Deja Vu #08
31 мая 1999

SOFTWARE - The work of the program to print images XL-graph.

<b>SOFTWARE</b> - The work of the program to print images XL-graph.
AY-Track: - T E R R A M E X 1 2 8 -

(C) Allen / XLNC systems.

      In short working with XL graph.

   A little bit about the editor. It is intended

      to work with images that exceed
      sponding to the size of Spectrum eq
      wounds, and to print them. Programme distribution
      read to work with Kempston Mouse,

      in its absence can be used

      Kempston Js or QAOPSp. When working with

      Claudia or joystick Simbol Shift

      replaces the right button correctly

      made the mouse.

   The set of plans will include: myself
Editor and overlays. Among the overlay is
made Converter PCX-images. There will also be: a text editor 
with printing the edited text on the picture, a small Editor 
screens (ie, 6912 bytes) with flowers, all sorts of converters. 
Reader MS-DOS'naya be. And so, in detail, such as printing CO

compression. Unlike the previous version: Setup is not called 
prior to launch. Kempston Soup-enabled soon. Emergency stop 
them - BackSpace aka CS-0. 

By order of the icons.

   Filer. Shows only the files that are compatible with the XL 
graph. Left button-choice. When specify any file on the file 
pointer will move to it, but did not immediately move. If you 
hold the right mouse button then move the mouse up and down 
will lead to direct displacement of the cursor file. When

specifies the file window including the editor
line. When you move the cursor to the file
name will be lost.

   Icons: Select the drive, downloading a file,
whose name appears in the file box, write the file (file type 
and length is determined extension), working with hard drive, 
delete the file. Work only downloading and recording. In 
routine recordings made Overwrite recording directly, without 
removal. For removal have yet to use the Commander. Filer to 
IBM. Not yet done may be integrated into the converter

PCX, perhaps, submitted separately, if I decide to add a system 
of converters from other graphics formats. The text editor is 
not made. Will be made mandatory. 'll Do great.

   Shading. Now the work is just over
it. If possible do it quickly, but not
guarantee, as too much information is needed to fill the entire 
picture. A fill only 2 / 3 spekovskogo screen will look 

   Increase. There are two modes: 4x4 and
8x8. Clicking the window choice is real
size. Until all features are not thought out, but
appears to be made lines, circles, and much more. Ideas 
accepted. And while the left button of the rat-Toggle, 
Right-Reset, the two-Set. In my opinion, it is convenient not 

   Vindovoz. Working with okoshkami.Sobstvenno,
This function will be very extensive. But, unfortunately, the 
memory does not allow make a big buffer for the windows. Have to

think twice ... So far, running a simple, clean and inversion.

   Figures. Does not work. Ideas accepted.

   Stop. For the future. Once will have the opportunity to 
drive an arrow during the Fill, print text, etc. Stop will be

to stop these processes.

   Printer. Fine print picture
however, no indent, but this phenomenon is temporary. Work is 
proceeding with Skorpionovskim Epson-printer connection via 

   Question. Help for all functions, the overlay. Does not work.

   Clay. Sticks as cut sprite
and the whole picture. Sprite glues there
to indicate the cursor image is in the upper
left corner, in those coordinates. Do not be afraid of flashing 
on the screen. Just 2 kilobytes used by the buffer. Quite 
simple and elegant. 

   Converter. While in a separate
program. About him, see below.

   Nabivalka text. While it is very buggy. After writing a text 
editor will be redone with the latest technology.

   Rezalka. While tenderloin is done sprite
out of the picture. Sprite is not unloaded filers, ie, an 
internal data editor. Later will be added tenderloin sprite 
from the picture, screen clipping of a picture, a Filer will 
unload a sprite. 

   Point on the flickering background. Once I had planned not 
to impose an increase in separately, and make different display 
modes points and, with separately adjustable width and

tall. I suppose it will be done.

   Editor font. Font must be pre-loaded. A simple, no-nonsense 
editor. Squares next to the arrows indicate the "slide" = 
"slide", ie shift. The two arrows indicate the left clamp font 
to Left for proportional printing.

   Something with legs-RAM. The buffer is made for
one character.

   Envelope-standard envelope: conversion of a smaller font. 
Will be made later. Exit the editor font - hover

arrow on the left-most column of the screen and
palnut as follows.

   Cross-UNDO. This function will shut off, you see, there are 
no extra 48k. Better to go shove overlay.

   Menu-based installer. While the system is text
the menu is limited to a menu text
with pseudo-graphics. Do not worry, it's all
will be changed for the better.

   And now for the converter. It utilizes
almost as Filer as in the editor, but without masks. Files to 
the list get EVERYTHING. So I think what ship. Although I give 
a guarantee that nothing bad will happen. The program is 
control over the entire memory and overflow is restarted 
Ram-Mass Storage Drive. So do not be afraid. Incidentally. I 
have not done support for wider images 512 pixels, so that

do not be surprised if the program has stated that
Image is too wide, contact, type
later. (The only bad thing that she says so long after 
unpacking:)) After unpacking and converting enter a name

file extension and set the "P". Then tell the converter to save 
the file. In all programs is not any control over

pressing BREAK, so avoid pressure on
this cool button. (Well, when Claudia IBM
ovsky. There is no _knopki_ BREAK;]) Control Overflow drive and 
directory there, but the tests I did not (fool at hand was 

   It seems to be at this time. If there are
any suggestions (like go to drink beer), write / call me.

 454129 Chelyabinsk, Novorossiysk, 93-14

        Mazyrko Boris V.

           (A. KA Allen / XLNC)

         Phone: (3512) 53-43-43.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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