Deja Vu #08
31 мая 1999

Topic - the printer and the ZX-Spectrum (command system printer family Epson).

<b>Topic</b> - the printer and the ZX-Spectrum (command system printer family Epson).
AY-Track: "Blue moon" in small remix:)

(C) Seiko EPSON corp.
(C) ZK System / Excess team

     Printer and ZX-Spectrum

   One of the more common devices to produce hard copy 
documents are printing. They exist a great many, however, is 
the standard command system printer family Epson (tm).

   Typically, the printer connects to your computer via the 
connector interface concurrent (LPT).

 Returning pin signal H Explanations
signal pin

   January 19 / STROBE O signal GATE means reading the data.

                          The width of the signal should not be 

                          0.5 microseconds at the receiving 

   February 1920 DATA0 O data signals are parallel
   March 21 DATA1 O parallel to the bits 0 to 7, respectively

   April 22 DATA2 O High level corresponds to logic 1,

   May 23 DATA3 O and low - logic 0

   June 24 DATA4 O

   July 25 DATA5 O

   August 1926 DATA6 O

   September 1927 DATA7 O

  Oct. 28 / ACKNLG I signal lasts. 12 microseconds. Low level

                          means that the data taken and the 
principles                           ter is ready to receive 
further information                           mation.

  November 29 High BUSY I signal means that the principle
                          ter can not accept data. Signal

                          is high

                               in the following cases:

                          1) During the reception of data.

                          2) During the printing process.

                          3) If an error occurs.

  December 30 PE I High Voltage means

                          that the printer out of paper.

  13 ----- ------ - is powered +5 V,

                           Resistance of 3.3 ohms.

  14 ----- / AUTO O at low signal levels paper

                FEED XT automatically translated into one

                          line after printing.

  15 ----- NC - Not used.

  16 ----- 0 V - logical grounding.

  17 ----- CHASSIS - grounding on the chassis of the printer

                  GND is isolated from the logical.

  18 ----- NC - Not used.

 19-30 ----- GND - Twin returning signal


  31 ----- / INIT O When the signal becomes

                          low, the printer controller sbrasy
                          is called a state of loading, and 

                          Print is cleared. Normal levels

                          signal - high, wide signal

                          must be over 50 microseconds. on the 
principle                           enacting the terminal.

  32 ----- / ERROR I level becomes low when:

                          1) The printer paper ends.

                          2) The printer is disconnected from 
the line. 

                          3) If an error occurs.

  33 ----- GND - Same as 19-30

  34 ----- NC - Not used.

  35 ----- ------ - is powered +5 V,

                          Impedance 3.3 kOhm.

  36 ----- / SEL IN O DC1/DC3 code is valid when

                          this signal is "high" level.

   In Speccy LPT interface has several
simplified scheme. For the exchange of used
eight data lines (D0-D7), the line signal
Sampling data (Strobe), the line survey of employment printer 
(Busy), and of course neutral conductor (GND), sometimes that 
is not quite sure, the line / ERROR.

Speccy Printer

D0 ... D7 ============/========== D0 ... D7
/ STROBE ----------------------- / STROBE
 / ERROR ----------------------- / ERROR

   BUSY ----------------------- BUSY

    GND ----------------------- GND

   The printer consists of a computer
with its RAM, ROM and CPU, which
manages the exchange of information, its processing, moving the 
print head, vertical motion plate and, of course, printing 

   In the printer's RAM set aside a small buffer
which are introduced from outside the data that
to print. Loading data
printer as follows:

   On the data line LPT port output
required bytes, and then to check
state line BUSY, if it is active,
this means that the printer buffer is full or an error 
occurred. If BUSY is not active, the printer is ready to 
receive the next byte of data. And so, as a byte has already 
been formed, it remains to confirm strobe pulse on line / 

For the interface ZX-Lprint III driver will
following form:

        org # 5b00


        jr detect

        jr init

        jr output

detect ld b, 0; Checker

                      ; Availability of the printer and
dlp in a, (# 7b); his willingness to

                      ; To work

        and # 80

        ret z

        djnz dlp

        ret; if the output of A = 0,

                      , Then the printer is ready

init nop; usually anything here

        nop; do not write

output push af; program output

                      ; Bytes to the printer

        out (# fb), a; expose bytes per

                      ; Data line LPT

busy call # 1f54; poll keys BREAK.

