Inferno #04
22 июня 2003

Iron - The results of the development of coders RGB - PAL / NTSC, at the end of 2002.

<b>Iron</b> - The results of the development of coders RGB - PAL / NTSC, at the end of 2002.
  Results mastering encoders RGB - PAL / NTSC,

          at the end of 2002.

(C) KSA-7G

   In fact, I stopped at the last
version of the scheme described in the previous issue
ZX-Guide - file Encod.t1.

   Basic setup of this scheme:

1. The brightness level of each color;
2. The level of color subcarrier;
3. The operating mode chip (under the comp);
4. Displacement waves of the fine grid, the slope.

   Secondary (specific) settings:

1. Correction (weakening) of the red in the NTSC (removal of 
pinkness white); 2. Adjusting the brightness difference between 
the simple and bright colors (each), the type of contrast.

   In general, the wonder, how could a scheme to inflate more 
than doubled, and this itself is not happy - but got good 
result. Of course, the scheme is not perfect, and it 
characterized the following drawbacks: 

1. The complexity of setting a good, versatile white balance;
2. Inability to set completely white balance (very poorly, but 
painted); 3. In NTSC difference between simple and striking

red less than the PAL, out of simple
correcting chain;
4. Low sharpness of small details / fonts;
5. Actually, a large, cumbersome scheme.

   So with all this circuit became swollen, and if correct and
these shortcomings (as you noticed, they are in
mainly relate to the color balance -
chroma), the scheme will be almost three times
complicated by the number of components on the model
options for incorporating MC1377P. For someone
this is acceptable, and I would prefer more
complex version, with an ideal balance
(If you try once - for a raise, it is difficult, of course, but 
you can). Repeat same assembly multiple times is questionable, 
as gain in the number of components and quality.

   In general, if we consider the problem of improving the 
quality of any system (sound, images, frequency, etc.), we can 
see that as we approach the boundaries to improve the 
complexity of the circuits starts to grow not an example of 
achievable improvements in some point proves profitable to 
spend resources, since this leads to weak growth is doubtful 
quality. For example You can collect sound amplifier on a few 
transistors, and its parameters will be close to the 
HiFi-systems, but to achieve more higher quality level (twice) 
can be at 3-4x complication. Those who do - will understand.

   The above disadvantages of color
based on universal encoder - with
different components, mikruhah and two coding systems. Scheme 
can be reduced, specialized for specific conditions and 
particularly under one encoding - PAL or NTSC. Imbalance of 
colors when switching systems - is a known issue in any device. 
AND this is one reason specialization devices

in one encoding. For example, boxes are usually available with 
PAL encoders, and only sometimes NTSC (NTSC - malosovmestima for

old Telico). And this despite the fact that almost
in any such device has input switching systems. And only in the 
most critical and expensive schemes do universally. 

   The last time was in DAVE'a, watched a few demos with AMIGi 
on telly. AMIGA is an example of high-quality assembly and well 
established in the analog part picture and sound. Although not 
quite appropriate at the time of image parameters telly, the 
demo looked great, as possible in the low variant - still

would, in fact on AMIGA is standard. So,
DAVE me he then said (something like this, do not remember 

   - Still, what PTsshnye cards are not
stake, the Amiga very good TV
picture of what I saw.

   I am very pleased with these words, since
DAVE seen a lot of cards, and this is
again confirmed the quality and elaborate system of AMIGA. In 
fact, if we take any console, or PTsshnuyu card - everywhere 
terrible ripples on tsvetokontrastnyh transitions. Of course, 
this is understandable coding, but the Amiga such places are 
much softer and look better, but a trifle more legible. For 
example, to a certain Amigovskoy demo TECHNOLOGY

