Scream #01
31 мая 2001

Scene - ASCII: "Askey scene is very, very developed at the pop Computers, where there are thousands of asci-artists, where the asci-group - quite a standard phenomenon, where the primary means of presenting their work are so-called Art packs .. "

<b>Scene</b> - ASCII:
         _. y% |% y,. _ _. y% |% y,. _

      , S7P \ ¤ `` `` ¤ \ | b, d | \ ¤ `~` "¤ \? 7a,

    , S $ 7 '_, y% ¤ "```? $,, J7' `` "¤% y, _`? $ S,

   : $ 7, d $ 7 ':%;`` `? B,, d7' ``;%:`? $ B,? $:

   ; $ I; $ P;:;% `) $ $,, $ $ (`%;: :?$;: i $;

   i $ li $ 7;;: `__.,, y% 7 bd 7% y ,,.__`:;; 7 $ il $ i

   l $: | $ il $ l: $ l

   il ∙ l $ l ... [what ascii is] ... l $ | ∙ li

   : I · i $: | $ l · i:

   ∙ | `% mmmmmmmmy% i, yyy%% S $ $ l, yyy%% S $ $ l, 7 $: | ∙

   ·:, Yyy%% S $ $ $: $ $: $ $ $ ¤ "` $ ¤ $: l $ ll $ l: ·

    ∙: $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $: $ y $ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ∙

    · L ¤ $ ll $ ll $ ll $ $ ll $ $ ll $ $ l ·

       $ Y $: $ $ $: * i $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $:

      : $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ $ $: $ ¤ $

      l $ $ ll $ ll $ $ ll ¤ $ ll $ $ ll $ $ ll $ $ ll $ yl

      $$$:__., $ $ $: $ $ :__., $ Y $: $ $ :__., $ $: $ $: $ $:.

          ¤¤¤"""^` ¤¤¤"""^` ¤¤¤"""^` ¤ ¤:

          :................ .... . .. ........ ...+.

          :. Asd / / secular ..


asscee - a strange word, 254 - strange number, asscee artists -
strange people.

That all these things together? The scene, asci-scene! This 
scene is very, very well developed in the pop Computers, where 
there are thousands of asci-artists, where asci group - quite a 
standard phenomenon, where the primary means of presenting 
their work are so-called Art packs. But what is happening at a 
very underground scene, the Spectrum scene? Hardly you can find 
thousands and even tens of asci-artists, you can hardly see the 
line "ascii group" in describing the newborn group, and very 
very incredible fact will be the appearance of any art-pack.


Difficult to answer this question, it is very difficult. 
Although I try to suggest: Beginning this trend did not stick, 
you never can see in the magazines tutorial by Askey, while the 
themes and pikselinga trekerstva were developed quite strongly. 
Very rarely do we see Askey at all, and therefore not know - 
what it is. Yes, with this, probably, and let's begin. 

What is the ascii?
Ascii - this is such a character encoding, in her 254 shaped as 
letters, there are pseudo-graphic ... * Smile * At this point, 
the experience of big-asciiscene, there are three areas of 
asci: block ascii, oldschool ascii and newschool ascii. In 
principle, you can tell a little about each of these flows. 

Oldschool ascii - that's what we used to see in file_id.diz
a couple of years ago at the pc-ascii-scene and what we see on 
this day at Spectrum ascii scene. This style is primarily 
allocated using a very small number of characters, mostly it /, 
_ \, (u). The second feature - some difficult to read most of 
the logos. Oh, and in this style are drawn only logos. But it's 
better "to see once ...", so that For example, a couple of 
logos from dino, Amiga asci-painter. 

                                             ...// 1995 here 


           iS: 1995:

  ______________ ___________________________________________

  \ _ | ________ / ________ /_____ ---------.

   `------------'----------.__/-----------.__/--------- ---.__/

                 | |

      _______ .___________.____________ ___________

     | /--------| -----__/| ------__/| -----__/-.

