Deja Vu #08
31 мая 1999
  ZX vs PC  

ANOTHER WORLD - My Choice - PC?.

<b>ANOTHER WORLD</b> - My Choice - PC?.

original: Veremeenko
processed: CAV Inc.

              Choice of My-PC?

                     Zara offer my

                   apologies Veremeenko and

                   other famous people,

                   made their choice ...

   I gave myself a vow no more to write on
this topic, but as you can see escaped. The reason
This was an article in Veremeenko DEJA
VU # 7. Matter who dumps where I will not touch, this is all 
long enough. I will pass on a few other things in

become a respected Veremeenko. Yes, I agree that the Scorpion 
and 386 were almost the same price segment. But treshka will 
definitely without the "blaster", so that She loses several 
Scorpion'u. Take now, "three rubles" for money is not 
reasonable. Find something under it is not easy, and Fido and 
BBS'ki do not have to nod, it's not an option. Yes, and get to 
the same Fido is now easy. With this problem I faced when I took

on time "treshechny" beech. So I have it and
lain a couple of months without work. Because games on the PC I 
was not very interested, but from sistemok I needed a 3D 
editor. As you you know, of these editors for DOS

Only the most common 3D Studio, but
I have an allergy to it. If you believe
that you can nadybat program for three, then the flag in your 
hands. The second question is upgrade three to "stump" - is, 
frankly, a little delirious. Yes, you can certainly upgrade, 
but it will result not in the $ 20-30, and in a much more round 
sum. So, count up what it would cost (even more so upgrade I 
had somehow done). Suppose you have a "three" (previously 
bought or someone on a freebie given, as to fly "Three" only to 
immediately throw out her half of the blocks - it is not 
reasonable). The first thing you have to, because it determine 
what to keep and what to throw (Sell types, having read such 
articles, like Veremeenko). Thus, by pervosti reserve monitor, 
claves, video card (for the first time), housing (if this 
tower), and of Bat, if any. Can leave "muzykalku and CD drive, 
if you have had. Buy you need to "mother", processor, memory 
and screw. Need a minimum of 16Mb of memory (as juzat WINDOWS 
on 8 - it's masochism). Will result this to you, approximately, 
$ 150-300, rather than as not in $ 20-30, as the article 
Veremeenko, and these are real figures in the city of Kemerovo. 
Moreover, in a result, you get something on

which can only juzat not too demanding in the video bend, ie, 
All Games older in 1995 are eliminated, the powerful graphics

editors, too. And anyway, 640 * 400 * 256 -
- Is not rulez. Why are these numbers? And you do not
forgot that we left the old video card?
And on most treshek worth Trident 512K
and the best possible treatment for Winds
listed above. Okay, buy a new card, the minimum on which to 
operate, should have 1M and, accordingly, True color you will 
not see. It costs $ 14-20 bucks. So guys, if you have decided 
to dump on the PC, then take the best new machine (for 600 
bucks), and save money on upgrades. Does it bring you joy - I

honestly do not know. So I do not know
if you can earn money on the PCs. Although, having a gab and 
disruptive nature, you can. But in this case, you be able to 
earn anything. What With regard to amenity programming

mi ... Well I do not know, guys do not know. Question
is that called the programming.
Since writing the macros, or templates in MS
Office - this is also programming. For example, macros or 
word'a access'a can safely manage Windu and the system (I can 
cite an example from life: I have to work yuzaetsya database 
format paradox, and of reports written in access'e. So

so, in order not to load the network, the base is copied to a 
local drive, and already from the local copy of a request is 
made. Copy Database made macro.)

   That's all that I wanted to say.
Moral of the same this opus that is not necessary
introduce people into error. Of course, I
I understand that the three have somewhere to put, but
not in the same way.

        Speccy rulezzz (on any)

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Aperativchik - Number came late in the month.

Aperativchik - Freebies will be no more.

Topic - Provision # 2. Perspective.

Topic - On working with electronic drive in the IS-Dos.

Topic - A new crossroads - some of the complexities of the game The Castle.

Topic - the printer and the ZX-Spectrum (command system printer family Epson).

drop of solder - Ode to watch.

drop of solder - Scanner v1.3.

drop of solder - Disk protector v1.4 (scheme).

SOFTWARE - Overview of new products demos: Iris UltraDemo, Lazarus Trackmo, Russian Fields of Experiments, Pressure Trackmo.

SOFTWARE - Overview of new products games: White Eagle, Leprekon, Kozel, Puzzle (prerelease of Flash), Space, Translate Worlds, Devil-s Curse, Choppers: death match, Twilight: The Land of Shadows, Falen Angel, 12 Secret Book, The Cezar, Chainick horror in Flat.

SOFTWARE - Review sistemok: ASCII Convertor v2.71, Global Commander v1.31, BA v1.0, X-Copy.

SOFTWARE - Men like gods: the script for the game Elite III

SOFTWARE - The work of the program to print images XL-graph.

CODING - The Optimization - Building a table repetition of bytes.

CODING - Universal Player - Pro Tracker v3.31.

CODING - an undocumented feature of the processor Z80.

CODING - Conversion of graphics into text format ASCII.

CODING - How to create uncopyable whereas sector.

CODING - BUGS in Plaeyer-e Pro Tracker 3.x


ANOTHER WORLD - At the crossroads of three worlds.

ANOTHER WORLD - News from the world of Amiga.

ANOTHER WORLD - My Choice - PC?.

Hall of Fame - What do we think about the scene.

Hall of Fame - Everyone on party!

Hall of Fame - On CD-ROM project from the city of Kemerovo.

Seven and 1 / 2 - April Fools' Day.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Purposely not think: seven stories from the seller to ZX software.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Anecdotes.

attempt at writing - Amiga rulez or suxx?

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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