Odyssey Magazine #02
14 июля 1997 |
__ __ / / / __ ____ / / / __ / __ / / / / / / / _ / __ / / / _ / / / / / _ / _ / / / / / / / / \ /__// __/__/ / / / / / \ _ / _ / _ / / / / / / / \ / _ / / _ / / _ / _ 1996 v 1.5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE TEAMS YC S.JOY / K.JOY-CONTROL TRUE V. -PAGE UP INV V. -PAGE DOWN EDIT-RETURN ENTER -RUN/VIEV SCREEN BREAK-BREAK CURRENT OPERATION 1,2,3,4-CHANGE DRIVE R-RENAME CURRENT FILE T -TURBO/NORMAL P - + / - DELETED FILES A-SET ALL / RESET ALL S-SPEND ON / OFF D-RESTORE CATALOG H -HEX/DEC L-SIZE (FILES) Z-SAVE CATALOG 'SETUP M-MASK SS + R-RENAME MARK FILES SS + T-RENAME TITLE DISK SS + P-PASS ON / OFF SS + S -0159 ON / OFF SS + L -0159 SS + D-DELETE MARK FILES SS + C-COPY MARK FILES SS + M-MOVE Y-YES N-NO INTRODUCTION Y COMMANDER v. 1.5 is modified version of YC v. 1.4 ofcoz YC appeared due to the inconvenience seen We COMMANDER'ov (CC, FC, JC, MC, GC, etc.) In YC user'interfase certainly convenient, it is friendly window interface with an arrow plus shortcuts and other amenities. In this version, not all what was planned (mause, format, trackcopy, doctor), we prevent the lack of normal assembler (MASM 1.xx?), well and of course the lack of finance, exams (Kursovoi), a constant buhnya, a neighbor with his gromkozvenyaschim, blunt woodworking machines (this is an elevator). DETAIL YC The screen is divided into 4 panels. 1.Otobrazhaemy 1panel 2 panel folder of drive 2.Informatsiya of CD 3 Panel 3.Dopolnitelnaya Information 5 panels 4.informatsiya of file 4 panels 5.komandnaya panel Management by an arrow Sinclair (6, 7, 8, 9, 0) or Kempston joystick. In the first panel displays the eighteen lines. String format: ° ROBOCOP2 B 1 2 3 1.Indikatsiya marking a file: °-unmarked-tagging 2.Imya file (maximum 8 characters) 3.Tip file (B-BAISIC C-CODE, etc.) To mark the file, you must bring an arrow on it and click on the FIRE (0). (For a consistent labeling of Files must be in conjunction with FIRE to hold down the top (9) or Down (8). ) Labeling of all files is done option SET (see). When the arrow stops at some or file, the file becomes the current and fourth panel, you will receive full information about it (see). To start BASIC'fayla, or view standard images (27 sectors) must create one file and the current push press "ENTER" (do not forget to go). Key "TRUE VIDEO" You can climb the 21 lines up the key "INVIDEO" down. EDIT key will move the arrow in the middle of the first panel. The second panel displays followingManufacture type (in brackets): [Current drive-A ABCD] 1234 To select the drive, press appropriate key (1,2,3,4) or to put an arrow on the corresponding letter 'and confirm with FIRE [Disc Type .....80D/2S] 1 2 3 1.Kolichestvo tracks on the disc (taken from the catalog). 2.Number sides of the disc (taken from the catalog). 3.Knopchka DAMAGE key "D", consistently restores files in a directory on the principle of ascending track and Gaza, restores the value the last track and sectors in the directory. If a satisfactory result catalog can ship (see). [Name of the disk ... DISC N1] The name of the current drive, you can rename Key SYMBOL SHIFT "SS" in conjunction with pressing the "T" (SS + T), or bring to the disk and confirm kalavishey "FIRE". The yield on the key "BREAK". [Number of files .. 12] Number of files along with the remote. Is not taken from the catalog, as in some Commander, and is calculated automatically. Marker for the end of the catalog is byte 0. [Of them closed .... 2 √] Number of deleted files (computed automatically.) Nearby is the indicator Enable remote file in the first panel. Key "P" or selection arrow enable or disable the output of the remote files. Incidentally Y COMMANDER displays all catalog files, when the indicator Deleted Files "√". I deleted files first character of the name looks like ". Deleted files can be renamed copy (see). [Free sectors 2544] Number of free sectors (computed automatically, and the drive is formatted to a maximum (more than 159 dorzhki) will be rounded up to the normal length). The third panel contains information about current mask, the number of labeled files and the number of free memory for your computing system. [MASK ........ . ] February 1 Select an option by pressing "M" or arrow. This option allows withdraw in the first panel file or a group files to the specified conditions in the mask. 1. Eight characters correspond to the mask file name. 2. Complies with the mask file type. Character "." means that instead, when selection mask can be any character. Suppose you enter a mask "R. ...... B", in the first panel would display all files that start at "R" of type "B": ° ROBOCOP1 B ° RAMBO128 B ° RICK 128 B If you want to quickly remove the mask, select this option and click on the "BREAK". During the editing button "EDIT" switches Russian / Latin. [The observed 45] Number of marked files. [Take 2000] The total amount of sectors selected files [Freeware 416] Amount of free memory (in sectors) Fourth panel shows the full information about the current file. [ROBOCOP3 B 343 342 255 255 1 0] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.Imya file 2.tip file 3.Start for the file type "C" (in bytes). Length (bytes), no variables in Type "B". 4.Dlinna file (in bytes), and for type "B" length of the file with variables. 5.Dlinna file in the sectors taken from directory. 6.Optsiya selecting the length of files, changing arrow key or "L" (see). 7.Dlinna file in the sectors is calculated automatically according to followingManufacture file and the last track and sector. 8.Pervaya file-path. 9.Pervy sector file. Fifth command bar contains only options. To execute the option need to put on it an arrow or use the hot key. [HEX RENAME] [SET DELETE] [TURBO √ MOVE] [SPEND √ COPY] [PASS √ TRCOPY] [0159 √ FORMAT] [0159 DOCTOR] [PUT SETUP'TRK] HEX - this option switches the system decimal notation "DEC" and hex "HEX". Hot key "H" (option modified "HEX" / "DEC"). SET-This option marks all files in the first panel, then the aspectual changed to "RES". RES-This option removes all markings file in the first panel, and then mutates to "SET". TURBO-This option includes an additional turbodriver in disk operations, symbol "√", and otherwise is the standard treatment for TR-DOS (# 3D13, 15635), the sign "x". When working turbodriver'a ensure is called a fast loading (at Hi format and without SPEND'a see) and better shipping. Hotkey "T". SPEND-operation with the option "√", in time disk will display the current track and sector, otherwise no sign "x". Hot key "S". PASS-This option includes the "x", disables "√" analysis of the disk in the drive. Hot key "SS + P". 0159, when the "√" this option will automatically be made shipping directory on 159 track. Hot key "SS + S". 0159-If you select this option with 159 Track download catalog in memory, the physical directory entry in the 0th path does not occur in consequence it can be viewed and if you want to write in the 0th track option PUT SETUP'TRK (see) Hot key "SS + L". RENAME-This option allows you to rename group labeled files. Renames inverted is. Renaming occurs in the fourth panel, first name then the file type. When you click on "BREAK" perimenovyvanie terminates is all the files remain in the original initial state. Hotkey "SS + R". DELETE-Delete marked files. Hot key "SS + D". MOVE-seal information on the disk. There are two information windows In the first window displays the mode work drive "LOAD" (download) or "SAVE" (shipping) and the current file. The second window is similar to third panel, but no masks. Hot key "SS + M" (cool-n-nd "BREAK"). COPY-Copy of marked files. When selecting this option will ask drive on which you want to copy: ABCD. Selecting the drive performed as well as switching disk drives (see). When copying on the same drive will request [Control YES / NO] If the you want to copy this same drive then