DEATH (or whatever her) is such a moment,
when the screen is filled perekrestnutye line
forming a square, and then this vector
field begins to spin. These lines - thin and color, look great,
clean, clear, without a ripple (I barely noticed -
saw it? - Beat subcarrier with the
elusive timing, which I
Speccy often dreamed, but for a long time to get
failed). Obviously, on the Amiga, a special measure to improve, 
because on encoding scheme to mikruhe CXA1145 stretch several 
signals, including the transistor. If we consider that only one 
signal - switching systems, as mikruha (as MC1377) is 
functionally complete encoder, it is can be regarded as special 
measures, and no doubt they are worth, and if I knew how this 
is done, it would be envisaged in its coder. By the way, 
smoothing provided me in the coder, still noticeably improve

schedule. Rybinsk and Chuchkovo - looking at
consoles (if that option),
You can see how softer and
cleaner look colorful sprites Speccy
compared to the crisp set-top boxes:) This is not
Amiga, of course, there is a better clarity, but

   If you look closely at the console (I have such a 
possibility exists), then You can see that the saturated 
palette there also hides the brightness, but the transition of 
one color and of different brightness there is very rarely used 
and usually less saturated. At the Spectrum, with a small 
palette often use the brightness transitions - to

example, the shadow of bricks and other BATTY
programs, with windows, so the use of adjusting the brightness 
difference is meaning. However, I would, without adjustment of

Flowers did not refuse, if we recall
first probaldel from color Speccy:)
(Then there was another tune!)

   Present that scheme, I knew that she
rather cumbersome, and in fact, waiting
negative reaction from some individuals. But
if you do not like so I'll say
I have a very stringent evaluation criteria
quality of any system, not only SPECCY, and
I try to consider a position with different
parties to reach pluses and minuses, and
subjective perception, and if I thought that the scheme is too 
badly, I would have presented even more complex option. I can 
say (and many to be honest with me would agree) that the Speccy 
going not the best way, and the case not even in nedopayannyh 
printer interface and output buffers, RGB, and in the unit

circuitry, which can be written in
ROM, and at 48x, suppression interference somewhere, so you can 
hang the system, which is dumping her will not care until the 
shutdown ... or elementary sampling AY by M1 instead of the 
traditional IORQ with RD and WR, Kempston joystick through the 
jo ... th:), and much more simple and cheap.

   Simplify the worse impact on the Speccy, fueling ill
components that require different modifications. Again
same pluses: group 1 (goofy): live buggy ... fun, 2 nd: Speccy 
rapid brood, we have become much, we learned a lot, fixing old 
bugs ... 

   Unfortunately, this approach simplifies
was one of the aspects of the Soviet Union during
many directions, and led to terrible
neafishiruemym consequences. And no matter how
strange, but the Speccy saved it underground, so
how to develop its enthusiasts, and circuitry of the unit it's 
easy to fix this is one of the great advantages that keeps many 
(and me) on Speccy, those who are active, and who is not broke 
soldering, create, create - to act. 

   With regard to the encoder, I wanted to get
as a good picture Speccy, which is possible with the transfer 
coding, to ensure the possibility of correction for each color 
(and in practice, convinced of the need to this), consider the 
color characteristics and Resolution Speccy, consider the 
subjective perception of graphs. 

   Sam Speccy, with its history of development,
not the best candidate for the coloring. Interesting
look at someone's simplified encoder and
its quality - something he will relinquish my
navernyaka.Moya circuit is shown in my implementation, with my 
stupidity (maximum - 100 Ohms at 20-second leg), I have it 
their own reasons ... Read previous articles ... Well, he 
published his scheme, look! 

   You will need a reasonable approach and experience
in tsvetosovmeschenii. For example, if you do not
done this before, wonder how
difficult to achieve good color balance which should be good 
nerves and patience. Y I got it in a completely acceptable


   I've been thinking, how can I describe the quality of
white balance (after all, people want to know how good he is, 
and actually have it see). Do you often sit at a table in the 
evening (In the evening light from incandescent lamps in the 
conscious to look normal, state) - books, household chores? I 
hope you have good eyes. So can vot.Vy miss (especially with a 
lack of lighting) that covered the surrounding area not just a 
bright, yellow and even red, but if you take a good, bright 
photography, painting and snow, and look at her, white (snow) 
will be white, and like all colors are normal. In one