     `-----/ \ --------'-----------'-----/ \ -----'-------- 

                 : Here? :


                                                 ...// Lamer 

        .------. _____. .---------/._________

        | |----- /|-----------| ---__/ | .___/

        `------`-------'---- \ /-----'----------'----' DNo

On the drive look oldschl.B, a self-extracting archive. Rate -
there collected the last of the progressive old school artist'a
from Novgorod - zmej.secular (ex-zmej.razzlers).

Oldschool artists have so far, and moreover, there are many.
But in general, very often the artists combine talents as 
oldschool, and newschool drawing. But - are studying the flow 
asci further.

New school ascii - currently the most popular trend in the 
asci-stage. Its distinctive feature - the use of as much as 
possible more ascii-characters. Incidentally, the habit 
spektrumist might think that the new school work - it's just 
converting images have appeared in recent converters. But - 
this is a terrible mistake, because "Ripane, and even more so - 
to convert, one of the most hated things asci-painter, and even 
more so - one who can _tak_ skonvertit, I personally put bottle 
of beer on chaos.constructions.1. 

In the new school ascii you can draw a simple logotpy and
quite decent "real picture". According to the logo - look for 
my tutorial in this room, where I'll be discussing some of the 
secrets of drawing asci. And now - look at a few new school 
papers, pictures are used as examples of children from secular 
- one of the best contemporary ascii commands to the pc. 

                                               ...// Secular 

           $ $ $ '`` ``' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Phz

           $ $ `7 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ qqqqq

           $ `'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

           l .. 7 $ $ $ S $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

           : $$$$$$ '`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

           . $$$$$$$$ \. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

           l $$$$$$$$$., S $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

           $. `'* # S $$$$$$$$$$###***''```

           $$$/._ ___,,, *

               "" "Sss%%% SSS $$$$$$$$$$$$

           : \ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/:

           $: `\ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ /` L

           $ 7. `'" ***## S $ $ S ##*** "'`. $ $

           $ $ $. . $ $ $ $

           $$$$$$#*. ___ ____.. *$$$$$$$

           ````````````````` ```````````````````

             S E C U L A R 1 March


                                               ...// Secular 


              : _., G% @ S $ $ $ $ S @ s, S E C U L A R

              :, Y $ 7 *? $ $$$$$$$ L March 1

              : '``?$$$$$;::

              , ∙ `.., yd $ $ $ 7 ':::

            ,? `:::::::::` \ $ $ P` ::::::

           j? : :::::::::::`'..........:

           $ I :...::::::::::::

           ? $ L: _______:

           `? $ B ,.__., d: $$$$$$$$ b. ...........

             : `? $$$$$$$: 7 "^``^" $ $:

             :::: `^""^`` :........: `? $ L ::::::::

             :::::::::: I $: :::::::

               :., ::::::::::::? P ::::::::

               : .. . d $ $ L ::::::::::: j :::::::::

                . D $ $ $ $ 7 ^ `::::::::::'...........:

               ;$$$$$$. : _. /:

               l $$$$$$$$@% g gj7 "`:

                `? $ J j $ P" ^ `:...[ shl ]........:

                                           ...// Right smile 

                                     : TTTTTTST: iiST "`.,,....

                                     JSS2Sii S? `: ITTiiT

                              %., II? SSSSTT? T `iTTT.

                        .,. `? TTllITTTTTTg J S%,: TT::

                        iSS1b. TT | llTTTSSSSS | i; iiSSSi, Ji

                 . ^`````^" `IiTSSSSSSSSS i: iTTTTTii22SSi

              . ∙: "` `^"? S? "` _ Iiii2SSSi

                                            .: I iSiiSTS222i


                                                ? 2iii22TTSSTi


                                         ,? 2STSS2ii

                    ,% S% ggg% @ g g $ L? 2TiiTSSii

                  , SSSb? 2illiiTi;

                 : SSg, _: TSiiiTT2i

                 iSSb. iii;; iiiSi

                 : SSS. . Ii; iiTTiT;

                 jS. . IiiiTTTTi;

                JSS:: iiiiTTTiT;

                ``""""? 7. IlllTTTi::;

