Amazing #02
14 июля 1998

Assembler - SH-93: Procedures for direct work with the floppy drive controller.

<b>Assembler</b> - SH-93: Procedures for direct work with the floppy drive controller.
(C) 1998 by Dr. Serg

Music by Spider

; Sector write procedure
; Entry: BC-trek, sect
; Recording from addresses HL
; (WrMode) keeps a record type sector
; 00 bit 2 is set (# FB)
; 10100h00
; # FF bit 2 set (# F8)
, Output: A = 0 OK.v HL-next addres
; A = a positioning error
; A = 2 error records
; After the disk status register.
, Is rewritten by (ErrWG)
, With type 2 error is repeating
; Attempt to read (PowtRDS) raz.pri this
; Increasing. value (Bader) 1

WrSect ld a, (WrMode)

        ld ix, Wrseccom

        res 0, (ix +1)

        and a: jr z, Wrsec1

        set 0, (ix +1)
Wrsec1 ld de, PowtRDS

        ld a, (de): inc de

        ld (de), a

        ld (Wrsec6 +1), hl

        ld a, -1

        call Posic

        and a

        jr nz, Wrsec3
Wrsec2 push bc

        ld a, c

        ld c, # 5f

        call Dos1; Register sector

        ld c, # 1f
Wrseccom ld a,% 10100000

        call Dos1; command register

        ld c, # 7f

        ld ix, # 3fba

        call Dos2; write cycle

        ld ix, # 3c30

        call Dos2

        ld (ErrWG), a; registration status

        push hl
Wrsec6 ld de, 0

        inc de

        and a

        sbc hl, de

        pop hl

        pop bc

        jr z, Wrsec4; not write

        and% 11111111

        jr nz, Wrsec4

        xor a

        jr Wrsec5
Wrsec4 ld hl, (Baderr)

        inc hl

        ld (Baderr), hl

        ld hl, (Wrsec6 +1)

        ld a, (PowtRDS +1)

        dec a

        ld (PowtRDS +1), a

        ld a, 2

        jp m, Wrsec5

        jr Wrsec2
Wrsec3 ld a, 1
Wrsec5 out (# fe), a


; Procedure readout sector
; Entry: BC-trek, sect
; Reading is made at HL
, Output: A = 0 HL-len load data (128,256 ..)
; A = a positioning error
; A = 2 error load data
; After the disk status register.
, Is rewritten by (ErrWG)
, With type 2 error is repeating
; Attempt to read (PowtRDS) n raz.pri this
; Increasing. value (Bader) 1

Rd1Sec ld de, PowtRDS

        ld a, (de)

        inc de

        ld (de), a

        ld (Rdsec6 +1), hl

        ld a, -1

        call Posic

        and a

        jr nz, Rdsec3
Rdsec2 push bc

        ld a, c

        ld c, # 5f

        call Dos1; Register sector

        ld c, # 1f

        ld a,% 10000000

        call Dos1; command register

        ld c, # 7f

        ld ix, # 3fd5

        call Dos2; cycle read

        ld ix, # 3c30

        call Dos2

        ld (ErrWG), a; registration status

        push hl
Rdsec6 ld de, 0

        inc de

        and a

        sbc hl, de

        pop hl

        pop bc

        jr z, Rdsec4; not read

        and% 11011111

        jr nz, Rdsec4

        out (# fe), a


Rdsec4 ld hl, (Baderr)

        inc hl

        ld (Baderr), hl

        ld hl, (Rdsec6 +1)

        ld a, (PowtRDS +1)

        dec a

        ld (PowtRDS +1), a

        ld a, 2

        jp m, Rdsec5

        jr Rdsec2
Rdsec3 ld a, 1
Rdsec5 out (# fe), a


WrMode DB 0
PowtRDS DB 10,0
Baderr DW 0

; Procedure of positioning the head
; Login: B - track number 0-159
;: A = 0 test position 1
; (0001 1h00)
;: A = 255 not verify 0
; Output: A = 0 O.K.
; A <> 0 Error, bit 7, a = 1 command is not
, Adopted
; Bit 4, a = 1 error on; zitsionirovaniya
; Bit 0, a = 1 controller
; Not ready to receive
; Changes IX, AF
; Service Registry => (ErrWG)
; When starting the engine pauses
; Opred.konstantoy => (DrPause)