If you like acute violation notice
white balance for color characteristics of incandescent lamps, 
and in another case - normal picture at the same svete.Kstati 
if you notice a color lighting around, just look at any subject 
easy, long lasting, and lighting seem normal, priemlemoy.Eto 
due to the adaptation of imbalance lighting. Despite

noticeable difference of color deviation, you
quickly become accustomed to and do not notice etogo.Tak
Here, the encoder imbalance is even smaller, and usually
noticeable when switching the encoding, after
then a matter of seconds (managed so
set) eyes adjust, and white
seems normal - just do not notice color variations. Of course, 
each a criterion of purity, someone with great

deviation would be cool, but someone will patiently adjust, 
several attempts to give the best result.

   All submitted encoders were configured
very successfully in the white balance, and I even
sorry to send them. (people - those whom
they come from, if you have a good PENTAGONy
(14MGts), their intelligence - collected by the scheme, you
only some will have slightly adjusted the color!) 
Unfortunately, the spread reflects not only the white balance, 
but also on own colors. So, for example, different mikruh rich 
purple can be more red or blue, as blue and

color may be more or less greenish;
primary colors usually look the same

   Actually, I have not seen any Speccy with a normal RGB 
output, even stroke - the most successful among others, but it 
is a separate, classical art ... 

   Mikruhi, except the name (in our case
MC1377P), have an additional marking
which may differ from similar mikruh - I called the marking 

   Recently I was faced with a special
spread of parameters in mikruh code XAB
9540 (I wonder what this means?), I have them
There were 3 shtuki.Do that were mikruhi code
XAB9517, without such abnormalities. The fact is
that, having collected the next coder and tuning
him, I noted an increased level of black.
Encoder was designed to Denis, who still
not bought a TV set, and the encoder was in my
for testing. Before that I worked as the test board on which I 
tried different options for coders, and which rested

aside from mikruhoy code XAB9517.

   Now about the black level. So we call
reference voltage of the input signal, which
corresponds to the absolute black image on the screen to set 
the standard brightness level. The fact is that no matter how 
black is not passed, with dope adding brightness, you can turn 
it into gray. We must also remember that the apparent 
brightness depends on ambient light and falls (illuminates) 
with the addition of lighting, read articles from the last 
series. Increasing the voltage on the level of

Black proportional increases
brightness on the screen. Mikruha itself forms
black level and binds to it changes the image brightness - 
which is a great advantage and allows the use of

various non-standard R, G, B signals, pre-balanced adjustment. 
But mikruhi have since spread, and then bind may differ 
slightly, because reference voltage is formed inside mikruhi, 
and change it is impossible. 

   It should be noted that before this I never
noticed variations in black level. Perhaps also because the 
signal from Speccy - high brightness and gradation near the 
black no. So, setting up another coder, I explicitly

(Eyes natrenerovannye) saw the difference:
black border is barely noticeable glowing. Actually, the light 
often border on the very top - which is a Speccy, connected to 
теликам.Поэкспериментировав with color screen, I blacked out 
and he noticed that he was not completely black (as has always 
been before), and slightly off.

   I guessed about the spread of parameters mikruh and varying 
levels of color, became convinced of the futility of blackened. 
Note that brightness level of your telly, which I

adopted as a standard in this evening light, was not perfect, 
although I set it on different channels and gaming console SONY 
PlayStation (PSone) and thought normal value of 74. 
Subjectively, the screen was black, if the region does not 
exceed a quarter of black images. If a large area was black - 
the glow was noticeable but not conspicuous.

  Of course, such a noticeable scatter me
disappointed, although everything else was fine, but what was 
my surprise when has lowered the brightness by only 1 (Lv. 73), 
I blew out the screen to the level of absolute black, except 
for thin strips - 4 upper rows of the curb! Hence, the 
variation was marginal and, given the imperfection of my 
standard and range of parameters telly, we can say that mikruha 
took control, as was on the verge black level, not exceeding 
its limit. When I learned about the second order of the Rybinsk

then proceeded to build another coder. I
immediately decided to send already assemblies, as these are
months (4) worked successfully, and
new - put to the test. Remained
shadow of a doubt, and I decided to dispel.