                         `7, liTTTTTii;:`

                            ":: IiiiiTTTTii,

               .. _ "8 ¡The??? 2S2TiiiTT2222Ti

             . @ G ,.___., ggL `^"¤¤? TSSSST2TTTTTi

             : Sb, _. D? TSSSYT22i

              ? S ¤ "^? S @ @ S TTSSSSTT22SS2i

               `? ", G? TYSSSTT SSi

                      `"? "¤ S ?¤""^`

            . G; `" ¤ ¤ L `S '`^"""" `

              ~ _, GSL: S7

                          "" "+? Sb S? '

                       %% G g% SS? `

                          ? 7 "

                  : S g7 '

                   `" ¤ '


And no doubt - this person to draw! You must understand this 
and have asci chip - made from the original squalid bukovok 
such pictures, throwing Start to Call hardships and spend hours 
in a text editor, trying to draw something beautiful ... This 
is very similar on pikseling on the Spectrum - restrictions 
lengthy work, a large experience and victory over hardship. 
Really looks like a painting asci, only then, perhaps, the 
limits even more. 

As usual - on the disk seek newschl.B, there you will find 
several examples of drawing new school ascii. Yes, all images 
under 80 characters, so I recommend looking at commander, 
quick, and there font more or less similar to a standard, and 
management realized snostno.

Block ascii - more or less familiar to you style, features of 
which lies in the fact that the entire picture must be drawn 
symbols of pseudo-graphics. Works of this style you can see 
mainly from d-man.pcb, in their daily buzz and almost all 

In this style, as well as a new school, you can draw as logos, 
and the real picture. Again, the logos on the Spectrum best 
draw d-man.pcb and demiurge ash, and the picture seems to deals 
with only one ash. But do not relax and see some examples. 

                                                  ...// Podo 


                                                   ...// Sin 






                                                ...// Unpain 


On the drive I recorded a few more examples, look for a file 

In addition to these styles, there is another branch of the 
Askey - ansi. In fact, it asci any style (newschool, block, 
maybe oldschool), only with flowers. Just look at the drive 
ansi.B - archive ansi viewer and actually own Annecy.

It's on pc, but on the Spectrum?
Yes, all the above examples really are from pc asciiscene, but 
in fact for asci irrelevant platform - itself ascii encoding is 
the same on all computers, so that you well you can start 
drawing asci on the Spectrum! 

To be honest, I really resent the fact that so few on the 
Spectrum asci-artists, all of whom can recall: d-man.pcb most 
active, demiurge ash is probably the most powerful, nooonZen 
and diver too little painted asci, but they were mostly old 
school work. In recent years, more and nikfe.i9 and deadie.cpu,

but they are not active enough. Thus - 7 persons, including
me, it's very, very little! It's awful enough for the stage, on 
which so much pixel-artists, for the scene, which boasts a 
large number of scenery. 

So why do not we draw the asci? Do not know how, do not want? 
In "The Scream" I necessarily going to write about the asci, 
asci learn to draw, publish new asci with HRC, and in this room 
can see the first steps. I ask you to pay attention to such a 
cool thing, as asciiscene, I beg you to start to draw asci, 
asci begin to learn to paint! Be active, do not let me die such 
a strong direction as ascii!

p.s. As far as I know, right now, work on ascii-editor'om, it 
will be made in the image and likeness ptsshnogo acid-draw 
above it works alff.cpu. If you have any suggestions and 
suggestions - write it on the soap. 

Other articles:

Editorial - "Why?" Guys, why do we need another stsenovy magazine, because there are already scenergy? ".

Scream - from screamer: "scene. Heh, you do not get this playful little word? What do you mean by that term?"

Scream - charts: "Every stsenovy e-zine should have their charts, and we decided not to depart from tradition."

Scream - help: "a description of the shell screwdriver v0.0".

Scream - credits: the authors of the magazine.

