Inferno #04
22 июня 2003

Softinka - IDEDOS - access to hard disks in OS ZXVGS.

<b>Softinka</b> - IDEDOS - access to hard disks in OS ZXVGS.
     IDEDOS - access to hard disks

IDEDOS means enhanced
OS +3 e, written by Garry
Lancaster'om. For additional details
check out his page at:

In ZXVGS and CPM22QED used table partitioning IDEDOS (also 
called systemic partitions IDEDOS).

Search structures IDEDOS:
 1. Read sector 1 on cylinder 0, and
head 0.
 2. If the length of the sector is 512B (full
IDE), go to Step 5.
 3. (Simple IDE - the length of the sector 256B.)
If you found the signature "PLUSIDEDOS", go to step 10.
 4. Do not mount this disk.
 5. If you found the signature "PLUSIDEDOS",
go to step 10.
 6. If the signature is found
"P? L? U? S? I? D? E? D? O? S", switched access
to drive an 8-bit mode and go to step 10.
 7. Read sector 1 on cylinder 0, and
head 1.
 8. If you found the signature "PLUSIDEDOS",
go to step 10.
 9. Do not mount this disk. (Or try to analyze the table 
partitions MSDOS.)  10. Analyze table partitioning


       64-byte element partition:

   Length Description
0 16 Name partition (case not important

        the name of seeking spaces).
16 16 Determination of partition:
16 1 The type of partition (0 = free handle)
17 2 primary cylinder.
19 1 Initial head.
+20 2 End cylinder.
22 a final head.
April 23 The largest number of logical

27 May Tipozavisimaya information.
32 32 Tipozavisimaya information.

             Types of partitions:

# 00 Unused partition / free handle.
# 01 the system partition. The first partition on the

   drive, starting with the logical

   sector 0, and the system always contains

   a list of 64-byte partition elements,

   which determine all the partitions on

   disk (including the system partition).

   Only one partition of this type

   (Ptype_system) is allowed to drive

   and she is always first. Her name is always

   "PLUSIDEDOS" (with 6 blanks at the end).
# 02 partition paging file (?)

   (Swap partition).
# 03 partitions +3 DOS. The maximum theoretical
   Chesky size +3 DOS partition just ME
   nshe 32Mb. XDPB has a logical geometry
# 04 partitions CP / M with XDPB, which reflects

   physical structure of the disc. So, if

   CD has 17 spt (sectors on road
   ku), LSPT is 68. Partition is always

   uses integer cylinders and used
   uses the entire cylinder (from

   head 0). Otherwise (if not with track 0) is

   converted into a reserved

   Track (OFF in XDPB). This is required

   for low-level disk driver

# 05 boot partition. It's just

   one file that is stored as partitions.

   Used to boot.

   For example, Timex FDD 3000, extended

   through YABUS.TF, will look for the table

   partitions IDEDOS, to find a partition

   "YABUS.TF". If it is found, its content
   zhimoe loaded into RAM and runs.

   Partition size is usually from 8k up to 64kB,

   which gives the 1 .. 2 tracks (or 1 .. 8 doro
   zhek for disks with 17 spt). The number of loaded
   isplay sectors lies in the definition

# 06 partition disk image TR-DOS. Usually

   640kB. (I'm not sure whether they begin

   always with a new angle, so the possibility
   but it takes Sectoral shift, and can
   Gut receive paths, distributed

   between the two TR-DOS partition after

   transfer disk IDEDOS.)
# 07 partition disk image MB-02. Usually

   1804kB. I check whether they are sector
   rnoe offset.
# FE Failed disk area.
# FF region free disc.
-----------------------------------------( C) 2002-10-11 23 : 
56:22 Jarek Adamski {}, {}

Other articles:

Events - On completion of the first part of a virtual musical party The Compo.

Softinka - On operating systems for Spectrum ChAOS and ZXVGS.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Pentagon - Instructions on how to activate unused (zero), the banks ROM in your computer Pentagon.

Pentagon - Instructions for remaking the Pentagon-128 to exit at Reset'u in the 0-th bank ROM 27512.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 1.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 2.

Softinka - Description of the GUI for disk-TR-DOS - ChAOS.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - Editor of two screen graphics DouBleScreen Editor v0.4.

Softinka - Operating system ZXVGS. Composition versions software.

Inferno - Introduction by the editors.

Iron - The results of the development of coders RGB - PAL / NTSC, at the end of 2002.

Gameland - On the game King's Bounty 3, Black Raven: Unknown shipment.

Others - On the survey.

For Coderz - Macros for assembler Alasm v4.4x.

Mathematics - Mandelbrot fractal.

Softinka - Music Editor Pro Tracker v3.71. Features of the program.

Softinka - Format RAR 2.x. Technical information.

Others - Registered users ZXVGS and CPM22QED.

Softinka - File Types defined in the OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The functions of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - The appearance of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - IDEDOS - access to hard disks in OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The description of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - MEMDISK - file system for storing files in memory.

Softinka - OS Releases ZXVGS and their differences.

Softinka - Resident System Extensions (RSX) in ZXVGS.

Softinka - Version of the new operating system for Spectrum ZXVGS.

Iron - Advanced Keyboard sinclair-compatible personal computers.

For Coderz - An algorithm for finding the integer part of square root.

Events - Nominees virtual musical party The Compo.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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