Virtual Worlds #01
31 декабря 1999 |
Assembler - search path. Solution to the problem of "static" find the shortest route between two points.
Pathfinding (C) TimeKeeper / MHCG Finding the shortest path - a very interesting algorithmic problem. Its scope is very extensive: the strategic and logic games (turn-in real-time), system program (PCB router), etc. For us in Currently, the most interesting algorithms that can be used in games. I am inclined to share all these algorithms on two categories: static and dynamic. Dynamic search algorithms ways have to work very fast and correct way to Depending on the dynamic changes in the landscape (movement other objects, the emergence of new obstacles, the disappearance of the old ... ). Such algorithms are used for strategic games where actions occur in real time. One of the these algorithms were successfully B. Mednonogovym implemented in "Black Crow". Static algorithms are used to turn-based strategy, PCB layout software and other areas where needed accuracy and does not necessarily speedy delivery (for example can serve as a UFO-II). The dynamic algorithm performs much faster than static, but have low accuracy, while the static inferior in speed, but have 100% accuracy. Recently I faced the task of creating a static shortest path algorithm for the gaming card size 128 * 128 fields. Then I was known only one algorithm. The exact title I do not remember, but he acted about as follows: Suppose we have two-dimensional array KARTA (x, y) - Map size X * Y, which will build the path. Establishments two additional one-dimensional array of size x * y: INDEX (X * y) and PATH (x * y). The essence of the algorithm is to that at each step we See where to go from cells, in which we could get to the previous step and, if These cells are absent in the array INDEX, we add them back and an array of PATH write accordingly path - the number (or coordinates, it will be someone like convenient) cells, from which we fall into the one recorded in array INDEX. The algorithm finishes its work in one of two ways: Either we have reached the desired cell or we have nowhere else to go, ie, we have recorded in the array INDEX all the cells, which can be reached from the initial and among them was not required. Clearly, that in the second case, the path we are not found at all. We now show that if we found a way, it is the most the shortest and the shortest path does not exist. Generally speaking, This follows from our algorithm. At each step, we looked at which cells can go from those in which we could come to previous step and add them to array INDEX, if there is not was. Hence, as a result we have the shortest path, ie because if there were a shorter path, it would mean that before the cells of the target can be reached in fewer steps and hence she already would be contained in an array INDEX, which contradicts our algorithm. Pretty good and understandable algorithm, but look at how we able to implement it in practice: For the work we ponadobyatsya Two working array of dimensions X * Y, and this is neither more nor less, and 3 * X * Y bytes of RAM, plus a buffer for storing the found path. If the card has a small razmeroy, it is more or less acceptable, but, as mentioned above, static algorithms are primarily used for incremental strategies or PCB boards. If you take the card size 128 * 128, then for a game that still all right (although it is generally small), but for printing Motherboard is completely unacceptable - A maximum of five buildings chips in length with a class of routing no higher than third. But then 128 * 128 - it is 16384 bytes for Card + 3 * 128 * 128 = 49152 bytes Array search for the path, and even buffer to store the path. Generally speaking, the size of the working arrays can be reduced and to take their number is equal to the number of cells on the map, which can walk, but it's hardly solve problem. Algorithm 2. In fact, it is the same algorithm optimized me the criterion of minimizing the buffer memory is used by (although the speed is not displayed the best way). We have stored in memory array with dimensions equal size card. Each byte of this array responsible for one square on the map and has the following bit-wise layout: Bits: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INDEX PATH not used-MASKSTEP favor-TARGET is INPUT INDEX - Replacement of the array of the previous algorithm