Inferno #04
22 июня 2003

Softinka - The description of the operating system ZXVGS.

<b>Softinka</b> - The description of the operating system ZXVGS.
             Description ZXVGS


ZXVGS - Operating System for Spectrumsovmestimyh 
kompyuterov.Dostupna for use on a wide range of hardware 
sredstv.Esli you want to test or use ZXVGS, seek latest on 
{download page}. ZXVGS also includes a CP / M-compatible system 
called CPM22QED, which is often used as a file system

(Until the file system of new
generation ...).


ZXVGS always has its own memory, which is not available from 
the level of ZX Spectrum. Therefore, the memory available to 
programs (and the ZX Spectrum 48kB, and 128kB) is not limited. 


Software ZXVGS stored in files with the extensions ". V00" 
(double zero). Extensions with "V" and numbers other than zeros 
are overlays to programmam.Suschestvuet two programs with a 
special designation:  * START.V00 loaded after reset system

 * SHELL.V00 boot option, Load Chapter
    vnogo menu.
ZXVGS can also run software from other
types - is capable of emulating TR-DOS and
Interface 1. This is done with the resident Expansion of 
{Resident System Extentions (RSX)}. RSX - a short program that 
loads into the memory system and allows you to expand 
opportunities ZXVGS. It has a file extension ". RZX". The most 
commonly used RSXy - those who run the special file formats 
(eg, "*. Z80" and "*. TAP") - in this case the name of the RSX

comes from the expansion of such a file (for example, 
"Z80.RZX"). Such RSX can load data from files or run programs 
that are enclosed in them. See the list extensions that are 
defined and ZXVGS. 

If you want to write a program to
ZXVGS, you should read the text on the functions available from 
the engine koda.Mnozhestvo information, especially regarding 
specific hardware solutions, you can read in

history of releases.

          Using ZXVGS

Read about it in the manual} {ZXVGS briefly.

If you wish to be registered
user ZXVGS, write to my email address
{Mailto:}. You can also
Click here for a list of registered users.

There are two mail-list, where you can
talk about ZXVGS with other users ZX Spectrum.
 * {} - page dedicated to the operating 
system and hardware ZXVGS extensions. Largely on the 
subscription angliyskom.Dlya him write anything should address: 

or go to:
All SMS messages can be found here: 
{ zxvgs / messages}.

 * {} - Contact
list for users of ZX Spectrum (and clones) in Polish 
yazyke.Esli you want to connect with people from Poland can 
subscribe to this list - we mostly understand English. To 
subscribe, write something to address: 

or go to: {
group / zxland / join}. All messages can be found here: 
{ group / zxland / messages}.

           Description CPM22QED


CPM22QED - the operating system for computers based on the Z80, 
compatible with CP / M 2.2 and partly to the CP / M Plus. If 
you want to to test or use

CPM22QED, take the latest version {download page}.

 * 60160 bytes (58.75kB) memory for programs (version 1.xx),
 * Download with one disk (version
SAM and TMX),
 * The system is stored in an ordinary file
 * Improved disk management:

   * Table XDPB, as in CP / M Plus,

   * One or two drives (or 4 in the TMX


   * Disk structure (XDPB) can be

      redefine program


   * Floppy disk sector can have a length

      from 256B up to 1kB,

   * Automatic detection of logical
      fine structure (only TMX),

   * Ramdisk in versions 1.xx - device

      M: (and N: at SAM - up to 4MB),

   * Management of hard disk in versions

      1.xx (SAM, UPB),
 * Specific design format a floppy disk:

   * Random record another operating

      system (eg, MSXDOS) completely


   * Disk capacity is used well

      read (210,420,410,820 and 1640kB),

   * No tracks reserved for


   * Ability to load different components
      Tera from the same disc

      (Ie, SVI and SAM),
 * Text terminal:

   * 24 rows and 80 columns,

   * 224 characters overridden with the matrix
      ritsey 6x8,

   * Pseudographic framework, both at the CP / M


   * Polish diacritics in

      AmigaPL, in addition, ISO-8859-1

   * Control codes are recognized terms
      nals VT-52, Heath H89, Zenith z-19

   * Prepares for the use of 8 individual

      display flow

   * Prepared text boxes

   * Keyboard buffer (32 characters) - for

      Except SVI version

   * Possibility to set 6 * 58 = 348 keys

      except SVI version
 * General programs:

   * QFORMAT.COM - for formatting

      floppy drives

   * QMOUNT.COM - to change the settings

      disc format (XDPB),

   * QSYS.COM - to activate the boot

 * Improved system modules:

   * ZCPR1 instead of the CCP - and more

      improved team

   * SUPERDOS instead BDOS - improved

      description of errors

   * Storage of dynamic modules (CCP and

      BDOS) in free buffer RAM

   * Terminal codes are common to all


   * Code disk access is common to all


   * Standardized modules for

      low-level disk access

-----------------------------------------( C) 2002-10-29 09 : 
55:40 Jarek Adamski {}, {}

Other articles:

Events - On completion of the first part of a virtual musical party The Compo.

Softinka - On operating systems for Spectrum ChAOS and ZXVGS.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Pentagon - Instructions on how to activate unused (zero), the banks ROM in your computer Pentagon.

Pentagon - Instructions for remaking the Pentagon-128 to exit at Reset'u in the 0-th bank ROM 27512.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 1.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 2.

Softinka - Description of the GUI for disk-TR-DOS - ChAOS.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - Editor of two screen graphics DouBleScreen Editor v0.4.

Softinka - Operating system ZXVGS. Composition versions software.

Inferno - Introduction by the editors.

Iron - The results of the development of coders RGB - PAL / NTSC, at the end of 2002.

Gameland - On the game King's Bounty 3, Black Raven: Unknown shipment.

Others - On the survey.

For Coderz - Macros for assembler Alasm v4.4x.

Mathematics - Mandelbrot fractal.

Softinka - Music Editor Pro Tracker v3.71. Features of the program.

Softinka - Format RAR 2.x. Technical information.

Others - Registered users ZXVGS and CPM22QED.

Softinka - File Types defined in the OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The functions of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - The appearance of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - IDEDOS - access to hard disks in OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The description of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - MEMDISK - file system for storing files in memory.

Softinka - OS Releases ZXVGS and their differences.

Softinka - Resident System Extensions (RSX) in ZXVGS.

Softinka - Version of the new operating system for Spectrum ZXVGS.

Iron - Advanced Keyboard sinclair-compatible personal computers.

For Coderz - An algorithm for finding the integer part of square root.

Events - Nominees virtual musical party The Compo.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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