Inferno #02
01 мая 2001

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0 (Oberon Creative Pack).

<b>Softinka</b> - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0 (Oberon Creative Pack).
            ZX-WINWORD v3.0


  (Date of last revision 04/09/2000)

(C) Shaitan '& ampPaul Atrides / Stars of Keladan

 Welcome, my dear readers.
Offer you a shortened and
pererabbotannuyu version descriptions for the next release of a 
long-known text editor ZX-WINWORD v3.0.  Immediately tell you 
about the innovations introduced in editor. Firstly, from the 
main menu Removed item Print, which did not work

but the place it appeared more appropriate
- Overlay. What is it uzaete little
later. Secondly, the concept of "font
by default, but this too wait.
 To begin, we give nekotoye technical harakterstiki the editor.

1. Required memory - 128 KB.

2. The maximum length of text - 49152

3. The maximum length of graphics - 32768

4. The maximum length of a template that
ties together text and graphics - 4096
bytes or 1024 images.

5. The number of fonts - three.

6. Number of keyboard layouts -

7. Maximum number of illustrations
on one screen (the very same page) - unlimited.

8. Maximum number of sprites
Table graphics - while 256 sprites.
Sprites can be as colorful and

9. String length; working length - 42 characters (ie, that can 
be edited); full time - 255 characters (ie they are not 
visible, but there are also included). 

10. Speed ​​- given the size of
processed data and a set of functions -
pretty fast, not taking into account - acceptable, compared 
with IBM - slow; compared with "Microsha - sverhreaktivnaya.

11. Disk medium - TR-DOS.

12. Encryption - Full ASCII, Code newline - # D; ie all as in 

13. Number of rows in a page - 22.

  In many ways, the editor is similar to ZX / IBM
EDITOR, but only on the external interface
(Editor consciously and independently
liken; in WINWORD no single
Teams from ZX / IBM EDITORa, just this
editor is well, very easy to use interface) - internal filling 
them different. 

 Control keys for editing.
1. Arrow Up, Down, Left, Right - move the cursor on the screen 
or in the menu. 

2. SS / Space - Output from the menu of the text edit mode.

3. Ext.Mode - entry into command mode,
status bar appears
"Command:", more on that below.

4. DELETE - delete a character to the left of

5. GRAPH - delete character under the cursor. Can be used for 
shifting lines. 

6. SS / W - enabling / disabling mode

7. SS / E - move the cursor to the top
the next word.

8. SS / Q - at the end of the previous one.

9. SS / V - Input Russian letter "e" (yo)
when the Russian alphabet one
two standard keyboard layouts.

10. ENTER - line break and / or transfer
of the line down - when the mode Insert, or go to the next
line - While the Insert'e.

11. TRUE VIDEO - page up to the top of the text.

12. INV. VIDEO - page down to the end

13. CAPS.LOCK - enabling / disabling mode uppercase characters.

14. EDIT - no-eh, it's not Escape, it is
switch to Russian / Latin alphabets.

       Key command mode.

1. F - Search for a piece of text to search for the next track 
to choose this mode again.

2. R - Replacement of a fragment of another,
after finding will be prompted
"REPLACE?" and waiting for the keys
"Y" / "N" / "Space".

3. O - reprinting the entire page. Introduced at every fire and 
can be useful, If you suddenly seem that the color on

screen that something is not right - reprint
page and the "normal" color to return.

4. L - Remove the current row.

5. P - the entrance to the start editing the template. It is 
available only in the DOC and in the presence of block 
schedules, his keys below. 

6. G - enabling / disabling mode pseudographics.

7. Up - on the first page.

8. Down - to the last page.

9. Left - to the top of the current line.

10. Right - at the end of the current line.

11. B - mark the beginning of the block, this block and the 
following operations are available only in TXT, DOC in the mode 
they simply ignored.

12. E - mark the end of the block.

13. D - delete a block.

14. Q - razotmetit block.

13. C - to copy a block, not razotmechaetsya.

14. M - move the block.

15. the numbers 0 through 9 - Enter the symbol through the
set its decimal code (ie, input
character code).

16. T - turn on / off mode
text formatting (formatting). When
this in the status bar displayed on the screen

17. A - Enter the attribute which, together with
control code will be set in
cursor position.

18. N - a task font number (from 1 to
3), starting with a character marked by the cursor to the end 
of the current page, all characters will be displayed in this 

19. J - jump to the page with the correct number.

20. V - start your previously downloaded overlay.

  Pressing any key will print a brief help.

    Key, edit the template.

1. ENTER - to introduce a new figure on
this page.

2. DELETE - delete the current image.

3. + (Plus) - the following illustration.

4. - (Minus) - the previous illustration.