   I brought a black screen, which is slightly
shone with brightness level telly 74, turned off the encoder 
(special external switch) and changed mikruhu by inserting a 
test board mikruhu XAB9517. I have included coder - the screen 
was black as night, was add brightness telly, and the 77

poorly lighted screen. Then I brought up the color. I was 
struck by an almost perfect resemblance mikruh for white 
balance. I switched the encoding and put back mikruhu code 
XAB9540, color is not much different - hardly noticeable.

   For the sake of interest I tried the other two
mikruhi with the same code: the black level of
They had a normal (black screen does not light), but more than 
XAB9517, but the balance white slightly, but noticeably 
different. When I have brought color, saw an even more

raznitsu.Purpurny seemed enough red (shifted towards the blue)
and a greenish blue, yellow was more
orange. I realized that I have to tinker with the 
configuration, and therefore put the old mikruhu, under which 
all set up. 

   When I collected the next coder and became
tune to another mikruhe XAB9540, found that in normal white 
balance optimal for both PAL and NTSC, the color noticeably

different from previous coders, in fact,
as before - during the test. Especially obvious difference is 
blue, which PAL is too light (it's usually for PAL

systems and consoles, and television), and NTSC
too green, that is, greenish. You can reduce the difference, 
but noticeable if the white balance is disturbed. In the end, I 
decided to send in Rybinsk has already tested the scheme on 
first mikruhe XAB9540, despite the ultimate black level - very 
normal in practice (the difference of brightness adjustment

when switching from TV to the Speccy and
back will not exceed 5i clicks on the remote
Control even the worst interpolated), in that
mikruhi smaller imbalance when switching
coding system.

   Later I remembered that I had mikruha with such notable 
scatter (as two Other mikruhi XAB9540). When switching

systems, the color blue always varies considerably, but some 
mikruhah it is less green to NTSC, while others - more. I 
almost forgot that at the last coder purple color was more red, 
I for myself this noted, and now, when faced with the opposite 
deviation, the difference seemed to I'm too big. Eyes 
accustomed to the previous scheme, and for them this imbalance 
is obvious. 

          Adaptability of view.

   In general, the adaptability of our vision potryasaet.Vot an 
excellent example - sure, familiar to many of you.

   Before that I had telly LG Golden Eye
with a simple screen diagonal 51 cm (20 inches). I have not 
tried it on my encoder (and he has displayed on the screen 
coded system, we should like to try something). It is almost 
the same telly, but FLATRON - flat screen diagonal of 54 (21). 

   So, when I first looked, I
Depressed, he seemed, at that bulge
on the old telly was weak and almost nezametnoy.Bukvalno week I 
concavity have not noticed, but how you look at the old telly 
... a ball-kind ... not even imagined before! But the joke - 
Monitors (probably because the screen is much smaller). When I 
later came to DAVEu I It seemed that someone was not until the 
end thrust globe in his monitor.

   In general, the vision to such an effect is relatively 
pereadaptiruetsya bystro.Eto depends on various factors and can 
vary from several minutes - up to several chasov.Dlya

complete sense enough to look at
regular telly for half an hour, and look at the other.

   Well, and adaptation to SCROLL'am all probably 
oschuschali.Chem speed limit, more desire to read, and the 
longer the success of this desire, the more floating walls, 
objects and other things in his eyes from the screen. It is 
desirable for it to to scroll the texture was floating. I 
remember, like the one a multi-boot'e, which I like to use a 
system drive (now uses a fast, easy), run up

line with the words ... uh ... type ... remembered: HELLO HELLO 
BOYS GIRLS ... But after he was observed with a funny texture 

   After trying different mikruhi assembled in one coder, and 
then they are the same in the other, to eliminate the 
possibility of different assemblies, I convinced of the small 
scatter of their parameters, it is quite acceptable. My vision 
is strongly accustomed to one of the deviations and explicitly 
noted the other (the former long time - a year ago - and 
forgotten). After playing in NETWALK, and after watching "Cat" 
species (great game, great pictures, though, the two did not 
understand), I surprised to note an excellent image,

which is fine with me, switched
system, everything seems fine, white balance, normal, almost 
unchanged during switching. The time was about 1.00 am and 
voltage lighting has improved, your eyes are accustomed to, ie 
Light should be more white. 

