Inferno #04
22 июня 2003 |
Iron - Advanced Keyboard sinclair-compatible personal computers.
Extended keyboard FOR SINCLAIR-compatible personal COMPUTERS (P) Shaitan (C) Alkhasov SM Borodavkin VI Kozhemyakin VV Presenting your attention the very old, but not a useless piece of metal, designed in 1991 in the walls labortarii Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute. As far as I know in those days most of the theses in the TRI was thesis is precisely the development of additional devices for SPECCY. Just do not I will long razlagolstvovat. Next comes "Firm" the text description of the extended keyboard, without significant changes (we have replaced only a clumsy phrase, but was removed nemngo superfluous text). 1. INTRODUCTION One of the features Sinclairsovmestimyh personal computers (PC) is the keyboard that contains a record small number of keys - 40. As a result, some keys perform up to 5-6 functions. If you use your PC as a gaming this circumstance is certainly desirable, since to download the game and control uses a small number of keys that cheaper construction of a PC. When you try to use the PC for programming, ie, as a teaching or tool, the user first all faced with the fact that for a set of many characters, key words and commands necessary to perform fairly complex manipulations of the keys. Over time, the user gets used to This, however, the ability to recruit some of the most frequently used symbols key words and commands by pressing one Keys remains attractive and seems almost inaccessible. In addition, the PC keyboard does not allow work with one hand, that in some cases is more an inconvenience. For example, nearly all commands work with TR-DOS require keystrokes CAPS SHIFT + SYMBOL SHIFT and SYMBOL SHIFT and then the desired command, which is done with one hand difficult or, for example, to delete the mistyped character requires simultaneously pressing two keys in opposite corners of the keyboard. Additionally, you need to take into account that each case using a PC desired well-defined set of additional keys and their location on the keyboard field. For example, using the PC as a calculator - they are signs of mathematical operations in programming - it could be another a set of keys when working with TR-DOS third and etc. Thus, it is desirable that each the user can himself create the required set of additional keys and their location of its choice. 2. ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS FOR ENHANCED KEYBOARD Currently, there are several implementation of the enhanced keyboard, known to the authors of this development, but to Unfortunately, they are in our view a number of drawbacks. It should be noted that a set of additional keys, installed in some versions of "branded" computers do not is optimal, because think it is difficult not to agree that the team TR.VIDEO, INV.VIDEO, GRAPHICS, and others are used by users are not so often that they impose on the individual keys. Thus, probably should not blindly copy one set of extra keys in their location, which is set to "Branded" PC, which unfortunately the authors do some development. In developing the enhanced keyboard there are two basic approaches: a) The first is to expand the matrix keyboard with 8 * 5 8 * 6 * 7 or 8, which hardware is very simple, but requires some work PC board, as must involve additional unused bits of data on tire shaper (multiplexer) keyboard, which would require increasing the number of conductors from the PC to the keyboard. In this case, subject to change keyboard driver in ROM that requires proprietary firmware upgrade ROM. In addition, this may be inconvenient when a new firmware ROM, as 'll have to modify the keyboard driver. It should be noted that with such a keyboard may not operate some programs that use your keyboard driver. However, if the user has enough experience to refine the driver himself keyboard, then he, in this case may program any set of extra keys and their location on the keyboard. b) The second way is in the hardware simulate key press by pressing a button. In this case, as generally not required to refine cost PCs, and even more software. But many implementations unfortunately very complex and can not have the flexibility, ie the possibility of determining the necessary set additional keys. In many cases, such a possibility unfortunately provided only by changing the scheme, which uncomfortable in the presence of the finished printed board. When typing many commands and symbols on a conventional keyboard requires consistently pressing certain keys. DELETE - is pressing CAPS SHIFT and then continuing to hold its pressing 0. As a rule, in many implementations emulated by simultaneously pressing these keys, which leads to accurate results, but has several disadvantages, because thus impossible to simulate a collection of commands and characters, such as those who are recruited through the mode of [E]. An implementation can simulate a sequence of keystrokes, is more flexible, although very often leads to a large hardware redundancy. 