5. TRUE VIDEO - next sprite, ie
change the picture for the current picture.

6. INV.VIDEO - previous sprite.

7. Space - exit edit mode
text with all the changes.

8. Up, Down, Left, Right - move
illustrations on the screen.

10. I - shift down (towards the end tex) of all
illustrations on every page, beginning with
current is insert into the template of another

11. L - shift up (to the top of the text)
All illyustrtsy, ie Remove a page.

  Pressing any key will print a brief help'a the keys.

     Mode key format.

1. L - alignment line on the left

2. R - the alignment line on the right

3. J - the alignment of the line on both
edges, if the string length is greater then this
line does not change.

4. C - the alignment of the line center.

5. S - delete all the extra spaces in the
line, ie between words is
only a single space.

6. F - Format the current line.

7. A - paragraph formatting (ie, either
to the first blank line or until the end

8. Q, Space - from the regime, returned to normal formatting. 
Can also be done in another way - once you press T to command 

             Now on the menu


  Each menu has at least one
capital letters - the so-called
"Hot key" item, when clicked,
which happens to choose from. For the "traditional" choice 
items can use the keys Up, Down, Left, Right, Enter. SPACE - 
Exit the menu without choosing kakogolibo item.

  The main menu consists of 6 points.

1. File - working with files.

Doc. file ... - Work with files documents.
Text file ... - Work with text files.
Sprite file ... - Work with files stored table sprites.

  After selecting one of these three
The following menu items appear

    Load - assume

    Save - zapissat

    Merge - add.

New - a new document.

Catalogue - output directory disk.

cHange disk - change the drive.

eXit to sos - out in the Basic pseudo-48y
mode (ed. 48 th, and the memory 128go). The editor and the text 
stored in memory, to return should dial RANDOMIZE USR 24576.

Quit to dos - out in TR-DOS with an attempt to
run the boot.

2. Edit - enter the edit mode,
you can just press Space, while in
any point.

3. Inform - display information about the current
amounts of text, graphics and templates, and
as the size of free memory for them.

4. About - information about the version of the program.

5. Setup - Setting the. There are five

 Sound - on / mute;
 Mode - the task mode TXT (derived

          text-only) or DOC (derivation
          reduces text, graphics, and taking
          account by some of the code

          combinations in the text).
 D.attr - attribute has been set by default.

          It is this attribute mode

          DOC will be painted "Neocomian
          Rushen "text. Also, this

          parameter is stored in a file

          at Save Doc.
 d.Font - a task the font by default.

          It is this type will you
          hobnob text on the screen if

          number font is not specified separately
          but in either DOC, and in

          mode TXT.
 Left - a task left border of the text

          for formatting.
 Right - the job the right border of the text.
 T.keys - choose a keyboard layout that
          FIR as YAVERTY, QWERTY and

          EXTEND. The latter is
          on computers at kotoryhh

          has enhanced keyboard

          through signal D5, ie use
          characterizes another bitik in each

          keyboard port.

Exit to the main menu - Space.

6. Overlay - loading overlays. To
to generate load on the overlay
drive should be a file named
w.wor3_0.add. Otherwise you'll get a dirty message. After the 
first podgruzki will show you the number version and the number 
of overlays in the module Additions and asked to choose

one of them. For example, the message type
"ZX-WinWord v3.0 Modul v1.2" means
that work is carried out with models
designed to work together with
Editor version 3.0 (AND NO OTHER!), the module has the version 
number 1 in the its structure has two overlay. Any additional 
information, as well as learn about new versions of add-ons you 
can learn from the authors to the address below. The transition 
from page to page in the same way as for the load. 

  Under the main menu bar is
Status Line, which reports information on mode of the editor. 
Left to right: 

- ENG / LAT / GRAPHICS - current alphabet
Rus-sky / Latin / symbols pseudographics.

- CAPS / ____ - mode uppercase / lowercase

- INS. / OVER - insert mode / overlay
character at the cursor position.

- PAGE: xxx - current page number.

- MODE: DOC - display mode of text

- Xx - decimal code for the character under the cursor.

  It's all in the editing mode, text mode editing template, all
slightly differently:

- PAGE: xxx - current page number.

- SPRITE: aaa / bbb - the current number
sprite (aaa) and the total number of sprites in the table (bbb).

- X = xxx - x coordinate of this sprite.

- Y = yyy - y coordinate of this sprite.

    Now, a few general points

1. As already mentioned, with version 2.0 introduced the 
concept of "attribute by default." He you need for what would 
be promptly change the basic color of the document. For 
example, the text was green and you want make it yellow. In 
previous versions of you had to climb throughout the text and

pass the color. Now you have enough
paint the desired area, or the word
"Attribute by default, and ... and all changes can be made from 
the item Setup, the main menu. "Attribute Default" corresponds 
to the attribute codes of 0 and 255.