Posic push bc

        ld ix, posicC

        and a

        set 2, (ix +1)

        jr z, posic3

        res 2, (ix +1)
posic3 ld ix, posicex

        push ix

                      ; Ust.side

        ld a, b

        srl a

        ld b, a

        ld ix, # 1feb

        jr nc, posic1

        ld ix, # 1ff6
posic1 call Dos2

        ld ix, # 3c30

        call Dos2

        bit 0, a

        jr z, posic4

; SH not gotova.preryvanie Kamanda

        ld a,% 11010000

        ld c, # 1f

        ld ix, # 2a53

        jr posic1

; Checking motor rotation
, And the modification of const. delay
posic4 ld ix, 1

        bit 7, a

        jr z, posic5

        ld ix, (DrPause)
posic5 ld (posicp +2), ix

        ld a, b

        ld c, # 7f

        call Dos1; ust.nom.treka
posicC ld a,% 00011100; bit 2-way navigation key and check ..

        ld c, # 1f

        call Dos1; Track Search

        ld ix, # 3c30; in a, (# 1f)
posic2 call Dos2

        bit 0, a; is the command

        jp nz, posic2

        bit 7, a

        ret nz; Emergency exit

                      ; Drive worth!

        bit 4, a

        ret nz; error search

        bit 3, a

        ret nz; error control.

                      ; Code (if CHECK)

        ld (ErrWG), a

        ; Pause, if there was engine start
posicp ld ix, 0
posic6 dec ix

        ld a, xl

        or xh

        jr nz, posic6

        pop bc

        pop bc

posicex ld (ErrWG), a

        pop bc


; Procedure to pass in TR.DOS
; On # 2A53: OUT (BC), A: RET

Dos1 ld ix, # 2a53; out (c), a: ret
Dos2 push ix

        jp # 3d2f

ErrWG DB 0
DrPause DW # A000

Other articles:

From the Author - the history of creation of 2nd issue of the magazine.

Authors - the authors of the magazine.

Review - an overview of programs from: STV v1.3, Sample Editor v2.1, TDU v1.0, Crasher, RBI, YES, RDG, MOdule Converter, RC v1.4, Dark Square, in 1912 a secret book.

Softyatina - an overview of new media and games: Odyssey # 2, Oberon # 4, Spectrofon 22-23, ZX-Format 7, Amiga # 1, Faultless 8, ZX-REVIEW 5-6 Amazing 1, X-Reversy, The Last Curieur, Pro Trackerr 3.0.

User'am - Risc processor - the path to the future.

User'am - 64 kilobytes of FIDONet.

User'am - UFO-2 "Devils of the Abyss", on the road to perfection.

User'am - Course polodogo user.

Assembler - talk about a necessary procedure as the derivation of the sprite.

Assembler - Time Management (work with interruptions).

Assembler - Sharing ZX ASM 3.0 and STS 5.1.

Assembler - SH-93: Procedures for direct work with the floppy drive controller.

Present - description of Turbo Disk Utility v1.0.

Present - description of the Sample Editor v2.1 (beta).

Present - description of the Real Commander v1.4.

Present - description of the game Dark Squares v1.98 (demo version).

At leisure - I saw the Amiga and IBM's work and I can not express their thinking about it!

At leisure - answers to frequently asked questions about your Amiga.

Miscellaneous - history: History of Clive Sinclair.

Miscellaneous - Modem: How to use the modem, implements the correction / compression MNP4/MNP5, v.42/v.42bis.

Miscellaneous - lmg: History of Education Last Masters Group.

Spending - Stirlitz.

Spending - ochepyatki: ochepyatoki committed in newspapers and magazines.

Spending - ORT: ADVERTISING motor trade!

Iron - a detailed description of modems.

At leisure - 10:2 Hacker eRRoR new virus from Mitnick.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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