and takes the following values: = 0 if the cell was not added to the array. = 3, if a cell is already entered in the array. = 2, for cells of data entered into the array at the current step. = 1 for listed in the previous step. PATH - two bits of direction. Contain a code indicating of a cell, we got this: 0 - right 1 - top 2 - left 3 - bottom MASKSTEP - bit contains 0, if the cage you can walk (Ie, if it is passed), and 1 - otherwise. TARGET - contains 1 if it cell-target. INPUT - contains 1 if it cell source. With this approach, a map 128 * 128 will need an array of 16384 bytes, which is just equal to the volume of one page of memory. The algorithm: 0. Create a working set size XLEN * YLEN. 1. We are looking for in an array of cells with INDEX = 1. If these are absent, then go to step 6. 2. For each matched cells check to see where you can go, so e. check the box to the left, top, right, bottom, and if they INDEX = 0, and MASKSTEP = 0, then write back INDEX = 2, and PATH: 2 - for the cell to the left 3 - - / / - top 0 - - / / - right 1 - - / / - bottom 3. If some of the cells tested in paragraph 2, we find cell target, ie the one in which TARGET = 1, then go to step 7. 4. Now consider the entire array, and replace INDEX = INDEX = 1 to 3, INDEX = 2 INDEX = 1. 5. Go to step 1. 6. Path does not exist, stop. 7. So we found the cell-target Now create a buffer path: a) Put the pointer on kletkutsel. b) Add to clipboard path number contained in a cage, which is a pointer to the field PATH. c) Shift the pointer on the cell from which we got to the one on which now is a pointer. All this is repeated until, until we reach kletkiistochnika, ie one in which INPUT = 1. As you probably noticed, This algorithm can walk only in four directions horizontally and vertically, you ask: "Why?". Just when I developed this algorithm, in front of me was just such a problem, but nobody prevents you to withdraw under the direction of three bits (in our version does not use the seventh bit) and make the possibility of moving in eight directions. Further, the algorithm can still be optimized, if you throw out paragraph 4. Done it is very simple. As mentioned above, INDEX takes one of four values: 0 - the cell has not yet been tested 3 - already checked 1 and 2 - are used to determine in which cells we might fall in the previous step (1), and in what we can get on current (2). Further, in all cells INDEX = 1 replaced INDEX = 3, INDEX = 2 for INDEX = 1. Thus we prepare a working card to the the next step. Doing so: introduce two new variables VAR0, VAR1 (Originally VAR0 = 1, VAR1 = 2). In the first paragraph shall search for cells with INDEX = VAR0 and immediately assign them to INDEX = 3. Now in the fourth paragraph, instead of changing the indices on the map, simply swap variables VAR0 and VAR1, that much faster. So: 0. Create a working set size XLEN * YLEN. and assign VAR0 = 1, VAR1 = 2. 1. We are looking for in an array of cells with INDEX = VAR0. If these are absent, then go to step 6. 2. For each matched cells: a) assign INDEX = 3. b) check where to go, ie check the box to the left, top, right and bottom and, if They INDEX = 0 and MASKSTEP = 0, then Make an INDEX = VAR1, and PATH: 2 - for the cell to the left 3 - - / / - top 0 - - / / - right 1 - - / / - bottom 3. If some of the cells tested in paragraph 2, we find kletkutsel, ie the one in which TARGET = 1, then go to step 7. 4. Change the value of variable VAR0 and VAR1 places: TEMP: = VAR0, VAR0: = VAR1, VAR1: = TEMP. 5. Go to step 1. 6. Path does not exist, stop. 7. Thus we have found cell-target and need to create a buffer path (see above). Paragraphs 1 and 2 are better connected, ie is, if you find a cage, then immediately We perform for her all of the paragraph 2. Also, it is better to check the cage for the presence of TARGET = 1, not to make unnecessary cycles. Still, for this example, we can reduce the buffer used program under the dynamic map is twice that in principle, entail a reduction in processing speed. For this We use only four bit: 2 bits - INDEX, 2 bits - PATH. And define the TARGET and INPUT will be given coordinates (or address). You can go to the next cell or not, we will determine on the card itself. Generally speaking, the options here very much and it all depends on your imagination and abilities, so that, go for it.
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