   The conclusion - which I did
in previous articles: Do not try to immediately adjust the 
color balance of good coder, and his eyes get used to the 
colors, keenly noting any abnormalities, and is ideally set 
nelzya.Luchshe INCL. dynamic, colorful demo, or game play for 
half an hour, distracted, and when again Bring out the band of 
colors, or just above Menu Speccy, the image seems quite

good, and deviations - minor.
Especially in games and demos pictures look great, very nice. 
And do not forget about multitsveta - awesome look (Play 

           Statistics mikruh.

   Technical result of the use of mikruh
MC1377P the following: none of this mikruha
time, not out of order (or did I do not
know), from two faulty - one allegedly punched statics, works in
Chuchkovo on the corrected to reflect this
coder and a second, I accidentally burnt
for the closure, while lying idle, and requires special schemes 
for perfectly normal work; all mikruhi easily and quickly 
configure the working mode sootvetstvoyuschey tuning, and no 
problems with different quartz (at 4.43 MHz frequency) was not;

there are deviations of the parameters for different mikruh but 
not strong, though noticeable (on the color tables, different 
pictures and sprites looks great, ie varied schedule - looks 
great and is not critical to spread before the color chart).

   Interestingly, when testing all mikruh
one assembled and tuned coder picture appeared once in the 
normal color, without disruption, and is normally switched 
charset t.e.osnovnye technical parameters for different mikruh 

   It's all just in case anyone doubts the acquisition mikruh 
and can not be solved therefore, build an encoder. Of course, 
ideally I Encoders should try on different telly, and different 
components. However, given successful connection scheme in 
Rybinsk and Chuchkovo, I think, no problems, although their 
versions of devices unknown to me. In case of someone something 
breaks, please, for the sake of statistics, at least.

   Actually, I tried encoder with quartz
3.58MGts. The fact that the ideal frequency
noise intensity should be either significantly different from 
the sub-carrier, or be very close to it. Then the beat 
frequency of small grid will be less visible or not

too often - an irritant (to close
frequencies). Therefore, the ratio of fine grid
Speccy (3.5MGts) to the encoder is not very 4.43MGts
subjective well as with the 3.58 MHz - just
close. I tried this with quartz, and the picture seemed to me a 
pure white. Probably because the potential interference Speccy 
itself less transmitted over a low frequency quartz, but also 
because of the close frequencies too! For example, the 
background of 50 Hz over visible on the Speccy with a low frame 
rate (Pentagon with 14MGts), in comparison with systems more 
than the standard rate, however, I have in good supply and line 
filter image otlichnaya.S quartz 3.58MGts I found a cleaner 
image, and wavelength of the fine grid more low (I'm their

obviously do not remember, though, was something ...). But
fine detail is less saturated (approximately
one color on two points) for obvious reasons. I was also 
disappointed that my telly is not supports NTSC with such 
frequency (With picture when switching some time held, and then 
becomes color - one color). Maybe for someone

an alternative, but I chose another quartz
(As most probably different components).

            Flock oblomingo.

   During the assembly revealed a weak spot. Most
weak spot - it's Potentiometers,
very simple and cheap, poor assembly. K
yet, there is no alternative, do not want to Healthy Cities. 
The new encoder two in a row threw - solder to red, fully 
manifested at work. Had better were more expensive and better.

   Just remembered a problem with Conder,
payal that the new encoders. There Conder
Polar - and modern, imported or
once I have had no problems, and simple capacitors - not 
diametrically opposed, here and with our almost no problems. 
Modern nonpolar low-voltage capacitors come in two flavors: 
creamy plates and yellow cakes. Plates painted with 
unsaturated, light yellow, rather light brown ie type of cream, 
color. On them in large written, is more emphasized, par.