2. With version 3.0, as I mentioned, the concept of "font by 
default." This Thing you will be very helpful if

when you need to draw all or almost
the entire text of a font. Just want to
say that the default font to become active only at the 
beginning of the page and before the first switch the font to 
_etoy zhe_ page.

3. Under the text, graphics, template discharged
own memory locations, so they
maximum size of each other does not.

4. The document is saved in its own
format, with the addition of one official
sector, which contains all the necessary information to the 
editor for the normal identification document. In addition to 
the text, of course, the file contains the template and the 
table of sprites. 

5. Since the maximum length of the document
as a whole could reach 384 (!!!) sector, the program introduced 
the concept of faylasatellita - file, located directly behind 
the main, have the extension "1" and employees ONLY (!!!) For 
what would be fooled by TR-DOS. The main file and the 
file-editor of the satellite are considered as a whole (!!!), 
And therefore always have a satellite be located behind the 
main one. 

6. If you type a file name to delete
all characters and press ENTER (ie enter
empty string), then the disk access is not
happen. If, for example, you sluchyno
fell into the regime SAVE DOC., and write something
did not want, then enter an empty
row (but not a string of spaces), you return to the main menu.

7. As mentioned above, the editor understands mode DOC few 
official code combinations. Until you are only really two: the 
color management - code 16 is followed by a byte

attributes, and font management - code 1
followed by the number font. They can be
how to type in the mode of TXT (through
Command), where they will be perceived
as a normal character (this applies to all
code combinations), and through the hot key mode DOC. In 
addition, not "work", but "cost" three

combination: 2 (+ 1 byte) 4 (+ 1 byte);
18 (+ 3 bytes).



  That's basically all that would
tell you about the new version of this

  In conclusion I would like to thank Oleg Khokhlov for his ZX 
/ IBM EDITOR, podvigshego to create ZXWINWORD'a, as well as 
serve as a model UI. Also,

Besides A. Khokhlov, Konstantin and Vladimir Rubtsov Afendikovu 
for their ZX-ASM in which makes this version.

  And also, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-gromnuyu
thanks to our "sogrupniku"
Alexei Kurzanovu (Alex Noman / "Stars of
Kelandan "), for their invaluable assistance in developing the 
block transfer words. 

  If you've ever seen the magazine
"Oberon," then you know that starting from 2-nd
Rooms All its texts typed, decorated
and arranged in the ZX-WINWORD'ah that reads, "and from".

  About the bugs you found (or
about other issues related to
this editor) telefonte authors of this
product by phone. (8462) 32-37-60 in Samara, Eugene (from 18:00 
to 20:00 MSK), or (8462) 34-82-92 ask Maxim (at the same

time). Also, you can contact us with
by Fido: 2:5057 / 21.38 @ FidoNet To:
Evgeny Milun; SUBJ: ZX-WINWORD.
2:5057 / 21.36 @ FidoNet TO: Max Shashkin; with
thus managing sabzh.

  Sincerely, E. Miloon (PAUL ATRIDES) and
Max Shashkin (SHAITAN).

                (C) PAUL ATRIDES '& ampSHAITAN

 2000 (L) CopyLeft, "STARS OF KELADAN"

Other articles:

For Coderz - the translation algorithm of color image in gradations Spekrumovskogo gray.

Inferno - Managing obolchka magazine.

For Coderz - Aparatnye computer errors ATM-TURBO.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 1.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 2 +.

For Coderz - how to programmatically determine the number of strokes in the line of cars equipped with Port # FF.

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone to remove noise and clicks.

Shelezyaka - Pagemaker: refinement of weaving displays the page number memory.

Shelezyaka - NEW BRIGHT: Sixteen full-color mode.

Interview - an interview with the leader of the Samara spektrumistov Unbel! Ver / XTM.

Others - the outcome of the failed survey.

Others - ROMkadrom (humor).

Others - Safemode: computer crime and information warfare.

Others - Thoughts aloud: "All your thoughts about that Sreccy already bent, are complete nonsense ... "

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0.

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0 (Oberon Creative Pack).

Softinka - File Extractor: File Extractor.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - the latest demo spekrumovskoy Amiga version znaminitoy Toys WALKER.

Gameland - the third demo of the game Wolf 3D.

Samizdat - Dragonland: Presentation.

Samizdat - Dragonland: Wild Honey.

Samizdat - Dragonland: When the rain ...

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 1.

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 2.

Samizdat - Something like Kashpirovsky ....

Soap - Letter from nowhere.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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