Deja Vu #08
31 мая 1999

Topic - A new crossroads - some of the complexities of the game The Castle.

<b>Topic</b> - A new crossroads - some of the complexities of the game The Castle.

(C) Sergei SKL-KEEPER/Kolesnikov

      New "CROSSROADS"?

   But what we really lyubiteli adventyur

            extinct? All one stratum
            Gia Bring, and yet where, as no

            in adventyure can will train
            vatsya in English, and the brain
            din work to throw? I before
            lag organize DEJA VU

            page lyubiteley adventyurnyh games. And the name 
already - "Crossroads", as in the ZX-REVIEW, the late ... 
Although not in the name of it!

   'm Doing my bit, and you guys, if
"Yes", write in DEJA VU, share experiences
passage of the most impenetrable adventyur!

   First a little background.

   One of my computer hobbies -
Russification. Previously, for the translation adventyur I
brothers feared: embarrassed high text
richness and complexity of the translation. And here,
I think, sort of accumulated experience, I will try. For
beginning chose a small shabby adventyurku - THE CASTLE. Spent 
quite some time, moved seemingly normal ... But in the process 
of translation has come to this conclusion: you should never be 
taken for the translation adventyurnoy game, if not pass it up

end in the original version!

   I've translated the "CASTLE", began her place and got stuck 
... I had to return to English version and run it first.

Was successful, but this had
get into the insides of the program (after all my
first adventyura, experience the passage of more
not!). It turned out that the program distinguishes between
word of the first three letters. Three letters
insufficient for accurate Russian translation ...
Hey, I do not mean what you think!
For example, the word RUN I first translated as
the verb "run" and then it turned out that
meant noun RUNES, ie

   What is your opinion whether you want to translate 
adventyury? Here, for example, Alexei Berezin from Kolpashevo 
so I wrote in my letter on this subject:

   "I've already managed to make it easier to write your own, 
new adventyuru (unless, of course, Talent will) than to 
transfer someone else's, fully aware that this is not the same. 
"  - But who is against something? - To insert my own.

   "Yes, and how to translate such a masterpiece
like, say, THE HOBBIT or SHERLOCK? Even
if the talent to translate the description of locations
(And it's really really), all dialogues
(This is harder), all the messages of the program
such as "I see no weather that you can wear"
(Mostly made up of individual words!), It still remains
many problems, particularly with verbs, with declinations, with 
prepositions "to" and "In" ... All this will need to somehow 
negotiate a special introduction to the game, and it certainly 
will not contribute to the popularity of Russian versions. One 
need only look to the Russian "ELITE", and we can immediately 
describe in detail all the shortcomings of Russification ... 
"(end quote) 

   Such opinions here! This question I leave
open for discussion in the pages of the magazine. E-mail, talk 
on this topic! 

   Now back to the aforementioned adventyure.

   In the "ZX-Revue" under the rubric of "Crossroads"
was twice about passing the secrets of this game (in the rooms 
1-2/96 p. 122 and 9 / 96, p. 73). I need this information very 
helpful and I managed to get this game completely. Now I want 
to share with friends - adventyurschikami disclosed by me


   Paint the passing game, "and from"
I will not, and then play will not make sense, but something of 
the difficulties in cutting. 

   So, when we climbed the tower,
picture shown on the tapestry, gave us
hint: this picture shows a wall with the hole still in it. In 
the location "ON THE OTHER SIDE" there is a way to north 
through the hole in the wall. The secret is that this hole can 
be seen only if you bring a torch. AND Must take a mascot

emerged after the dissolution of tin
a bar with "LIQUID" in location "LARGE
ROOM ". If you do not have a talisman, in
further wanderings through the labyrinth of you will inevitably 
meet cruel "DWARF'a, and meeting with him before a fall ... 
Sounds morse code, which you can optionally

listen, I ignored, because I do not know
Morse code, and they hardly you something
give. Likewise, can not pay
attention to the inscription on the wall in the location

   One of the treasures you need -
"SCARAB" You will find among the human remains "REMAINS OF 
HUMAN" in location "DEAD-END". Stone in the location "SMALL 
CHAMBER" You can move through the shelves, lying in

neighboring locations in the west, although it
looks fragile.

   By the condition of the game you have to find 6 treasure and 
put them in a particular room (in which one - does not say). 
Suggests: to find out whether in the room, you add up the 
treasure, enough to put one of them and give the command 
"SCORE". If you put the treasure in that room, your account 
will be equal to ten. For the impatient suggests: all the 
treasures must be folded into location "STRANGE ROOM", where 
you can enter from location "PLATFORM" (remember: the reference 
to platform in the North castle was on the drawing that you got 
from a chest in the most the first location).

   Once you lay down the treasures in
need a room, go back. In the location
"BLACK CHAPEL", where a statue of Medusa
lay rope, which at the beginning of the game we
not required. Entering now in this location, you'll see that 
the rope is magically transformed into a key. Take this key and 
go to the "THRONE ROOM" - the location, with where you start 
the game. You will see that in place of the throne emerged 
door. Unlock it using a key and you are free!

             Good luck to you all!

Other articles:

Aperativchik - On the control of the shell DEJA VU

Aperativchik - Number came late in the month.

Aperativchik - Freebies will be no more.

Topic - Provision # 2. Perspective.

Topic - On working with electronic drive in the IS-Dos.

Topic - A new crossroads - some of the complexities of the game The Castle.

Topic - the printer and the ZX-Spectrum (command system printer family Epson).

drop of solder - Ode to watch.

drop of solder - Scanner v1.3.

drop of solder - Disk protector v1.4 (scheme).

SOFTWARE - Overview of new products demos: Iris UltraDemo, Lazarus Trackmo, Russian Fields of Experiments, Pressure Trackmo.

SOFTWARE - Overview of new products games: White Eagle, Leprekon, Kozel, Puzzle (prerelease of Flash), Space, Translate Worlds, Devil-s Curse, Choppers: death match, Twilight: The Land of Shadows, Falen Angel, 12 Secret Book, The Cezar, Chainick horror in Flat.

SOFTWARE - Review sistemok: ASCII Convertor v2.71, Global Commander v1.31, BA v1.0, X-Copy.

SOFTWARE - Men like gods: the script for the game Elite III

SOFTWARE - The work of the program to print images XL-graph.

CODING - The Optimization - Building a table repetition of bytes.

CODING - Universal Player - Pro Tracker v3.31.

CODING - an undocumented feature of the processor Z80.

CODING - Conversion of graphics into text format ASCII.

CODING - How to create uncopyable whereas sector.

CODING - BUGS in Plaeyer-e Pro Tracker 3.x


ANOTHER WORLD - At the crossroads of three worlds.

ANOTHER WORLD - News from the world of Amiga.

ANOTHER WORLD - My Choice - PC?.

Hall of Fame - What do we think about the scene.

Hall of Fame - Everyone on party!

Hall of Fame - On CD-ROM project from the city of Kemerovo.

Seven and 1 / 2 - April Fools' Day.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Purposely not think: seven stories from the seller to ZX software.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Anecdotes.

attempt at writing - Amiga rulez or suxx?

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   3 December