Externally, apart from asymmetry - micro UFOs, little 
NEletayushaya plate. Above and below the disc depart thin soft 
vyvody.Nominal from picofarads to 0.1mkF (And maybe more). This 
is great for Conder based ceramics (probably). They are not 
afraid overheating during long soldering, they have a solid 
body, allowing a close bend - in general, COOL. Pellets have a 
saturated bright yellow with small numbers and harsh 
conclusions. They come in different shapes and size (more than 
drip or broad flat), possibly at different scale voltage, the 
nominal value is usually from 0.1 to 5 uF - NOT POLAR. Small, 
but expensive. Conclusions from They usually come out in the 
plane of the pellet with one edge parallel. Inside the pellet

(Probably) a simple ceramic crystal, with
opayannymi (for deductions) edges. Such crystals can be seen on 
some imported boards. From cakes need to be careful not to bend 
the conclusions close to body and long gret.Hotya their bright 
yellow material is very durable and I have a problem with them 
no - too COOL. 

   But there are light blue plates with
stiff legs (pF typical) - rotten collected. Afraid of 
overheating - otpaivayutsya feet from the building, to be very 
careful soldering. There is still dark, deep-blue pellets (0. 
1mkF), it sucks! Generally, it is a typical crystal with 
pripayanymi legs, but composition of casting such a lousy, it's 
easy overheating during soldering, and the legs begin to

otpaivatsya from the crystal. Use such Conder, of course, you 
can even overheat if the leg is not completely unsolder (Conder 
himself afraid of not overheating, the capacity good), but it 
is better not to buy more of them, excluding products of low 

   Also, I oblamalsya with switches.
Small, cheap, 3 feet - as usual,
Overall, got a bunch of (thought-current weak
voltage - therefore cheap, and for switching PAL / NTSC all 
possible). When soldering the plastic spout became warp and 
Switch slomalsya.Ochen fears of overheating (soldering can 
still suffers hand). I get the hand - switching in one 
direction, payayu the other, then vice versa. Cheap vobschem.

I will not buy more, more expensive
take, with a long nose. Forgot to mention -
So I soldered to the board body, legs to solder
not scary.

            Scatter components.

   In the encoder is better to use imported
Polar Conder (especially at the entrance of colors, or tails on 
the curb will be from the screen color). Conder voltage 16 V or 

   Although the encoder will work with the details
different from those within the denomination
(+ / - 10%, except for quartz!), It is desirable to use these 
values, especially in the chain of quartz delay lines and 
transformers. Germanium transistor necessarily, the high can be 
P416 or GT311. Silicon, of course, will work, but the balance 
of red noticeably worse. 

  When using the trimmer, less food - a common solder to
leg connected to the trim screw, then tweak with the touch of a 
screwdriver not throw the result.

            Plans for the coders.

   Sometimes eerie want to collect the encoder system SECAM.V 
such cases, I think of different options schemes presented in 
the literature, Speccy, and encoder-modulator to its first - 48 
Speccy. None of the scheme have not like it (from my encoder - 
due to the instability and the caudate, and other cumbersome 
and discrete in color). Then begin to develop our scheme based 
on the universality of - well, like, input R, G, B - Analogue 
Nutrition stability (5V!), and finally scheme grows and swells 
... The most difficult - A good generator, however, electronic

switch matrix and signal too difficult for universality. In 
general, normal - our scheme has not yet developed. Tried once 
their polusleplenye encoders with generators of different types 
- working lousy, however, the signals are bad IDENTIFICATION 
passed ... Heavily involved in the scheme will not be easy. 
Maybe it'll do. 