3. DESCRIPTION AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM THE PRINCIPLE OF EXPANDED KEYBOARD The following implementation is free from Many of these shortcomings, does not require any revision fees PC software. This implementation contains 16 additional keys, which can be programmed for virtually any team, key words and symbols, and collected at 4- IC. Appointment of additional keys and their location (can be any) is determined by the firmware ROM chip D4. Below It will be shown how anybody simply can itself be programmed destination and location additional keys. Extended keyboard consists of a master oscillator for IC D1.1-D1.3, count on IMC D3.1, a simple decoder on IC D1.4, multiplexer IC D2, delay element in the IMS D3.2, matrix keypad 2 * 8 buttons K0-K15, ROM IC D4. In the initial state, before pressing extra keys, counter moves to D3.1 cycle (scan) binary codes from 0000 to 1111. LSB defines a column matrix keyboard, and the older 3 digits determine the row of the keyboard. When Pressing the counter continues to scan the keyboard until it is exposed code of the pressed key, while "zero" through corresponding input multiplexer D2 will be skipped in the input and block work D3.1 counter via input 2, fixing code is pressed. At the same time will unlocked delay element is implemented on the counter D3.2, and allowed Picks ROM - IC D4 (entry 20). At the ROM address inputs A4-A7 served four-digit code key was pressed, the remaining inputs are fed targeted level of primary Keyboard (A0-AS and A8, A9), as well as delay element (A10). Depending on the code key was pressed and code on the address inputs of the main keyboard, the output of ROM will be installed information in accordance with the firmware, which through the diodes VD3-VD7 be filed in data outputs the main keyboard, so way to simulate pressing one or more keys. After eight cycles the output will be 14 meter D3.2 exposed to "1", which is input A10 ROM, and the selected second page of the ROM, which can be emulated pressing other keys. Thus, the sequence can be obtained by pressing the two groups of keys, that allows you to simulate input any commands and characters on the main field of the keyboard, and even commissioning two separate teams. For example, the RUN and ENTER push of a keys that can be useful if you frequently run beysikovyh programs. Resistors R1 and R2 and capacitor C1 are vremyazadayuschimi elements of the generator, whose frequency should be within a few kilohertz. Diodes VD1 and VD2 serve to protect against short-circuit the input and output elements D1.4 Accidental simultaneously pressing two keys of different columns. Resistor R3 serves to form the output of multiplexer 3 D2 "1" when released the keys. Using a single resistor instead of eight on the inputs Multiplexer feature is explained particular type of multiplexer. Resistors R4-R9 are used to form "1" on the address bus A8, A11-A15, because diodes on the main field of keyboard blokirut passage of "1". Diodes VD3-VD7 serve resolve the conflict at the output of ROM with a key on the optional keyboard and the main fields. 4. PROGRAM PURPOSE Additional keys To form the table that will stitched into the ROM, the user must explicitly represent how the poll is the keyboard to the PC. Processor under software control keyboard driver puts on the queue "0" on the address bits A3-A15, which are fed through diodes on the keyboard and this reads the information on a 5-LSB data bus (D0-D4). If all of these bits are "1" it means that the key is pressed, which is located at the intersection of the address discharge (A8A15), which is currently "0" and the corresponding discharge data. In Depending on the number of digits and address data and previous state computer generated code is pressed. Table of correspondence numbers of bits and Keys A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 D0 CS A Q 1 0 P ENTER SPACE D1 Z S W Sept. 2 O L SS D2 X D E August 3 I TO M D3 C F R July 4 U J N D4 V G T May 6 Y H B Therefore, if we want to emulate keystroke, it is necessary when a "0" at the appropriate address discharge - to form a "0" on the corresponding discharge data. The following table shows the corresponding bit address and data ROM address and data bits of the PC. ROM A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 Z A15 A14 NW C2 C1 CO retarding PC key code A3 A2 A1 A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 A8 A11 A13 A12 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 PC PC The choice of such a fragmentation of bits ROM and a PC connected with the simplification of board layout nekotoryv keyboard, though Generally, this line can be set quite arbitrarily. Level addresses the