ZX Review #3-4
22 июля 1997 |
Studies - M. Lazutov: The modernization program font. Program encode / decode block codes. The effect of the attributes.
(C) Lazutov M., 1996 g.Tuchkovo, MO This program of modernization of the font was "pulled" from Boot to the game "DAM Busters" 140. ORG 40000 LD DE, 41000 LD HL, 15616 PUSH DE LD BC, 768 LDIR POP HL PUSH HL LD B, 96 M2 PUSH BC LD B, 4 INC HL INC HL INC HL INC HL M1 LD A, (HL) LD C, A SLA A; can be replaced ; At SRA A OR C LD (HL), A INC HL DJNZ M1 POP BC DJNZ M2 POP HL DEC H LD (23606), HL RET 2 I also propose that the simplest program that "encodes" block codes, and when called again - decodes. 140. LD HL, START; Initial ; Address encoded block. LD BC, LEN; Length ; Encoded block. M1 LD A, (HL) CPL LD (HL), A INC HL DEC BC LD A, B OR C JR NZ, M1 RET And this creates the effect of attributes: ORG 40000 ENT $ CALL 3435 M0 LD HL, 22528 LD DE, 768 M1 LD A, (23560) CP 1932 RET Z LD A, (HL) OUT (254), A INC A RRC A RRC A XOR L LD (HL), A INC HL DEC DE LD A, D OR E JR NZ, M1 JR M02 ; ATTR EFFECT ; BY MAXSOFT ; (C) 1996 ********************************
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