Virtual Worlds #01
31 декабря 1999

Technical assistance - Dos Review: material on the format of the disk operating system IS-DOS.

<b>Technical assistance</b> - Dos Review: material on the format of the disk operating system IS-DOS.
         DOS REVIEW # 00

                      (C) Nuts

  So said a series of articles,
written Nuts'om in which
describes the different Farmat
DOS (disk operating system). Here all is
 you wanted to know about disk
formats, but did not know who

  Now NUTS incur any
nonsense about it as well and much

  Long or a short is, but because of
that is very far away if, as
does not take a computer and a
him every time a new disk
format. MICROSOFT can only
praise for what she
unify disk format
uymy for such computers. She
also does not stint on the information, and if zhmotnichala, it
quickly split the brave hackers. And do not whine that there, 
in the "Microsoft country", the poor

nick die without life-giving
information flow. Well, if anyone should all chew and
put your mouth, please.

  Much more complicated to deal with
other foreign, as well, and
domestic systems. If
say about the SPECA already spoken a lot, and described a lot, 
and He left a bunch of foreign

periphery, as software nemeryannom
under different operating systems, and that much
only now comes to remote areas, well and some of which
there are only names: any
there OPUS, D80, etc., etc.

  What can we say about the other machines on which someone had 
never heard, and someone they are lying bestolku. And then, you 
see, and the them and the software been written by WHO and

small truck, and the people of the heap
Profile Views and soldered. In short, there chtoto ALIVE 
FOREVER. And you can long breeding pleasant tarybary that 
RULES, and that - MUST DIE. All this because,

that netushki reliable spravochki that there is and how it is 

  We start all the same with MS-DOS ...

  Attempts to talk about this OS
were, and software to work with this
thing written a lot, since more
with god know how long. But
say, I personally do not pinned
none of these tricks. All
it is somehow specialized for
certain area, often
flexibility in working with different
varieties of discs, as a rule, only MS -> TR & Design
at 1985 There is, of course,
and a very pleasant exception, and
much is being done, but the fact remains.

  In general, I personally decided to delve into the 
literature, scout situation and provide all

polzitelnoe Fiction. Decided it
was still a long long time, and the case
was almost done TIME
KEEPER'om, so, too, because people do not
sit still, they write a word, copying.

  To begin with, that all the disk parameters are stored in the 
0th sector 0th track. Only thing that the amount of information

built up with the versions
MS-DOS, and only the fourth version
You can learn all about the drive. But
because the formatter FLOPPY
FORMAT Ivan Roshchina formats
CDs and records at this, so
called BOOT-sector is the same,
that itself MS-DOS, then forget about
this problem and get back to the contents of this sector are
help table:


0 3 team moving to bootloader code.

March 8 program name-formatter.

0b 2 Length in bytes of the sector.

0d a number of sectors per cluster.

0e 2 Number of reserved sectors (from

               since the beginning of the disk)

October 1 Number of FAT.

February 11 Maximum number of files in

               root directory.

February 13 Total number of sectors on the disk.

Jan. 15-byte descriptor type of disc.

February 16 number of sectors in one FAT.

February 18 number of sectors per track.

                                                     > DOS 3.0

1a 2 Number of heads on the disk.

1c 2 Number of hidden sectors.

April 20 If the drive> 32MB, then its size

               sectors are already here.

                                                      > DOS 4.0
24 January Number disc (HDD only) - number in the


January 25 Reserve.

January 26 signature expansion of the sector, ie only

               wrote that DOS 4.0 and above, contains this # 29

April 27 Serial number - written during formatting

               disc contains a unique number and date

November 26 Name the disk.

August 26 Contains "FAT12" or "FAT16".

 What do these numbers mean ...

  In the beginning I will say that I will
studiously silent about the work
with the hard disk. This is not because
I, for whatever reasons, I want to hide. On the contrary,
The situation with the hard drive is very
instructive to install it
under other systems, but much
more difficult to
describe it in the review of the diskette
formats - there because you and the problem of increasing the 
volume, and the main boot partition with the possibility of 
placing several operating systems, and a bunch of formats when 
working with packed Disk ...

