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ZX Review #3-4
22 июля 1997

description of the shell of the journal "ZX-REVIEW"

" alt="description of the shell of the journal "ZX-REVIEW" ">
(C) Ivan Roshchin, 23/07/1997.

             Description of the shell

             magazine "ZX-Revue"

    Shell ZX-REVIEW can run on any SPECTRUM-compatible PC with
the presence of TR-DOS (any version) and at least
48K of memory (if there is 128K of memory, it
will also be used). Members
AMIGA and PC can read the log using
any emulator that supports the TR-DOS
(Shell only uses standard
entry point into the TR-DOS at 15,635).

    Any magazine article can ship
on the disc in a standard format (a modified alternative 
encoding GOST), and then, for example, to print received

files. Due to this journal is available and
not having a computer reader.


1) When you select a partition from the Actions menu

   joysticks SINCLAIR, CURSOR, and

   the following keys:

 Q, S, CS +3 (TRUE VIDEO) - the movement to

     previous section;
 A, X, CS +4 (INV. VIDEO) - the movement to

     the next section;
 O - move to the first section;
 P - move to the last section;
 ENTER - View the selected section.

2) When viewing a selected section

   except joysticks SINCLAIR and CURSOR,

   The following keys:

 Q, S, O, CS +3 (TRUE VIDEO) - Previous

 A, X, P, CS +4 (INV. VIDEO) - Next

 E, BREAK - exit the menu;
 CS + SS (EXT.MODE) - new calls

     following menu:

       Scrollbar G

       Change text color C

       Enable Screen Saver CS + S

       Output mode numbers: NO SS +3

       Record screen to drive SS + S

       Write text to disk SS + T

    To exit the menu, enough to push EXT.MODE (as well as BREAK
or E). As you can see, right from
notation sub-menu items are listed as
called "hot keys" using
that you can quickly activate the appropriate item (do not even 
need to enter the submenu). 

    Consider in detail all of the
in this submenu items:

    Scroll bar (called by pressing G) allows you to quickly 
move to any place in the section. Shaded area corresponds to 
the band portrayed on the screen of the text. Management is 
carried out following keys:

  Q, S - move one page back;

  A, X - a page forward;

  O - to the top of the section;

  P - by the end of the section;

  ENTER - go to selected page


  BREAK, E, G - repeal.

    It is convenient to call the scroll bar to
To find out how far you have come to read the section: press G 
- see the scroll bar, again pressed the G - band disappeared.

    Change the text color (button C). This
option allows you to set the most convenient for you to text 

    Enable Screen Saver (shortcut CS + S). Prevents screen burn
monitor. If about 5 minutes, do not press
on the keys, Screen Saver will turn itself.
Exit by pressing any key.

    Output mode numbers (combination of keys
SS +3). As you know, under the headings "chitatelchitatelyu", 
"Sketches" and others provide examples of the different 
procedures in assembler. In this regard, the shell has been 
built opportunity to choose a convenient way to represent 
numbers in such procedures: decimal or hexadecimal. 

  DEC-all the numbers in the program will automatically
       cally converted to a decimal


  HEX-all the numbers in the program will automatically
       cally converted to the sixteenth
       Hex Number mind;

  NO-conversion is performed.

    Record screen to disk (a combination of
Keys SS + S). When selecting this option the display memory is 
written to disc. You can select any drive and file name (when 
you type a file name You can use keyboard shortcuts SS + Q

- Go to the top of the name and SS + E - switch
by the end of the name). To refuse entry, simply press BREAK. 
If you find that file with that name already exists on disk, a 
message appears. You can overwrite the file key (Y)

or refuse to record key (N).

    Write text to disk (a combination of
Keys SS + T). With this item you are
can be written to disk the contents of the preview section in 
the form of plain text files. Recording file size limited to 16 
bytes, and therefore more sections of the magazine consists of 
several parts. To write such a partition, you Go to the top 
section and write the first part, then go further in the text 
and write the second part, etc. Number is recorded of this 
section and the total number parts in this section are 
displayed on the screen. To move quickly on the text

convenient to use the scroll bar (called by pressing G).

    If you record the screen or text on
drive, and you have only one drive can
happen that during podgruzki next section in the drive will be 
"outsider" disk. In this case, do not worry does not happen, 
just ask and Speccy you insert a disc with the magazine.

    Design, codes, graphics
Journal: (c) Ivan Roshchin, 1997.

    As you can see in this issue
magazine is no music, so you can send your works!

Other articles:

TR-DOS for beginners - Part 1.

Authoring - General Sound - Multimedia for the ZX Spectrum!

Business Card - Introducing the new electronic journal "Major Wares" (c) Codebusters & VMG

Computer novella - Knight Lore "legends of chivalry times."

New Programs - I. Roshchin. HELP_Z80. Davydov. Catalog's Base v1.8.

description of the shell of the journal "ZX-REVIEW"

Crossing Dragon - Aavlon, Castle of Dreams, Erik the Viking.

Crossing Dragon - Eureka!, Eye of Bain, Kentilla.

Crossing - Sherlock, Apollo, Shadows of Mordor, Rigels Revenge, Temple of Terror, ID, That's the Spirit, Return to Ithaka.

Retro - Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon. Top 40 procedures.

Expert Tips - Castle Master.

Expert Tips - Firelord.

Expert Tips - Stonkers.

Forum Games - Insult Megademo, Catch 23, Livingstone, Rock Star ate my Hampster, UFO-2: Devils of the Abyss, Terminator 2, Venturama, The Spririts, Nipper, Sweewo'S World, King's Bounti -2, Hacker 2, Black Magic, Satcom, Star Heritage.

Forum - A. Gura. Code programmer.

Forum - A. Strelnikov. Prospects of development of ZX Spectrum.

Forum - Davydov. According to materials published in the ZX-REVIEW: Some issues related to autostart BASIC programs. Redefine Keys. How to print 42 characters per line. The procedure of multiplication HL = B * C. Refinement cloning downloaders. Mini-driver disk.

Forum - With 'Light'. Music processor ZX-Speccy.

Forum - Dmitry Fyodorov: Print images with a mask with pixel precision. Algorithm for calculating the address coordinates to within a pixel.

Forum - I. Roshchin. Sharing ZX ASM 3.0 and STS 5.1.

Forum - M. Bekarev. The calculation of the address display area of familiarity, and vice versa.

Forum - VP Fedin. Refinement Profi for conflict-free peripheral connectivity.

Forum - S. Astrov. Pseudorandom number generator.

reader-reader - V. Sirotkin. Protection program (look at the problem).

reader-reader - I. Roshchin. Display driver for the computer, "Pentagon-128.

Studies - A. Savinov: The procedure for displaying a double-height characters. Procedure "dissolution" of characters.

Studies - A. Urzha. The procedure for drawing a circle.

Studies - V. Sirotkin. Program checksum.

Studies - E. Volchkov. Improvement routines address calculation system on display file.

Studies - E. Frost. Running line.

Studies - I. Komandin. The program display screen.

Studies - I. Roshchin. Two graphic effect.

Studies - M. Lazutov: The modernization program font. Program encode / decode block codes. The effect of the attributes.

Studies - O. Smolyankin: Procedures for cleaning the screen. Output of text messages on the screen.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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