Flash Time #01
10 июля 1997

On asshole - Overfile Must Die!!!

<b>On asshole</b> - Overfile Must Die!!!
Text: FLASH (MYSTERY, FIKUS, SLACK DEN) and some people from 
other groups fully join us! COPYRIGHT 1997

           OVERFILE MUST DIE!!!

     Hi everyone! The purpose of this article - to protect 
users Spectrum of the so-called 'pest'. 

     No, it goes about viruses, but the
group from the city of Kirov, which is called

     Many of us have ever bought
software from other cities,
For example, a game of UFOs (in the author's version) by 
transferring money to the account of the author, and then get 
the disc in the mail. 

     So. Some time ago, our
the city received about this ad
read: "if you need new games
SPECCY, konvertnutye with iBM, such as
WARCRAFT, MORTAL COMBAT 2 and the other not less
popular toys, then you need to list XX thousand rubles to the 
address of YY for a floppy disk with these the games. "To be 
more precise, in the city of Kirov, a group of OVERFILE.

     As far as I know, after receiving filok, they all break 
off and did not respond to letters sent to them. so they tried 
to cheat vseizestnuyu group 'STEP', but they do not out, but 
unfortunately, they have managed to deceive many other people 
from this nemeryannom razozlivshihsya.A because OVERFILE not 
alone. But I hope that I have this wrong.

> Prim.SLACK DENa '.
> Well, Dimon, I'm on is also very hopeful.
> If these people will appear more
> More, users cheated once
> Or two, do not want to buy the program
> Mail from what will suffer in the first
> All manufacturers of P / O. In the following
> Rooms, we will return to this subject.

     What I'm getting all this: if a sudden
you find a Declaration made that are sold
cool software (but there is no evidence of the add (demo 
version - for example), and authors are asked to unspecified 
Number bucks promising to send back the disc, it is not

worth the risk. Wait until you
prove the existence of this
software, after which to trade.

> For example, in our publication, in an annex
> Will always be posted demo
> Programs that already exist or
> Close to completion.

     But what I can think of now:
In no case, do not send money
Kirov group OVERFILE (unless, of course, you do not
millionaire), and then risk being left without money and 
without disks. 

    Of course, now these same OVERFILE can explain this article 
as a fit, attacking competitors, etc, but I, in turn, prove the 
opposite: if it was fit, how do you explain a few

programs entirely from the different cities? But
Unfortunately, I have available there are only two: OVERFILE 
MUST DIE and OVERFUCK TO OVERFILE.Nu if you still is not 
ubedito, call the authors of these programs and introduce a 
oVERFILE'ov, and here then you will understand how angry they 
are the people which they had been deceived.

> It is possible that OVERFILE'y already
> Changed his name, but continue to own, so
> Say 'dirty' game by pumping de> neg pockets doverchevyh users
> And distributors.

     I hope the above will cause
you to be more cautious in buying discs from an untrusted 
outlets in other cities, and even for bad publicity.  Finally a 
few words to the group OVERFILE: Well what can you say in your 
defense ??????????????????????????????????????????

Or in addition to what you draw, so you have
will be encrypted? If not, write to
reply letter to the Editor, or if
you have the guts? Ali afraid that you all
point tear raz'yarennye lovers SPECCY?
If your gut, so to speak, normal
thickness, show the opposite: write what you
think about this article.

    In addition to everything I want to say that
would like to see in the world SPECCY nebylo
just such people who just drove away
its users.

     Incidentally, the annex has a program
'OVERFILE MUST DIE', which came to us
from a nice foroda Chelyabinsk.
 I, Fikus also have something to say about this
occasion. So, I ask all deceived sverhnapilnikami (one 
translation overfile words in Russian)!

Cheated! Must be punished KOZLOV!
Let's all MAHNO in Kirov, and Stresa with Files OUR BABKA!
 Ob'yavlyayu competition for the most vicious and brutal
program, revealing overfile'ov.

   The winner will receive access to any programa from my 
collection (more than 6000 programs can be yours).  Their work 
direct to my address or an editorial. 


Other articles:

But seriously - How to "sell" floppy disk for 500.000

But seriously - Birds.

But seriously - The development (as appeared Spectrum).

But seriously - Cell phones - what is it?

But seriously - Ditty

Assembler - Beginners.

The annex to the number.

Entry - The authors.

Entry - From the authors.

Zhelezyachki - Sound Drive 1.51

Zhelezyachki - Give Spectrum 3.5 "floppy drive!

Zhelezyachki - Up Work Scropion Turbo (AY in digitization, the velocity uvilichenie companies).

perverts - Sex Telephone.

perverts - Little Red Riding Hood (folklore).

perverts - the Battle of Kulikov (eyewitness).

On asshole - Overfile Must Die!!!

Mail - Messages: Messages for the famous people in the world of the Spectrum.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Reflections - AMIGA or PC?

Reflections - the musical map for the Speccy.

Reflections - Problems AY: all the music on the AY-editors kidding!

Reflections - Project Superspektrum.

Advertising - EX Russia

Advertising - The inhabitants of Novosibirsk

Soft - butted: Chaos - the Battle of Wizards.

Soft - butted: Enterprise.

Soft - butted: Little Computer People.

Soft - butted: Starcontrol.

Soft - What to expect in the near future.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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