  For a start - a little theory.
Operating systems for the most part do not operate with sectors 
and tracks, and with shifts in absolute sectors. T. is, the 
concept of "track" that is practically not used, but there are 
a lot of sectors, ranging from zero and to a certain end, maybe 
one hundred thousandth. If, say, 10 sectors on the disk on the 
same logical path, starting from zero, then zero

logical path is to be the sector with the 0-th to ninth on the
First logical path from the 10 th
on the 19th and so on.

  Moreover, to limit
the number of bits that specify the number
absolute sector, the entire disc
divided into blocks of several sectors. Moreover, the zero
unit can be located and not in the beginning of the disk and 
start with kakogolibo absolute sector. The first sector are 
precisely loading and information.

  In MS-DOS, such blocks are called clusters. Number of sectors 
per one cluster, you can learn from the boot sector. Number of 
logical sector, which is zero cluster, we have

calculated based on data from
boot sector, but this

  Such a breakdown is tricky
to always be aware of
free disk space, and various pieces of one file to record in 
different areas of the disk, wherever possible, and collect

it, even if it is not
in consecutive sectors.
Therefore, it may not particularly care about cleaning the disc 
from the remote files.

  To know the location of
each piece file, the table is FAT. Each element, starting with 
the first, contains a reference on the element of this table, 
where extends the file number

cluster which corresponds to
that element table, which contains a link to this file. Then
Thus, if we have learned that the beginning
file is, say, the fifth cluster, we load
it and look at the fifth element
Table FAT. And there, it means that
Suppose the number 25. Well, then we
quietly read the 25th cluster and
Consider the 25th entry in the table. A
He points to the number of the next
cluster (he number of the next element in the table), or
that this cluster is the last for this file, and more
did not read right. It can
also indicate that this sector is free or marked
as defective.

  The only problem is that the
disks, the size of one element
is 12 bits (half byte)
and half of each 2-nd byte
refer to the previous one
byte, and another - to the next.
To determine the content
of the table must be multiplied
This cluster number by 1.5,
we shift to a couple of bytes
in the table, which contains the next cluster. If
previous cluster had the odd
number (determined by zero
bat in the room of the cluster), we have to use 12 bits
this pair, or - 12 seniors.
If the resulting value is
0, then this cluster is free. If # FF8 - # FFF, then this is 
the last cluster of the file. # FF0 - # FF7 - the reserved 
sector, including # FF7 - the failed cluster.

  Only the 0th element of this table is no exception. He
contains a copy of the descriptor byte
this disc. For example, for
disks, which can be read
on the Spectrum:

Byte: Type of drive:

 # F9 3'5 720 kb 2SD 9_SEC 80_TRKS
 # Fa 5'25 320 kb 1SD 8_SEC 80_TRKS
 # Fb 5'25 640 kb 2SD 8_SEC 80_TRKS
 # Fc 5'25 180 kb 1SD 9_SEC 40_TRKS
 # Fd 5'25 360 kb 2SD 9_SEC 40_TRKS
 # Fe 5'25 160 kb 1SD 8_SEC 40_TRKS
 # Ff 5'25 320 kb 2SD 8_SEC 40_TRKS

  But these bytes are many
other discs, including those not
with a standard breakdown.

  In fact, in these baytahopisatelyah type used
only the low 3 bits, and senior
bits are always zero.

  In this byte:

0th bit: 1 - two

           0 - unilateral
First bit: 1 - 8 of sects. at Dor.

           0 - not 8
Second bit: 1 - constant,

           0 - Removable Disk

  To determine the start of FAT, in
boot sector indicated
number of reserved and
boot sectors. Ibid
You can find number of tables
FAT - for reliability make
multiple copies. It is easy to be
calculate the total number of employees at the beginning of the 
disk sectors and determine the one on which

begins 0th cluster.

  The first two clusters always takes root, and
maximum number of files in
It is determined by the size of the clusters. But this number 
is contained and in the boot sector, and to determine the size 
of the catalog in sectors have to divide the

it to 16.