answer "NO" (the key "N"), while control discs did not produced. If you answer "YES" (Press "Y") will be made control discs, and if you accidentally confuse discs you'll be message "DO NOT DRIVE THAT !!!". Directly before copying analysis of the disk is the receiver, it verifies the existence of free hard disk space and directory, and if everything is ok begins the process of copying, Otherwise you will see post something on the drive unit missing: [Many sectors] or [A LOT OF FILE] Complies up productivity reduces not budet.Protsess Copy superficially similar to the compaction process information on the disk (see). Just if the disk unit, there identical files by name and type with files that are copied to happen Request: [Overwrite file YES / NO] [ROBOCOP3 B] If you answer "YES" old file will be removed, and the corresponding file be copied. In answering "NO" the file not be copied. Hot key "SS + C". Copy will be made your chosen long, key "L" (in the fourth panel), if arrow will be looking to the left, data kolichestveve sectors will be taken from the catalog on the right data will be calculated automatically cally according to the following file and the last track and sector. In the disk operations or Clicking on "BREAK", may occur errors, while you will be prompted: [Retry? Abort? Ignore? ] Retry-popytatsya repeat key "R" Abort-abort the operation, the key "A" Ignore-ignorirovt key, "I". When you choose "Abort" will request [Record katalogYES / NO] If you answer "YES" to ship catalog data files that already copied (tighten). If an error occurred while writing (SAVE) the last file in the directory should be removed, this is done for In order to know from whom to file You can continue copying. When answer "NO" directory will unchanged. TRCOPY-These options are not implemented in YCv1.5 FORMAT-wait for future versions. DOCTOR-If you leave them the choice in this HELP. PUTSETUP'TRK-Used to store current configuration Y COMMANDER'A and shipment of the catalog in the 0th track Hotkey "Z". EPILOGUE Y COMMANDER v. 1.5 was completed July 5, 1996, and HELP to him was fastened in August 1996. Y COMMANDER CREATERS: (Childrens Infatuated Computers) IDEA: Y CODING: SNTR-turbodriver Y-all overs CRITICISM: J. OLEG HELP: Y 'SNTR (main coders in CIC) WARNING!!! If the someone you lyapnet supposedly in the next version, due to the additional options decrease ob'em captured sectors, in any case do not believe this vile liar (n \ @ # $% y). Ob'em ZS reduced by up to 16 sec. provided that will be Completed all functions. If the you are interested in distributing the next version you can YC contact the address below. (Just do not think that one otmazhetes kempston mouse that we need sure! Because of the lack of it). ADDRESS: RUSSIA, Perm Region. , 617740, the Tchaikovsky-6 ab.ya. 6 (C.I.C.) (You can write to us simply to dating or for sharing toys, or for criticism. On each of your letter, I - 'Y', personalno answer everyone. Waiting Letters gentlemen nick hackers, svapery !!!!!) C.I.C. software ltd all right reserved Oh, you bitch fuck you fucking schmuck copyright before loading succeeded. So fag Change the copyright obrtno.Kstati check how you bitch promiscuous 0th dorga loaded After all, you goat is no longer able to use this diskom.Dazhe if you have zautilen.Ponyal tehedeshnik otpizhenny. FFFFFFF UU UU CCCCC KK KK FFFFFFF UU UU CCCCCCC KK KK FF UU UU CC CC KKKK FFFFF UU UU CC KKKK FFFF UU UU CC CC KK KK FF UUUUUUU CCCCCCC KK KK FF UUUUU CCCCC KK KK YYY YYY OOOOOOOO UUU UUU YYY YYY OOOOOOOOOO UUU UUU YYYYYY OOO OOO UUU UUU YYYY OOO OOO UUU UUU YYYY OOO OOO UUU UUU YYYY OOOOOOOOOO UUUUUUUUUU YYYY OOOOOOOO UUUUUUUU Mudila ebannaya you, you're whole life will be jerk off on other people's prog's and never did not zdelaesh himself. So that your Z-80 naebnulsya quickly, then you will pull your dick constantly. original: Y COMMANDER v 1.5 BY C.I.C. 1996
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