Inferno #02
01 мая 2001

Shelezyaka - NEW BRIGHT: Sixteen full-color mode.

<b>Shelezyaka</b> - NEW BRIGHT: Sixteen full-color mode.
          NEW BRIGHT

(C) Gris

   Hello, dear readers. With you again I, Gris. Since our 
graduate zhelezyachnikam to log no the case, you'll have to 
settle in this section with all sorts of delusions and

little idea who had settled in my unencumbered
special knowledge in the head.

   Let's start. The essence of this refinement is very simple: 
instead of Flash and the general brightness of the ink and 
paper we get for each individual brilliance. Thus, the palette 
of Spectrum becomes "полноценношестнадцатицветной.

This innovation will enrich the range of color transitions and 
facilitate their establishment. I I think it's more practical 
than the notorious 7MHz instead of 2 Hz at FLASH, where all 
rich 128-color palette simply can not be used to create a 
normal quality image. 

   To convert the video controller

   1. Split the signal BRIGHT, walking and
on PAPER, and INK: figure out the scheme
Your Computer literacy, where the data bit D6
(BRIGHT) "runs" in the video controller,
trace his "journey" through
multiplexers (indicated on the diagram MX
or MUX) to the point, which unites
D0, D1, D2 (INK) and D3, D4, D5 (PAPER);
D6 only way to leave the group D0, D1,
D2, from the D3, D4, D5 - "to separate."

   2. Traced in this way to
is bit D7 (FLASH). He has to "stretch" in the logical element 
"AND" or "AND-NOT" FLASH is interfaced with the signal, which 
determines the frequency of blinking (itself FLASH only is 
allowed to blink), tear FLASH from the logical element and 
apply for our scheme (inputs A2, B1), to submit to it as BRIGHT 
(inputs A0, A1, B0), the input B2 KP11 lodge land.

   3. Output Y0
KP11 can be anywhere
not connected,
as BRIGHT on
ink we do not
cut (I just
driven, and now
do not want to redraw).

   The output signal of
Y1 to file
back to where you

   The output signal of
Y2 must be submitted to the
entrance of the gate, where you cut

   4. Now all you have to solder
toggle switch, which you will turn on / off completion. In the 
open position at the input S is high, in a closed low. 
Depending on the position toggle switch in the video controller 
will be fed a standard or a new combination of signals.

Other articles:

For Coderz - the translation algorithm of color image in gradations Spekrumovskogo gray.

Inferno - Managing obolchka magazine.

For Coderz - Aparatnye computer errors ATM-TURBO.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 1.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 2 +.

For Coderz - how to programmatically determine the number of strokes in the line of cars equipped with Port # FF.

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone to remove noise and clicks.

Shelezyaka - Pagemaker: refinement of weaving displays the page number memory.

Shelezyaka - NEW BRIGHT: Sixteen full-color mode.

Interview - an interview with the leader of the Samara spektrumistov Unbel! Ver / XTM.

Others - the outcome of the failed survey.

Others - ROMkadrom (humor).

Others - Safemode: computer crime and information warfare.

Others - Thoughts aloud: "All your thoughts about that Sreccy already bent, are complete nonsense ... "

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0.

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0 (Oberon Creative Pack).

Softinka - File Extractor: File Extractor.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - the latest demo spekrumovskoy Amiga version znaminitoy Toys WALKER.

Gameland - the third demo of the game Wolf 3D.

Samizdat - Dragonland: Presentation.

Samizdat - Dragonland: Wild Honey.

Samizdat - Dragonland: When the rain ...

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 1.

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 2.

Samizdat - Something like Kashpirovsky ....

Soap - Letter from nowhere.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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