A9, A10 ROM for PC is not connected, since functions performed by the keys that are connected to these discharges on In our opinion, the often-used. But if you need to emulate and then need to either replace the other targeted level that will not be used bits A9, A10, or install ROM larger volume (eg, 2764), connecting to the extra bit ROM address level A9, A10 PC. Using the above table now We simulate a knife pressing any keys. Example 1. If we want to simulate pressing an extra key K10 click your cursor up, which is formed by pressing CAPS SHIFT, and then press it pressing the 7 main field keyboard, we need to "flash" the ROM The following three fields: Address: Data: ZA7: FE - pressing CAPS SHIFT 7A7: FE - holding down CAPS SHIFT 7AE: F7 - pressing 7 Example 2: If we want to simulate pressing an extra key K12 "*" symbol, then necessary to "flash" the ROM following three cell: Address: Data: 1CF: FD - pressing SYMBOL SHIFT 5CF: ED - holding down SYMBOL SHIFT and pressing in Holding the keys to emulate SYMBOL SHIFT key, and B uses a single cell, because both of these keys are on the same address line A15. Example 3: To emulate the extra keys KO - a set of keywords must PAPER "Flash" the ROM following three fields: Address: Data: Z0E: FE - pressing CAPS SHIFT 10F: FD - pressing SYMBOL SHIFT 70F: F6 - holding down CAPS SHIFT and pressing a Example 4: Very comfortable in our view is emulate rollover CAPS SHIFT and SYMBOL SHIFT and further holding the keys SYMBOL SHIFT, we call this key "E-mode." It is convenient in that it Press and release the PC translates into "E-mode" and allows you to dial while holding key words and symbols that are written at the side keys, for example, commands TRDOS. Moreover, if this key will be located close to key management TRDOS, it will be very convenient to recruit these keywords with one hand. Suppose we want to program an additional key K2 on the "E mode", it is necessary to "stitch" these cells ROM: Address: Data: 12F: FD - pressing SYMBOL SHIFT 327: FE - pressing CAPS SHIFT 52F: FD 52E: FD 52D: FD retention SYMBOL SHIFT 52B: FD 527: FD 42F: FD Programming of six cells to simulate holding the keys SYMBOL SHIFT is due to the fact that simultaneously with This key can be pressed to howl any other key primary field keyboard. When Moreover, if not stitched appropriate cells, it may be ambiguous keystrokes. Thus, the above examples show that the implementation of the enhanced keyboard has a great potential and even greater reserve capacity, to realize that users can at discretion. As a possible appointment of additional keys and their locations offer the following options: K0; K8 + K1) K9 - K2 E mode K10 Up K3 (K11, K4 "K12 * K5 DELETE K13 / K6 - K14 Down K7 EDIT K15 - Below is a flash ROM for a composition and location of additional keys. For all unspecified address must be the code FF, thus their programming does not necessary. K0; 10F FD 50F FD 70D FD K1) 11F FD 51F FD 71E FD K2 mode E 12F FD 327 FE 425 FD 527 FD 52V FD 52D FD 52E FD 52F FD BB (13F FD 53F FD 73 e FB K4 "14F FD 54F FD 74D FE K5 del 357 FE 757 FE 75E FE K6 - 367 FE 767 FE 76B EF K7 Edit 377 FE 777 FE 77B FE K8 + 18F FD 58F FD 68F FB K9 - 19F FD 59F FD 69F F7 K10 Up ZA7 FE 7A7 FE 7AE F7 K11, 1BF FD 5BF F5 K12 * 1CF FD 5CF ED K13 / 1DF FD 5DF FD 7D7 EF K14 Down 3EF FE 7E7 FE 7EE EF K15 - 3F7 FE 7F7 FE 7FE FB In conclusion it is you File Type a few words about the changes in the scheme, which may come to some users taste. For example, you can disable the output 20 of ROM delay element D3.2, and more 17-th key shape on it logical "0" or "1" and the ROM "flash" so that when "0" additional keys perform some functions, while "1" - others. Thus it will provide 32 additional teams, though in this case will not be able to get the sequence keystrokes, but this restriction You can avoid installing the ROM more volume. But actually the scheme described above devaysa. D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D3.1 3 April 1910 Jan. 1 o 5 1 o August 1 o 1> CLK Q0 3 A February 6 February 9 EN Q1 4 B Q2 5 C R1 R2 C1 7 RST Q3 6 D 15nF 20K 100K M D1.4 +5 V D3.2 Jan. 12 O 11 E R3 9> CLK Q0 11 13 20K 10 EN Q1 1912 Q2 1913 15 RST Q3 1914 1561le5 D1-, D3-1561ie10 1561le7. E A F A E F / / D3 VD1 VD2 13 X0 DC X 3 14 X1 15 X2 12 X3 1 X4 5 X5 2 X6 4 X7 7,8 6 ODE B 11 V1 C 10 V2 16 D 9 V3 +5 V D3-1561kp2 D4 SM VD3 COMPUTER G 8 A0 D0 9 II AL307 470 C2 C3 10MkF 0.15MkF (4 pcs.) * VD1-VD7 - KD522 Below is the assembly drawing printed Boards rassshirennoy keyboard. (Eds: The We believe such elements rasspolozhenie not entirely successful, since the connection track is slightly dlinovaty.) VD2 VD1 C2 R2 C1 + R1 D1 (LE5, LA7) < D1 (KP2) < D1 (IE10) < R3 D4 573RF2 (RF5) C3 R6 R7 R9 R8 R5 R4 VD7 VD6 VD5 VD4 VD3 R10 VD8 Good luck in the assembly and pleasant to work with this product
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