Deja Vu #08
31 мая 1999 |
drop of solder - Scanner v1.3.
AY-Track: "O LUBWI" (CHIZH 'Co) __________________________________________ (C) Dremov AP Ivanischev D.M., Yudin, BB __________________________________________ SCANNER V1.3 Ckaner kopiruet izobrazhenie a lista nA ekran, prosmatrivaya ego posledovatelno, tochka za tochkoy with pomoschyu fotodatchika. For move fotodatchika ispolzuetsya movement golovki printera at pechati. OPICANIE PROGRAMMY Posle starta programmy By popadaete in menu, kotopom mozhete ustanovit one Shout out rezhimov skanirovaniya. C pomoschyu klavish "Q", "a", "o", "p", "ENTER" you mozhete peremeschatsya Po menu. Naznachenie sect menu: ------------------------ "Skanirovanie - selecting this razdela By poluchaete opportunity vybora a ranee ustanovlennyx skanirovaniya regimes and move to skanirovaniyu. After skanirovniya Hearing can zapisat obtained izobrazhenie nA disk. "Nastroyka" - in this sect can be an Led change parametrov skanirovaniya ustanovlennogo rezhima.Parametry "vysota" and "shirina" correspond razmeram pryamougolnika that otobrazitsya nA full ekran. Parametr "The course defines the rasstoyanie between kraynimi provisions of the head. Razumno zadavat this parametr not less than shirina karetki printera.Parametr "speed" is used to determine pravilnogo vnutrennix peremennyx, svyazannyx with width ekrana. For predvaritelnoy nastroyki ustanovite his ravnym speed pechati Bashego printera taken from pasporta printera (N znakov per second). Bas should not be surprising change znacheny parametrov after exit the menu, as programma vybiraet blizhayshy of vozmozhnyx skanirovaniya regimes. "Standartnaya nastroyka - danny para IU nude allows ustanovit parametry vsex modes simultaneously, in accordance with ustanovlennoy speed. "Zapis - vybrav this point you can soxranit ustanovlennye vami parametry regimes skanirovaniya nA disk. "Test fotodatchika" - allows you to check rabotosposobnost fotodatchika.Bozmite bumagi sheet with a large, kontrastnym izobrazheniem and peremeschayte fotodatchik with white nA black areas. Emerging chisla window testirovaniya should be changed in zavisimosti Colors of the zone. "Color" - the menu item that allows ustanovit Bam desired ink color and bumagi. SKANIROBANIE IZOBRAZHENIYA After vybora razdela menu SKANIROBANIE "By perexodite directly to skanirovaniyu. B dannom mode rabotayut klavishi: "E" - zakonchit skanirovanie and exit in metals nu. "B" - continue to skanirovanie nachala eq rana. "9", "0" - change masshtab izobrazheniya on gorizontali. "O", "P" - a shift in izobrazheniya gorizontali plavno. "Y", "U" - a shift in izobrazheniya gorizontali roughly. "F" - klavisha for rapid changes vsex nastraevaemyx parametrov skanirovaniya (Women should be its nazhat simultaneously with klavishey modifying the desired parametr). "BREAK" - allows you to exit zavisaniya programmy, svyazannogo the unwillingness printera, but we recommend polzova tsya this klavishey only kraynem a case of, and then unto you will neobxodi obyazatelno zanovo can produce Ini tsializatsiyu printera, that is off it and include a few cross seconds. Since the "BREAK" preryvaet tak same BASIC-programmu, then continue tion naberite "GOTO 100. Procedure nastroyki programmy 1. In the programme ustanovlen drayver compatible LPRINT III with paralelnym obmena protocol and system komand tipa CENTRONIC. Try zapustit programu and achieve change zaderzhki rhythmic movement pechatayuschey head. At the time peredachi informatsii nA printer nA curb voznikayut black and white stripes. White border pokazyvaet the printer in time danny zanyat. Women should be unto you get to move sleva napravo proisxodilo in black curb. Ha first etape unto you do not need fotodatchik. Printer at the same time draws two vertikalnye line. If the printer is moving erratically, and his movement in proisxodit moments, kogda white border, then programma y vas rabotat will not. More precisely, neobxodima peredelka code chasti. Poka udalos reveal only large screen razlichnyx tipa printera - "Robotron" - pechataet informatsiyu