ZX-News #34
04 июня 1997
  ZX vs PC  

Discussion - Speccy or PC?!

<b>Discussion</b> - Speccy or PC?!

  In one of the rooms prededuschih ZxNews was raised the topic 
of being wanted PC and computer networks in general. That, 
followed by continued ... 

                       (C) Dmitry Vertkov

   Hello, dear friends and comrades!

  Well, actually, what I write something ...

  I went once ONESOFTu written with
piping hot cerebral confusion, and did not expect
your ideological attack. And now closer to
case ...

  Their words do not intend to abandon,
Yes and no reason to defend, too, as the saying goes: "let 
bygones ...". 

  Well, yes, of what I mean?

  Yes, SPECCY lot of pluses, but despite
the limitations of architecture, it is not only bent, but put 
on weight - able to develop and have obtained very good 
results, yes, despite the emergence of components with improved 
architecture preserved and work up to these days, yes, write 
assembly prog fun things on it, yes, this platform is not 
ossified, as a notorious domestic creation. Incidentally, many 
of them at least and were miserable likeness on SPECCY and PC 
and had good achievements, but that's only

where they sechas?

  But not all so great - take a while
to service a diverse periphery,
much needed, but at first Sir Clive did not anticipate, and who 
could then foresee this? And it turns out that most of the CPU 
time is wasted subservient to the termination of all peripheral

makeweights. I do not deny that if hands are not on the
there are growing (SORRY, if someone hurt), then
and on any other platforms you can kill
all contacts on all sorts of rubbish, but forgive me,
What to do if there is only one
privilege level interrupt? By the way,
that attempted to circumvent the development of the PC 
architecture and AMMY, and went on AMMY further, for what they 
are and thank you. But the problem is that for a long time 
kernel architecture and operating systems have not changed and 
is almost developed, except that brought more

memory, but Bat with Vince pull up as well,
to introduce major architectural
changes in the system ...

  Well not talk about sad things, but my sense something ...

  The same processor resources is not enough will, in 
particular, the register word length and number of Operation of 
over them, to Moreover, there is little thoughts and about the 
VG93 and on the TR-DOS, and then you know, 128 files on disk 
and 720 KB floppy disk capacity is as something not serious ...

  While recently writing and speaking
a lot, but my only done a little (I
he did not scratch off the tongue).

  And about the demo: vesch good, but all
to contest bodybuilders smahavaet - whose
muscle steeper. A poorly with about the same
effects igruhu linkanut?

  Yes, that's on the sellers - in fact they are good guys, but 
sometimes they also need to think, and how you want to do on 
the SOFTWARE FOR SPECCY money? Simply and directly receive free 
money for the goods, not even spinning aforesaid, the benefit 
BBSnoe piracy on a large scales almost prevented the adoption 
of new statutes. It was possible, and from other positions look 
at the problem (for examples of PCshnogo lead the world do not 
want the analogy is almost irrelevant). 

  Incidentally, someone really did not take my screams, but for 
fun almost udals linkanut MMD with McDONALD, and in fact may 
well declare a "black" stations with this stuff (and huge 
request to all: do not call and do not email asking for 
vacancies boar, not hunting Intermedia be 2 lights).

  So let's bow.

                              From the Editor.

  Um, what do you say, people on this
letters? Netmaylom send the editors. And I
turn would ask the author to explain the essence of the idea of 
​​a union McDonald'a (Physical Copy) and the MMD. This is, in 
fact, how? Physical evidence is not required, but I'm slightly 
imagine how feasible and that it will give? If not

difficult to illuminate this idea from the pages of Newskah ...


Other articles:

Enlight'97 - Indicative timetable. General rules for all contests on all platforms.

General Sound - has degenerated into a game Power Boat under General Sound.

Ot edition - It is time to take a holiday ... Ready XTR-modem.

Discussion - Speccy or PC?!

List BBS - A list of BBS. Opened a new station KIRBBS.

Charter SpbZxNet - Instructions for beginners sysop network SPbZXNet v1.1.

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales of firm Welcome.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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