Virtual Worlds #01
31 декабря 1999 |
Iron - Interrupts: Something strange about the interruptions of the second kind.
INTERRUPTS (C) Time Keeper I recently discovered one of the old technical books information that I have a very intrigued. What I found there I say a little later, and remember to start the theory. Thus, the Z80 processor has two types of interrupts: maskable (Int), and Non-maskable (nmi). After the arrival of the interrupt signal processor executes the loop acknowledgment of receipt of interruption during which the bus Data needed to apply the vector interrupts. He may have one of three forms, depending on the three modes of treatment interruptions, defined by software. In mode 0, the vector is perceived as a single-byte object command code, which must be executed after the interrupt acknowledge cycle. Logic confirmation interrupt mode 1 believes that after the next interrupt confirmation command is a command to restart on address # 0056. If you are using Mode 1, the interrupt vector is not needed at all. In some prints indicated that the ZX Spectrum Mode 0 is similar to mode 1. Generally speaking, it is not exactly. Ideally, the data bus Computer tightened to plus " ie, when reading the interrupt vector data bus contains the number of # Ff - a native is the team RST # 0056. But this is only Ideally, in practice it is often there are computers in which tire "hangs in the air", ie, reading vector data bus provides a completely random numbers, so the replacement regime 1 in mode 0 completely unacceptable! In mode 2 interrupt vector is interpreted as a junior Byte Address Table processing interrupts. Significant byte contained in register I. Together they form the address in the table on which are taken two bytes of address interrupt handler. Consider details how to use the second mode preryvavany programs. Suppose we need "Hang" for interrupting music playback: ORG # 6101 CALL MUSIC; Initializing music. DI LD HL, # 6000; Building a table in memory processing LD DE, # 6001; interruptions of 256 bytes LD BC, # 0100, ie taking into account the fact that not all LD (HL), # BF; computers have pulled up to "+" LDIR; data bus. LD A, # C3; at the address shown in the table LD (# BFBF), A; ie # BFBF put the command transfer LD HL, INT_EXE; of the JP INT_EXE. LD (# BFC0), HL LD A, # 60; Put I register at the top of the table. LD I, A IM 2; includes a second mode, and EI; allow interrupts. ... INT_EXE PUSH IX, IY, HL, DE, BC, AF; Actually the program itself EXX; interrupt handling. EX AF, AF ' PUSH HL, DE, BC, AF CALL MUSIC +6 POP AF, BC, DE, HL EXX EX AF, AF ' POP AF, BC, HL, DE, IY, IX EI RET In the book, VF Queen "Microprocessor Zilog Z * 80" (from the series "to assist the developer of microprocessor technology," 1992. ed. Argus-Master) said the following: ------------- Cut. ------------ When an interrupt is confirmed in mode 2, the external circuit should be placed on the data bus vector interrupt acknowledgment. Processor unify content I register with the vector interrupt acknowledgment, creating 16 bit address, which will indicate corresponding vector addresses Table interrupt handling. Since 16-bit addresses can be in memory only in words with even addresses only Seven of the eight-bit vector interrupt acknowledgment processor used to generate addresses in a table, Jr. address bits set to 0. Thus: The contents of the vector I with double-byte bus (As senior + data (as a junior = address table bytes). bytes with zero processing addresses the Young PWM bit). interrupts. ------------- Cut. ------------ After reading this book I was a bit confused. All written anywhere that is needed to break a plate indicating at the address in memory, which Junior and Senior bytes must match. From reading in the this book is, generally speaking, that is not so! In the example above, the plate contains a number # BF, and if you believe book, address the program interrupt service will be equal # BFBE. We have the same program is located at # BFBF. After seeing the contents of the memory cell to I found this at 0. Hence, getting the address # BFBE, processor performs the first team NOP, and then the program itself, the interrupt handler. And if at # BFBE will be located, for example, a team of RST # 00; it will lead to a crash. Topics at least in this case it runnable. To make sure I typed program, test for a scheme formed by address transition in the parish of interruption: taking into account the zero bits or without. Try it on all processors, which were at hand, I got the same result: the address was formed taking into account the zero bits. Despite on these results, doubts remain. It says in the book on the corporate Z-80 (zilog), and among the trusted me Processors this was not, so for me this remains an open question, and who knows what other secrets may hold a little gray box with labeled Z-80 ...
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