Scream #01
31 мая 2001

Tutorials - Graphics: Conversion - so if it sucks? Conversions - exposing the Titans? Conversions - how to make them cool? Conversions - why? ".

<b>Tutorials</b> - Graphics: Conversion - so if it sucks? Conversions - exposing the Titans? Conversions - how to make them cool? Conversions - why?
_ / Wanna make cool convertions, eh 


Conversion - Is this it sucks? Conversion - exposing the 
Titans? Conversion - how to make them cool? Conversion - Why? 

So, the question "so it sucks" and "why" is, in principle, have
almost identical answers.

No, it does not suck. Conversion give you the opportunity to 
learn cool technology, while taking up less time for proper

Drawing Paths. Conversion allows you to focus on
technique, relegating to second place Redraw the picture.

Why the conversion? If you do everything to be honest, the 
conversion can only be used in various software, but never on

party ... Yes, of course, this is - if the honest, and it is 
possible - as I did. 

How to make them cool? Hmm, very difficult. For example, let's 
see how I was doing "sadness", which won the forever2e3se. 

The first step - find a cool theme, although in general the 
conversion occurs only when some kind of picture I was 
"hooked", and If this is not - I do not do anything.

The author of the original - lazur, known pc / amiga 
pixel-artist. As called the original "sadness" I do not know, 
but pretty sure that this picture zanyalya first place at a 
party ... But this I learned only later, at first I just saw a 
cool picture and under the impression started doing CPA. The 
original look like this so.


As you can see, too many small parts, virtually nothing
parse. Yes, diver and may have done it with a jeweler
work, but I have not yet risen to his level. And that means - 
the standard we choose one person and increase it to full 


By the way, you should not forget in Photoshop to play around 
with brightness / contrast, because envelope without such 
treatment simply impossible - the whole screen is filled with 
textures, even the contours of the frequent can not tell.

So the first step behind. The first thing I started treatment - 
hand. She told me immediately once attracted, transitions 
red-zheltyybely suggested itself there by themselves, but when 
it was drawn The first version, I realized that the three 
transitions are not enough and decided to add between red and 
yellow and even green. Some argue that it does not look, but - 
I like it, so be it. At least some originality. Well, as you 
draw the transitions I I will not teach, it's simple. In this 
case, I decided to use pheel'ovskuyu 45-degree pattern. Here's 
what happened. 


Long thought, what do you do with a person? The idea of 
​​coloring the color disappeared almost immediately: first, I 
could not leave all the details, Second, do not want to do a 
picture like all those hundreds of persons. Monotonic dark 
green face on a colored background - the bad idea? So, we bring 
hands face: remove unneeded textures, many add, draw a beard, 
textures use intuitively - what you think is right, the 
one-and-play. Here's what happened. 


Another problem - the background. On ideas, you have to do 
plot, but I just could not think of anything there to draw. In 
the original version of the background looked like.


As you can see here I have used yet another non-standard
texture "circles" for the first time that I saw on the 
pc-oldschoolgfx papers, and then the pictures paracels'a of 
"dogma". But This version of the background was discarded at 
once - a monotonous person's idea must be contrasted with the 
rich background and the blue color does not leave behind 
"saturated background"; D. Accepted the decision to draw 
plasma, but all the same "circle" - tell you a secret, I just 
fell in love with a texture, and now all my new work, I use it, 
which in part, and where not. How to draw such color 
transitions aka plasma, I think the average artist knows and 
himself, but for you I will explain: first come up with simple 
form, Draw the standard textures (sad06), these textures and 
then bring to a kind of "circles". Between the object and the 
background should not be black contours, this I know, but at 
that point I just do not get done without them. Looks like it 
is, of course, terrible, but at a large projector, I think 
everything is normal smear; D. 

Thus, the plasma in the background ready, decorated with a 
hand, a person has acquired beautiful textures. What is left? 
Draw the hidden text, of course! ; D Be sure to say hello to 
all respected artists, say the authors of the original and 
"hide" all this (inc = paper). What happened at the exit? 


_ / Tips ............................................... 

. If you decided envelope - no need to take certain stsenovye 
pictures, better go out and take a photo of your favorite girl, 
scan, and handled. In this case, you can even deceive 
everybody, saying that drawing it myself, the more do 
milestones - a matter of one day. So no one can prove that you 
are converted, and not draw myself. Another thing - lie it 
sucks, and if afterwards will reveal the whole truth (as drunk 
tell the first comer at # z80), respect you no longer sharply.

. Several different techniques. This wisdom taught me
gas13 - one of the best artists of today. Where some texture
I use it? And where you want, and use it! If you can
draw "circles," young (as it can paracels), then use them even 
in the face, but if they do you obtain the size of familiarity 
- their place in the background. On the other textures think 
out himself; D. 

. Never CONVERT slop picture - better than you it is unlikely
you can do worse - for sure.

. Do not steal pictures - always specify the author of the 

. Not a release without the conversion process, does not 
convert the slop textures floyd-steinberg, they look awful and 
catches in the face of the fact of conversion, always do the 
conversion of color, always check each pixel image - it should 
stand on its place.

. A good CPA can not be distinguished from hand-drawn work, 
remember it.

. DO NOT DO CONVERSIONS! They really suck and every painted 
image is always a hundred times better conversion. You're 
probably wondering why I did in this case do the conversion? 
Hmm, I'm sucker! ; D But in fact, I already gave up this 
business and begin to paint original works, it is much better, 
although more complicated. 

_ / Exposure of the Titans 

In principle, this does not expose at all, because you can 
always know the whole truth about the picture of the author.