srazu, after receiving komandy "BK", a "CPRINT", "MC 6912", nachinayut pechat previous line only after receiving upravlyayuschix komand the next line. Because sinxronizatsiya otobrazheniya nA ekrane carried out on time, podprogrammy for skanirovaniya, rabotayuschie with printerami raznyx types razlichayutsya bit. If your printer is not Vash dvigaetsya, then sledovatelno, unto you do not podxodit used drayver. Because the vas is printer, then the vas must be drayver pechati. Zapishite him adresa 41604 and try snova. Trebovaniya to drayveru simple: he must bayt "13" - "BK" supplement Code "10" - "LF", a ostalnye codes peredavat nA printer without obrabobotki. Address zapuska should sovpadat with nachalom, and his dlina dolzhna be less than 256 bytes. 2. Having made fotodatchik rabotu-check it using the "test fotodatchika," he should clearly reagirovat nA color bumagi. 3. Ustanoviv fotodatchik nA printer and changing parametr "shift" until you get the appearance of nA ekrane Although some would kakogo izobrazheniya. If you ustanovili color: bumagi - 7 (white) a color ink - 0 (black), then izobrazhenie should be "positive." Lack izobrazheniya pokazyvaet that, either at the time skanirovaniya datchik not moving and Women should be change zaderzhku or datchik not feel change Colors vashego risunka and Women should repeat item 2 (test fotodatchika). 4. If you have received neproportsionalny figure, but did not change parametry nastroyki except sdviga, the Women should be zapomnit znachenie parametra "SHIFT" and go to the menu nastroyki, change parametr "speed printera and ustanovit mode STANDARD SETUP ". Increasing the speed printera vyzyvaet szhatie izobrazheniya on gorizontali. In the skanirovaniya Women should snova ustanovit naydennoe vami znachenie sdviga, and after nastroyki vsex regimes zapisat nA disc obtained znacheniya. When you zapuske programmy nastroyka would merely to the choice of one of the modes. ----------------------------------------- If you have any vas kakie any questions during raboty with skanerom, you can obratitsya on adresam, ukazannym instructions for making fotodatchika you found in the Appendix. ----------------------------------------- Additions to HELP'u =================== INTRODUCTION The amendment applies to the last version of the "SCANNER v1.3", designed for computer ZX-SPECTRUM, equipped with a jet or dot matrix printers, but all the previously developed materials for scanning head version 1 remain valid for this version. Scanning head This version includes a trio of graduation the contrast of the image, slightly modified design of the scanning agile (Fig. 1), processing oped a code of Program Support scanner, are eliminated on naruzhennye errors and introduced some improvement solution in the design Readhead. For example, before photosensor (FT) before assumed set of sharp medical needles diameter of 0.3 - 0.5 mm in length, approximately ,3-5mm. It is necessary to choose experimentally a particular photosensor according to the sensitivity of its reception. It is also proposed to equip the scanning head, or rather, the backlight head - a protective shield (EC), reinforcing luminous flux scanned image. Optimum tilt angle needle photosensor (FT) - 10 - 20 degrees. WIRING Scanner Version 1.3 readjusted circuit, according to Figure 2. The main difference between this scheme is that output stage gain equipped with a filter of RD, ie, signal is divided 3 levels with Resistance: R4, R5, R6 and diodes: D1, D2. Outputs 1, 2, 3-band filter, respectively, with terminals: down - right - left (4 - 1 - 2) port 31 Kempston-joystick. Some parts for the electrical ratings: R1 - 20-120 K R2 - 40-100 K R3 - 0.8-1 K R4 - 2 TO R5 - 20 K R6 - 60 K D1, D2 - any diodes with direct Pair. 1.5-2 K IC LE 1 Series 555 or similar. NOTE: If you are making head you could not save the contact plate on the printhead, then in its place Glue necessarily PCB thickness of 0.5 mm in order to save the contact printer. -----------------------------------------
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