken from the ZX-WORD. 6.1. EXAMPLE Printer Driver "EPSON", ATTACHED TO PARALLEL INTERFACE "ZX-LPRINT III". 148. ORG # 5B00 NOP JR INIT PRINT LD C, A BUSY CALL # 1F54; control "BREAK" JR C, PRN SCF RET PRN IN A, (# 7B) BIT 7, A; readiness check JR NZ, BUSY; printer LD A, C OUT (# FB), A; installation bus ; Data OUT (# 7B), A; the pulse ; STROBE OUT (# FB), A; end STROBE ; For your printer I had to put a slow down cycles , At the beginning and end of STROBE, otherwise disrupted synchronization , Although in the software ZX-LPRINT III made it ; So. XOR A; Reset carry flag RET INIT LD A, # 1B; reset printer CALL PRINT; device. (Codes LD A, # 40, drawn from descriptions JR PRINT; 3 EPSON LX-800) 2 6.2. EXAMPLE COMPILATION Conversion table. And another example of a conversion abstract printer driver that has an arbitrary code table. Written for a very novice programmers. Others can not read. Between comments like ; --------- V-N ; ---------^- N enclosed fragments of the program, applied to specific circumstances, depending on the type of printer, which in other cases should be excluded. 140. ORG # 5B00 START JP INIT PRINT CP # 20; JR NC, C_20_7F; printed And symbol ; ------------------- V-1 CP # 0D JR NZ, EXIT And if the printer is on-line auto-translation mode ; (Skipping # 0A) ; ------------------- V-2 LD A, CR; instead of CR - carriage return code ; This fragment was unrealistic for the case when the printer has ; Different from the conventional code a carriage return. ; ------------------ V-2 .1 CALL PRN_A LD A, LF; instead of LF - code ne , Maps the line (if ; Required) ; ------------------^- 2.1 ; -------------------^- 2 JR PRN_A; output bytes from ak; kumulyatora Printer ; -------------------^- 1 EXIT XOR A; Reset carry flag RET C_20_7F CP # 80 JR NC, C_80_AF ; ------------------- V-3 LD HL, TABL1-# 20 LD E, A LD D, 0 ADD HL, DE LD A, (HL) ; Also unlikely case where the printer complete ; Discrepancy with the standard ASCII ; -------------------^- 3 JR PRN_A C_80_AF CP # E0 JR C, SEARCH SUB # 30 SEARCH LD HL, TABL2-# 80 LD E, A LD D, 0 ADD HL, DE LD A, (HL) ; ------------------- V-4 PUSH AF CALL RUS; POP AF ; If you want to send a printer code sequence ; To enable the Russian font. ; ------------------^- 4 CALL PRN_A ; ------------------ V-5 CALL LAT ; Restoring character generator Roman font. ; ------------------^- 5 RET PRN_A; Sub-transfer printer code from register A. ; Depends on how you connect the printer, so write ; Something universal is impossible. One example is given ; In the previous section. ; INIT; Sub initialize the printer. Depends on the type of ; Printer and how it is connected. ; ------------------ V-6 RUS LD A, CR_1 CALL PRN_A LD A, CR_2 CALL PRN_A ; ............. ; ............. LD A, CR_N JR PRN_A ; Sub switch the printer on the Russian font. CR_1, ; CR_2, ... CR_N - a sequence of control codes for ; Switching character generator. Substitute the desired number. ; ------------------^- 6 ; ------------------ V-7 LAT LD A, CL_1 CALL PRN_A LD A, CL_2 CALL PRN_A ; ............. LD A, CL_N JR PRN_A ; Sub switch the printer on the Latin alphabet. CL_1, ; CL_2, ... CL_N - a sequence of control codes for ; Switching character generator. ; -----------------^- 7 ; ----------------- V-8 TABL1 DEFB ... , 95 bytes - code table printer ; Appropriate decoder ZX-SPECTRUM codes # 20, # 21, ; ... # 7E. The need for it is unlikely anyone will. ; -----------------^- 8 ; ----------------- V-9 TABL_2 DEFB ... , 64 bayta - table code printer ; Corresponding Russian letters A, B, C, D, E, G, H, ... E, , U, X, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ... I. ; ------------------^- 92 P.S. Text typed in editor ZX / IBM Text Editor ver 1.0 (c) Hohlov Oleg, formatted ZXWORD v 2.5m (c) Yeliseyev, Kokunov. For the program used HELP TEXT DESIGNER v 1.0 (c) Plyasunov Dmitry. Inscription in Latin symbols borrowed from ZX-ASM 3. Music written by a group Smash Soft (application to demonstrate the "DISCOMANIA"). In developing the program borrowed some of the procedures. To print a double-height use the procedure described in the ZX-REVIEW 95 / 2, p. 40 (c) Michael Hubble. To separate window for printing menu, use the procedure, similar to that described in the book Publishers "Peter" How to write a game in assembly language. " The remaining match with the machine code of other programs are accidental.
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