                      ; It is necessary to

        jr nc, error; avoid freezing

                      ; Error.

        in a, (# 7b); checking line BUSY


        jr c, busy; if busy, then wait

                      , Until a

        pop af

        out (# fb), a; Reset Strobe

        out (# 7b), a; Enhanced Strobe

        out (# fb), a; Reset Strobe

        and a; normal output

                      ; From the program


error pop af; output-loaded

                      ; CF flag

        scf; if the error is.


   Some printers are very sensitive
to the duration of the signal Strobe. For example,
for my Epson (tm) LX-800 (tm) signal
Strobe is activated on rising or falling edge, and for the 
normal operation Strobe signal should be formed as follows:


        out (# fb), a

        out (# 7b), a


   In this case, the first byte after the introduced
turn on the printer will be ignored!
To avoid the loss of a logical chain
must first send some
harmless single-byte command, for example,
BEL (# 07) - beep.

   When writing a driver for the ZX-Lprint
III must be remembered that the team is in a,
(# Fb) connects ROM ZX-Lprint III, and in
a, (# 7b) - disables.

   Next, bring a description of the commands Epson (tm)
compatible printers. Some printers may not work command setup
character and work with NLQ fonts. Team
ESC means that the team will be ESC n
have the form # 1B, n.

1. Work printer.

ASCII HEX Description of

40 ESC @ Initialize printer
DC1 11 Select Printer
DC2 13 Deselect printer
ESC s 1 / 0 73 / off half speed
ESC <3C Selecting unidirectional print (for the first line)
ESC U 1 / 0 55 / off unidirectional printing
ESC in August 1938 to disable certain lack of paper
ESC in September 1939 Insert definition of lack of paper
ESC EM n 19 control zagruzkivygruzki Paper

                  n = "0": Disabled

                    "1": Select the receiver 1

                    "2": Select the receiver 2

                    "4": Included

                    "R": Unload the sheet

ESC = 3D Set MSB to 0
ESC> 3E Set MSB to 1
ESC # 1923 Disable MSB control
BEL 07 Wake

2. Data management.

ASCII HEX Description of

CR 0D carriage return
CAN 18 Cancel line
DEL 7F Delete character

3. Vertical movement.

ASCII HEX Description of

FF 0C Form feed
ESC C n 43 Set page length in lines n = 1-127
ESC C 0 n 43 Set page length in inches, n = 1-22
ESC N n 4E Installation skip perforation n = 1-127
ESC O 4F Cancel skip perforation
LF 0A Newlines
ESC 0 3 Line Spacing 1 / 8 in.
ESC January 31 Line spacing 7 / 72 inches
ESC February 1932 Line Spacing 1 / 6 inch
ESC 3 n 33-inch line spacing n/216 n = 0-255
ESC A n 41-inch line spacing n/72 n = 0-85
ESC J n 4A Newline at n/216 inch n = 0-255
VT 0B Vertical tab
ESC B nn 42 Set vertical tabs. Up to 16

                 TAB points (1-255) in ascending

                 order, the last parameter should be 0.

                 ESC B 0 clears all tab stops.
ESC b nn 62 Set vertical tabs in channels.

                 ESC b c n1 n2 ... n16 0. c = 0-7
ESC / c 2F Select vertical tab channels for c = 0-7.

4. Horizontal movement.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC a n 6C Set left margin n = number of columns
ESC Q n 51 Sets the right margin n = number of columns
BS 2008 Backspace character
ESC $ n1 n2 24 Set absolute horizontal position

                 n = (n1 + n2 * 256) / 60 inches.

                 n: the print at a distance of n/60 inch

                 from the left margin.
ESC / n1 n2 5C Set relative horizontal position

                 n = (n1 + n2 * 256) / 120 inches

                 n: transfer printing position on n/120 inches.

                 If the transfer is to the left, subtract it

                 number of 65536.
HT 09 horizontal tab.
ESC D nn 44 Set horizontal tab to 32 points

                 (1-255) in ascending order.