Probably, the most malignant conversion - "x-files" by teeray 
with e'97. The fact that this conversion, I have little doubt - 
d-man.pcb showed once-original image, the contours of which are 
absolutely identical with the contours of teeray'ya! 

Gas in 1913? Yes, and he does not hide - pictures in kr_news, 
starting with 11 rooms, all the graphics in the "end of the 
days" by accept. 

Virtual but not titanium, but also convertible; D.

Diver?! No, just kidding; D. Diver everything himself drew.

Kristoph much the same until the titanium, but the conversion 
was seen repeatedly.

"And what - you ask - all the others draw hands?" Of the Titans 
- yes, from ne_titanov - no, almost all the slop of 
konverchennye, look at the same cc000 - Duc there half the 
picture converted. / / Here I am funny - is not it should be, 
there simply mixed copy_no copy; D

_ / Final ............................................... 

On this, perhaps, everything. Oh, and do not forget about my 
last piece of advice; D 

Other articles:

Editorial - "Why?" Guys, why do we need another stsenovy magazine, because there are already scenergy? ".

Scream - from screamer: "scene. Heh, you do not get this playful little word? What do you mean by that term?"

Scream - charts: "Every stsenovy e-zine should have their charts, and we decided not to depart from tradition."

Scream - help: "a description of the shell screwdriver v0.0".

Scream - credits: the authors of the magazine.

Zoom - screamin 'news in January: "Scenergy 3 will not", "CC'000 since the summer of 2000, no one was left untouched," a summary of the CC1 "," passed another Virtual Party, this time dedicated to graphics and graphics only! "," Diver returned from the army, "the newspaper RIP finally closed," "maintain, on D-Jooze and Mithell'a", "Andrew Fer resigned from the Spectrum", "EDP vs BGE "," BUSY is still works at the Spectrum, etc.

Zoom - screamin 'news 1: "The results Forever 2e3", "a report from the Izhevsk party ASCII", "News from the Power of Sound and Placebo", "A little quiz.

Zoom - freedom: "You have heard that the scene Sektpumovskoy announced a new association? Yes, pech is about Freedom ..."

Zoom - rush # 3: "The next issue will likely not be."

Scene - diffident newcomers: on the stage there was an incomprehensible situation "can not be old, the young do not want to."

Scene - the profile: "So who is this sceners? Concept stage ... no one dictates. They simply do not exist. All this game!"

Scene - IRCmania: "IRC What is this? First time getting here, you can hardly understand what was happening around."

Scene - buzz, sweet buzz: "Newspaper Buzz. Yes, yes, yes, the same one that dazzled us for years and months. Let us remember him."

Scene - that would be remembered: 1: "This article - a tribute to the departed from the Spectrum. Let departed to other platforms, let him have forgotten about once its best friend but still - great people who contributed to the emergence of Spectrum-culture. "

Scene - ASCII: "Askey scene is very, very developed at the pop Computers, where there are thousands of asci-artists, where the asci-group - quite a standard phenomenon, where the primary means of presenting their work are so-called Art packs .. "

Scene - thinking out loud: "Ha. And what if 'share ideas'? Forgive so - just language would scratch? I still paz povtopyayu something with which you do not upopno want to disagree do not know why: tvopchestvu HIKTO and HIKAKIMI thoughts will not help. "article from Manwe.

Scream - Fiction: Features of Spectrum Fiction - "The Spectrum is fashionable to be a journalist. Every village simply must have its own" battle piece '. "

Pro-overview - demoscene: review demos.

Pro-overview - an overview of fresh media: RIP13, Buzz 19, Crow 5, ZX Guide 3, Beccul 1, Cancer 2, KrNew 13, IzhNews 0B, Insanity 8, Scenergy 2, Adventurer 1912 .

Pro-overview - an overview of the music scene at the Spectrum on Justinas'a.

Pro-overview - overview charts with SS'000 gfx compo.

Pro-overview - overview charts with Final Shoque'2k.

Pro-overview - overview charts with Forever2e3SE.

Demoparty - a report from CC'2000 from Justinas'a.

Demoparty - report Mindresources 2001.

Demoparty - good / bad party: CC'2001 Unbeliever'a eyes.

Demoparty - the truth: the truth about SS'2001 - recognition Random'a.

RuSkie cakes - Interview with the artists, an encoder and a publicist: Survivor, author of the newspaper Instanity.

RuSkie cakes - intervyu with the famous artist stsenovym Dever/4D.

RuSkie cakes - an interview with a famous musician stsenovym Siril/4D.

Tutorials - learn how to draw a 'new school' ASCII.

Tutorials - x-4: uheschreniya for musicians - "the selection of a single note the frequencies of all the available notes."

Tutorials - Graphics: Conversion - so if it sucks? Conversions - exposing the Titans? Conversions - how to make them cool? Conversions - why? ".

Mozzhechek - Titans scene: "the vast quantity of crappy scenery, and the small layer of elites who are so proud of all spekrumisty!

Mozzhechek - Unhealthy dreams: a humorous story involving characters from the Spectrum.

Mozzhechek - having phun: Few ordinary jokes - not stsenovogo content.

gons - negrozz: Run from D-Joice.

gons - people hollywood: poem dedicated irONMan.u ...

gons - Les Going: Run from Ironman'a.

gons - zarifmovany "Scream".

Misc - NLP and its stages.

Misc - NLP: Working with stepeotipami.

Misc - NLP: building konfyzionnogo tpansa.

Misc - NLP: Creating the illusion ppavdivosti pechi.

Misc - the value of certain phrases in Eastern European languages: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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