  The root directory is always present on the disk. It
contains information about files and
first level of subdirectories.
Recent represent a
ordinary files, but with zero
length, and their size is determined
on the table FAT, and they can be
segmented, ie, the scattered
across the disk. At the beginning of each
subdirectory is the descriptors 2
Files. " and "..". The first repeats the description of this 
directory catalog at a lower level and

duplicated information on this directory. The second contains a 
description of the earliest katalogapraroditelya. Both of them 
are used for easy navigation through a disc. If

catalog-grandparent is in the zero cluster, then it
root directory. In this directory of links available, but if
boot disk, there are descriptors of system files.

 Descriptor of any file or
directory occupies 32 bytes of data:

Displacement: FUNCTION:

          0-7 file or directory name, big letters, the remainder

          fill the gap. If the 0th byte is equal to the file # 

          removed if the # 05 first letter of the code file

          indeed # E5. If 0 - a place of never

          used - the end of the catalog.

8.10 Expansion.

11 File attributes. Bits: 0 - Read-only 1 -

          hidden file 2 - file system, and 3 - the name of the 

          first 11-bytes, only the root directory,

          primary sector and the length is not 4 - subdirectory

          does not use a length field, 5 - archive file

          archived it for safety or not.

12-21 are reserved.

22-23 Time of creation or last correction file

          contains both 16-bit word: bits 11/15 - Hours

          Bits 10-5 - minutes, bits 4-0 seconds / 2. 24-25 Date

          file creation or last correction

          contains both 16-bit word: bits 9.15 - Year

          since 1980, and ending with 2099 bits (!!!); 5.8 -

          month, bits 4-0 - day.

26-27 Number of the first cluster file, starting with the 

          bytes. The first two clusters takes root

          directory and all files beginning with the second 

28-31 File size in bytes. The first pair of bytes contains

          lower level values, both pairs of bytes starting with

          Low Byte. Total length may reach up to 4

          GB, well used to the format 830KB 20-bit

          - Max.

  That's all we need to work
with the disk. To move from room
cluster to the absolute sector
must be added to the cluster number, multiplied by two, shift
to no cluster in the absolute sector. Then obtained
number needed to divide the number of sectors per track. In
result is logical
track, where the cluster
and balance - a sector. I note
In most I've seen
literature, it is proposed that
root directory (ie, the very first few clusters)
not seem to be and not clusters, and
introduce the concept of early data
- Following the cluster catalog is kind of like a zero,
well and, therefore, all rates
clusters are of him at
assistance priplyusoaniya-minusovaniya
directory size. In short, only
extra computation. In my
view, if the directory is in a zero cluster, and it should
considered as the origin of data, not
for something special.

  It remains only to say that
sometimes is just not enough to overtake the file on a Spectrum
if it is in the format
HOBETA (extension begins with
"$"), SCL-format (the program
AMD) or the file could contain the image of Spectrum Drive - ". 
TRD" and ". FDI". To do this, be aware of Format

these files.

 Now we'll discuss the IS-DOS.

  As the program
FLOPPY FORMAT Ivan Roshchina, this
DOS supports eight breakdowns
disk, which may very much
differ from each other,
because the sector size can be
as 256 and 1024 bytes (the running drive.) Number
sectors at the same time will be 16 or 5

  Disk, there may be as
unilateral or bilateral.

  Attention should be given the order
sectors per track. Since
disk can be avtozapuskaemym
then, though them and is on 5
sectors per track, the last
of them has the number 9.

  Now consider the structure
disc. Her description is
disk assembler IS-DOS. But
It is designed for programmers
working directly in
This DOS. Here I will explain the basic facts of this 

  "Inside" IS-DOS absolutely EVERYTHING
storage device
represented by a set of blocks
256 bytes of each numbered from 0
up to a certain maximum. The position of any file and generally 
any desired location on the disk given offset

beginning of the disc - the 0-th block. AND
measured this shift in these
same blocks of 256 bytes. That is not
so important a sector size - for
determine the track and sector
You can use the following formulas:

DOR. = INT (SMESCH. / 5120)

             (Or 4096)

CERT .= INT ((see-DOR .* 5120) / 1024)

                    (4096 256)

  A remnant of the difference between
shift to the sector and offset
to give us the desired block offset within the 1024-byte sector.