5. Print styles.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC x n 78 Select NLQ or Draft

                 n = 0: Draft

                   1: NLQ
ESC kn 6B Font selection of high-quality printing

                 n = 0: Roman

                   1: Sans Serif
ESC! n 21 Select character set

                 n = bit 0: 10 znd/12 ZnD

                        1: proportional

                        2: Sealed

                        3: Dedicated

                        4: double whammy

                        5: double width

                        6: italic

                        7: Underline

6. Step size and sign.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC P 50 Selecting 10 ZnD
ESC M 4D Mode Selection 12 ZnD
ESC p 1 / 0 70 Bklvykl proportional mode
SI 0F inclusion of dense print
ESC SI 0F off dense print
DC2 12 Cancel condensed mode
SO 0E Enabling double-width

                 (One line)
ESC SO 0E Enabling double-width

                 (One line)
DC4 14 off double-width mode

                 (One line)
ESC W 1 / 0 57 / off mode, double width
ESC w 1 / 0 77 / off mode, double width

7. Printing Enhancements.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC E 45 incl. Print mode selection
ESC F 46 Off. Print mode selection
ESC G 47 incl. print mode in two passes
ESC H 48 Off. print mode in two passes
ESC S0 53 incl. printing superscripts
ESC S1 53 incl. Print subscripts
ESC T 54 Off. Print Indexes
ESC April 1934 On. italic
ESC May 1935 Off. italic
ESC - 1 / 0 2D / off underline mode
ESC an 61 Font Alignment

                 n = 0: Left

                   1: In the center

                   2: Right

                   3: The Format
ESC SP n 20 Installing the distance between symbols

                 n = 1 / 120 inch gaps (1-127) to the right of

                 each character

8. Symbol Table

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC tn 74 Select character table

                 Select Table n, assigned to the command ESC (t

                 n = 0,1,48, or 49
ESC R n Select 52 international character set n =

                 0: USA 7: Spain 1

                 1: France 8: Japan

                 2: Germany 9: Norway

                 3: England 10: Denmark 2

                 4: Denmark 1 11: Spain 2

                 5: Sweden 12: Latin America

                 6: Italy
ESC June 1936 Extension of the press code, allows

                 print codes 128-159 as symbols
ESC July 1937 Off. ESC 6
ESC (t nn 28 74 Select character table ESC (t 3 d1 d2 d3

                 Assigns a character table with d2 d3 table

                 ESC t installed in accordance with the d1

                 d1 = 0: Set the table of selected ESC t 0

                 d1 = 1: Set the table selected ESC t 1

                 d2 d3 Character tables

                 0 0 Italic

                 1 0 PC 437 (U.S., Standard Europe)

                 14 0 PC 866 (Russian)

                 15 0 PC 869 (Greek)

                 32 0 Bulgaria

9. User-defined characters.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC 'nn 26 Define user-defined characters

                 ESC '0 n1 n2 a1 data

                 n1 = ASCII code of first character

                 n2 = ASCII code of last character

                 a1 = attribute byte specifying the width and

                 ispolzueiye needles

                 data: the data symbol
ESC: 0 n 0 3A Copy the characters into RAM from ROM

                 n = 0: Roman

                 n = 1: Sans Serif
ESC% n 25 Select character set

                 n = 0: Normal collection

                   1: User set
ESC I n 1949 Extension of pechatyemyh codes

                 Decimal codes from 0 to 31 and from 128 to 159

                 n = 0: Nepechatyemye codes

                   1: Printable codes for user


10. Schedule.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC K n1 n2 4B incl. mode of normal density

                 ESC K n1 n2 data

                 n = n1 + n2 * 256
ESC L n1 n2 4C On. regime of double-density

                 ESC L n1 n2 data
ESC Y n1 n2 59 incl. mode dual-density, high speed

                 ESC Y n1 n2 data
ESC Z n1 n2 5A On. mode quadruple density

                 ESC Y n1 n2 data
ESC * mn 2A Select graphics mode

                 ESC * m n1 n2 data

 Graphics mode code m DPI

 Normal density ESC K 0 60
 Dual density ESC L 1120
 High speed. DD * ESC Y 2120
 Quad density * ESC Z 3240
 CRT is not an April 1980
 Plotter (1:1) there is no May 1972
 CRT 2 no June 1990
 Plotter (1:2) No 7144

* Related terms can not be printed.

ASCII HEX Description of

ESC? sm 3F Reassign graphics mode

                 ESC? s m

                 s = K, L, Y, or Z

                 m = 0-7

                 m: to change the graphics mode m = ESC * m
ESC ^ 5E Selecting the charts with nine pins

                 ESC ^ m n1 n2 data

                 m = 0: Normal density

                   1: Double density

                 n = n1 + n2 * 256

                 data = (n * 2)

   It should be noted that the introduction of buffer
Printer information will be intensified
Only after will be sent to command a carriage return CR (# 0D). 
This must be for teams of data management buffer printer CAN (# 
18) and DEL (# 7F).  

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Topic - the printer and the ZX-Spectrum (command system printer family Epson).

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CODING - The Optimization - Building a table repetition of bytes.

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Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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