Zoom - screamin 'news in January: "Scenergy 3 will not", "CC'000 since the summer of 2000, no one was left untouched," a summary of the CC1 "," passed another Virtual Party, this time dedicated to graphics and graphics only! "," Diver returned from the army, "the newspaper RIP finally closed," "maintain, on D-Jooze and Mithell'a", "Andrew Fer resigned from the Spectrum", "EDP vs BGE "," BUSY is still works at the Spectrum, etc.

Zoom - screamin 'news 1: "The results Forever 2e3", "a report from the Izhevsk party ASCII", "News from the Power of Sound and Placebo", "A little quiz.

Zoom - freedom: "You have heard that the scene Sektpumovskoy announced a new association? Yes, pech is about Freedom ..."

Zoom - rush # 3: "The next issue will likely not be."

Scene - diffident newcomers: on the stage there was an incomprehensible situation "can not be old, the young do not want to."

Scene - the profile: "So who is this sceners? Concept stage ... no one dictates. They simply do not exist. All this game!"

Scene - IRCmania: "IRC What is this? First time getting here, you can hardly understand what was happening around."

Scene - buzz, sweet buzz: "Newspaper Buzz. Yes, yes, yes, the same one that dazzled us for years and months. Let us remember him."

Scene - that would be remembered: 1: "This article - a tribute to the departed from the Spectrum. Let departed to other platforms, let him have forgotten about once its best friend but still - great people who contributed to the emergence of Spectrum-culture. "

Scene - ASCII: "Askey scene is very, very developed at the pop Computers, where there are thousands of asci-artists, where the asci-group - quite a standard phenomenon, where the primary means of presenting their work are so-called Art packs .. "

Scene - thinking out loud: "Ha. And what if 'share ideas'? Forgive so - just language would scratch? I still paz povtopyayu something with which you do not upopno want to disagree do not know why: tvopchestvu HIKTO and HIKAKIMI thoughts will not help. "article from Manwe.

Scream - Fiction: Features of Spectrum Fiction - "The Spectrum is fashionable to be a journalist. Every village simply must have its own" battle piece '. "

Pro-overview - demoscene: review demos.

Pro-overview - an overview of fresh media: RIP13, Buzz 19, Crow 5, ZX Guide 3, Beccul 1, Cancer 2, KrNew 13, IzhNews 0B, Insanity 8, Scenergy 2, Adventurer 1912 .

Pro-overview - an overview of the music scene at the Spectrum on Justinas'a.

Pro-overview - overview charts with SS'000 gfx compo.

Pro-overview - overview charts with Final Shoque'2k.

Pro-overview - overview charts with Forever2e3SE.

Demoparty - a report from CC'2000 from Justinas'a.

Demoparty - report Mindresources 2001.

Demoparty - good / bad party: CC'2001 Unbeliever'a eyes.

Demoparty - the truth: the truth about SS'2001 - recognition Random'a.

RuSkie cakes - Interview with the artists, an encoder and a publicist: Survivor, author of the newspaper Instanity.

RuSkie cakes - intervyu with the famous artist stsenovym Dever/4D.

RuSkie cakes - an interview with a famous musician stsenovym Siril/4D.

Tutorials - learn how to draw a 'new school' ASCII.

Tutorials - x-4: uheschreniya for musicians - "the selection of a single note the frequencies of all the available notes."

Tutorials - Graphics: Conversion - so if it sucks? Conversions - exposing the Titans? Conversions - how to make them cool? Conversions - why? ".

Mozzhechek - Titans scene: "the vast quantity of crappy scenery, and the small layer of elites who are so proud of all spekrumisty!

Mozzhechek - Unhealthy dreams: a humorous story involving characters from the Spectrum.

Mozzhechek - having phun: Few ordinary jokes - not stsenovogo content.

gons - negrozz: Run from D-Joice.

gons - people hollywood: poem dedicated irONMan.u ...

gons - Les Going: Run from Ironman'a.

gons - zarifmovany "Scream".

Misc - NLP and its stages.

Misc - NLP: Working with stepeotipami.

Misc - NLP: building konfyzionnogo tpansa.

Misc - NLP: Creating the illusion ppavdivosti pechi.

Misc - the value of certain phrases in Eastern European languages: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   6 May