  0th block - this is the 0th 0th sector of the track.

       It contains:


0 2 Reserve

August 2 The device name (disk)

March 10 Symptom IS-DOS: "DSK" As it can be determined

               membership drive in the system.

May 13 Reserve

Feb. 18 Volume in drive units

February 20 number of 0-th block of the master directory. For 

               80TR/DS usually the third, ie same 0th sector

               for 1024 byte sectors. Or third -

               for 256 byte.

January 22 The number of cylinders on the device

               - Is for the HDD.

January 23 Disc Type - bits (0 / 1):

               0th - 40/80 tracks

               1st - 1 / 2 part.

January 24 Sector Size:

               1/2/4: 256/512/1024 bytes

January 25 The number of sectors per track.

January 26 Reserve

January 27 Checksum file ????_ dos.sys This is something

               like MAGICK'a - a copy of a computer's memory

               system. Loaded and unloaded it special

               programs, and its parameters are stored in a 
special                place.

               ?? - Any four characters.

February 28 Reserve

Feb. 30 date (what??)

32 32 descriptor ????_ dos.sys

               See above.

64 16 Table number of sectors.

  First block contains a bit-map
device: each bit corresponds to its own block on the
device - 1 bit / block



  Such a table - bit
Map drive - often used
in different operating systems.

  Now let's talk about the files and

  We already know where
main directory. It is useful to remember that the files in the 
IS-DOS are not only segmented as

in MS-DOS, but continuous, as
in TR-DOS. Ie file can be
scattered pieces-on segments
the entire disk for a long time to boot and
restore it after
entry in the directory of it will be
spoiled, extremely difficult. But worries about cleaning the 
disc from deleted files is almost gone.

  Also, the file may be continuous, loaded quickly, but
problems with command MOVE, or
more precisely, SQUEEZE (so it
it is called in to HOBET'e
HRC), all spektrumschikam (if
they do not work under the emulator). However, according to 
some reports, the problem is solvable (See below), but - so far

unknown. Most (all?)
converters IBM <> ZX work on
the principle of a conditional sequence of sectors the file, 
and if you write a converter IS <> TR, then You can make this 
file and non-segmented, but for the sake of completeness is 
necessary to tell how the system IS-DOS collects segments of 
its files disc.

  So, in a directory handle
this file contains a link not
on the initial block file as
per se, but a reference to a particular
block - Sector File Allocation Table, or, as it is called
in the company description, block descriptor file segments. 0th 
to byte contains the number of file segments - how many pieces 
he defeated. The remaining 255 bytes contains 85 three-byte 
records each of which describes a

file segment. The first two bytes
each contain the number zero
block of the segment, well, the third - the number of blocks in 
the segment. 

  And to read the file you want
must first define the beginning
this descriptor, then consider
him. Then looping through the
number of segments. On the first
two bytes of each three
determined by the beginning of the substantive
segment and the ordinary way
read sequence
blocks containing sectors of the
segment. If necessary, take care to exclude
unwanted residues of the first and
latter sectors. For the last block of this can be done
simple manipulation with the address
loading the next segment. A
Here's the first tricky. Have to
do move the team LDIR
or read the sector in the intermediate buffer. But in any case,
size of 1024 bytes will have to consider.

  To save the files have
also disturb the bitmap
disc. We must look for unoccupied
blocks - their corresponding bits
will be cleared. Need to install it, then fill out the 
appropriate record in the block descriptor, or add blocks to an 
old record. Make these operations better RAM. 

  Catalogues, oddly enough,
represent a nearly normal files, but they have two descriptors: 
the external, in katalogeroditele, and internal, it itself. At 
the main directory is only the inner handle -

its 0th file. It is in the inner descriptor contains 
information about the number of files and level of nesting. In 
addition, record of the file / directory contains the

determining a label showing the
ownership of the file to a particular group (see below). It 
should also be aware of the constraints: number of files in a 
directory - to 128, the nesting level - to

6. Catalogue can also be segmented or non-segmented.

  Now more about the structure
file descriptor. Note that in
describing the structure of records
Internal handle directory
I have not made everything clear.


