Deja Vu #08
31 мая 1999

drop of solder - Disk protector v1.4 (scheme).

<b>drop of solder</b> - Disk protector v1.4 (scheme).

(C) Mongol'n'BitMaster / DELTA CORP.

          Disk protector v1.4

   Hi, evribadi! Each of us
often the question arises: Do not lock me
drive this program? (At least we have
vonikal). So, constantly zadolbavshis
flopari glue up, we decided to hang on
its components still dezhitse ... bother - device.
So, you need two LEDs
on-off switch, the chip
K155LA3 one rezyuk at 1k and essesno,
ability to keep the soldering iron in his hands.

   Thus, the scheme:

   And now a little explanation. Firstly,
You must bend the 36-th leg VG93
aside. Then soldered m / s at K155LA3
K155TM2 (pressure welded only 7 th and 14 th conclusions! Other 
conclusions unbent and pressure welded to the side of the 
diagram). Oh, and the third stage - is assembling the rest of

scheme. We hope that you all understand -
easier to nowhere! Good Luck!!!

P.S. especialy 4 DejaVu!!!

Other articles:

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drop of solder - Ode to watch.

drop of solder - Scanner v1.3.

drop of solder - Disk protector v1.4 (scheme).

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Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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