   As for my encoders on MC1377P,
Maybe try to make a delay line or
get a suitable, perhaps, will be better
schedule. Really try to synchronize
quartz from the encoder clock Speccy, reactive chains. This is 
a serious and very promising task. If you get imperceptibly 
zasinhronit color subcarrier can be improved clarity of small 
details (FONT) and subtract the level of the subcarrier - along 
with the ripples on the transitions. Absolutely real it can be 
done at several counters clock, which through the electronic 
key will be served on the momentum of quartz, like dropping it 
to its original state, every five frames, to example. But 
imagine what a complication of an encoder? On details of cheap, 
but very cumbersome, and may, at the Amiga way it is done, and 
maybe that's all there inside mikruhi CXA 1145, and only want 
to install frame synchronization of the external, simple RC 

   Therefore I have very big plans for the
mikruhu CXA1145, which has long been gathering dust since its 
order. Again, where would I find a template including this 
mikruhi. By all sorts of options left, almost blindly, trying 
to build did not want. Here I think, have to DAVE'u go, the 
scheme with the Amiga had remained (I hope), but I can trust 
them, although neither of which describe the legs mikruhi and 
its signal can be no question. Or get lucky and rolled a

very old (easy assembly), and even
dead SEGA (and therefore free), then it will be on what to 
unwind. If appropriate, the scheme will be more expensive, and 
not easier, certainly (at this mikruhi on four feet longer, 
while hull average thickness between the narrow and wide, we 
must cut the socket - there are not seen). But if you still 
get, the picture I hope will be better for the balance of 
color, otherwise, renounce this mikruhi. What is questionable, 
and do not want to - it's probably the best encoder among 

   Too much to do, and rubbish, with
which must be razobratsya.V soon
Draw a diagram on a dead printer ELECTRONICS MS6313 (by the 
way, can those who have to him flash, and then draw a diagram - 
and he Healthy (veroyatn. 18%), and waste time to lose?). After 
the printer look, what to do, many Speccy fix is ​​necessary, 
in order to become complete, all typically-Spektrumskie.

   How to take encoders, was carefully
analyze various channels, our
channels are rarely PAL encoding, and I
already sporting interest - to be determined
image encoding. It is very difficult,
I relatively often wrong, but experience clearly
dialed and recognized species interference kodirovaniya.I 
already seen many times forced smoothing Definition TV 
(Clothes, buildings). 

   Well, that's all for today ...

   I would like to convey greetings to all, but all, alas,
not list ... and I will not! that others do not
resented. In general, all the best for those who
was, to those who have and those who will be there.
Mention of two friends who were previously not formally 
represented, and without which the coders would be in the 
darkness of misinformation: 

   Thanks to Andrew Bateevu, Andrew Meleshkin
for a template and the data on MC1377P.

Other articles:

Events - On completion of the first part of a virtual musical party The Compo.

Softinka - On operating systems for Spectrum ChAOS and ZXVGS.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Pentagon - Instructions on how to activate unused (zero), the banks ROM in your computer Pentagon.

Pentagon - Instructions for remaking the Pentagon-128 to exit at Reset'u in the 0-th bank ROM 27512.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 1.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 2.

Softinka - Description of the GUI for disk-TR-DOS - ChAOS.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - Editor of two screen graphics DouBleScreen Editor v0.4.

Softinka - Operating system ZXVGS. Composition versions software.

Inferno - Introduction by the editors.

Iron - The results of the development of coders RGB - PAL / NTSC, at the end of 2002.

Gameland - On the game King's Bounty 3, Black Raven: Unknown shipment.

Others - On the survey.

For Coderz - Macros for assembler Alasm v4.4x.

Mathematics - Mandelbrot fractal.

Softinka - Music Editor Pro Tracker v3.71. Features of the program.

Softinka - Format RAR 2.x. Technical information.

Others - Registered users ZXVGS and CPM22QED.

Softinka - File Types defined in the OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The functions of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - The appearance of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - IDEDOS - access to hard disks in OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The description of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - MEMDISK - file system for storing files in memory.

Softinka - OS Releases ZXVGS and their differences.

Softinka - Resident System Extensions (RSX) in ZXVGS.

Softinka - Version of the new operating system for Spectrum ZXVGS.

Iron - Advanced Keyboard sinclair-compatible personal computers.

For Coderz - An algorithm for finding the integer part of square root.

Events - Nominees virtual musical party The Compo.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   21 November