0 8 Filename

August 3 File Type

January 11 status register file

               bit (0 / 1):

               0 - deleted / a

               2 - is protected against reading (1)

               3 - write-protected (1)

               4 - Visible / hidden file

               5 - file / directory (root) file

               6 - segmented / non-segmented

               7 - protected from removal (1)

February 12 address the default boot

March 14 Length

February 17 number Block descriptor segment, or 0-th block

               file - if the file is continuous

January 19 "Special"

June 20th Reserve

February 26 checksum of file

February 28th Time

February 30 Date

  Date and time are encoded in
MS-DOS. Checksum, possibly, too.

  That is what is known about the inner handle (use the 23


0 8 The name of the current directory

March 8 Its type (gaps)

January 11 CSR (???) directory

February 12 CBNN (like the initial block) directory -


February 14 Directory size (bytes)

January 16 nesting level directory.

February 17 number block descriptor segment. (It's interesting.

               The catalog can be continuous, then there

               perhaps number of first block. But then

               definition of CSR should be the status bits)

February 19 number of 0-th block directory (This is then what?)

January 21 Total number of files

               (Including the directory itself and remote)

January 22 The number of files

               (Pure free catalog, well, remote)

Well, with the IS-DOS understood.

Other articles:

From the Editor - the story of creating a magazine.

Guide - the detailed contents of rooms.

Description shells - a description of the shell and methods for its proper operation.

Authors - the authors.

Assembler - Z80 Flags: undocumented command processor Z80.

Assembler - Overlays for JC: Description of methods for creating utilities running Jemmini_Commander 4.0T.

Assembler - Secrets of the TR-DOS: the methods of distribution presence drives.

Assembler - Circles on the water: The algorithms simulate the effect of a well-known on other platforms, called "ripples."

Assembler - search path. Solution to the problem of "static" find the shortest route between two points.

Spending - The mechanical effect. This story is about what happens using condoms dubious origin.

Iron - Bugs keyboard: why in the game for two players, when playing together, the computer does not listen to your management, and information on how to avoid it.

Iron - Interrupts: Something strange about the interruptions of the second kind.

Technical assistance - the thought aloud. It is interesting letter from fido7.zx.spectrum conference on the theme "On the question of standardization."

Technical assistance - File FAQ. A complete analysis of file formats, most often vstechayuschihsya the Internet, and not only, as well as methods for their conversion into a "normal" form.

Technical assistance - Dos Review: material on the format of the disk operating system IS-DOS.

Technical assistance - Dos Review 2: The material on the format of disk operating systems, PC "Agat", Radio-86RK, SP-DOS, BK-0011M.

Technical assistance - Dos Review 3: The material on the format of the disk operating system CP / M, ASC SOUND MASTER, RT11, SM computers RAFOS.

Technical assistance - Dos Review 4: The material on the format of the disk operating system from an unknown author.

DI: HALT: 99 - An analysis of DH: 99. Finally, the whole truth about the past summer, in Dzerzhinsk party, from the organizers themselves.

DI: HALT: 99 - Hidden Parts. Dzerzhinsky life (not only) in the period spektrumistov of DI: HALT: 99.

DI: HALT: 99 - The results. Having walked DH: 99, almost every other newspaper, considered it their duty to come up with a new version of the results. This article is the direction on the fact that finally put the record straight "I".

Programs - Alien: description and walkthrough of the film "Alien."

Programs - description of the Universal AntiProtector 0.01 (a program for automatically splitting a number of popular defense systems).

Programs - Editor-game screens, "White Spot".

Programs - Exhumator: a program to "drive the exhumation."

Programs - chankovy graphics editor: Hard Core ver 3.01

Programs - Eye of crying: the files of allowing to watch pictures, sprites, while listening to etommuzyku.

Spending - Verse of Sysop'e. Poetry, but ...

Spending - Sex and Fido. Humorous raskaz about What about actually making love inveterate fidoshniki.

Spending - Anecdotes. A selection of jokes with a computer theme.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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