Inferno #02
01 мая 2001

Others - Safemode: computer crime and information warfare.

<b>Others</b> - Safemode: computer crime and information warfare.

(C) Shaitan / Stars of Keladan
(C) Student 4-year ..... Institute, N

 Recently, a very topical
becomes a security issue
information systems. This is dictated by
that the use of information
systems are being actively introduced into the practice of 
government agencies and banks. A consequently increases the 
percentage of crimes related to unauthorized access to networks 
of various organs management, etc.

 During the period of such crimes, there are two concepts: 
computer crime and information warfare.

Delineation of these concepts made
on legal grounds, as a means
and methods are identical.
 Computer crime is
a violation of law. It can be
accidental or deliberate, but
isolated. Information warfare
on the contrary is nonrandom and
neobosoblennoy - it soglassovannaya
activities on the use of information
as a weapon for fighting in
military, economic and social spheres. Most of crimes are 
beyond the normal, assimilated law and represents

an unsolvable problem for the law. Identification of such 
crimes is very difficult because they can occur at a 
considerable distance from the object of attack.

 According to the classification of Interpol exists
several types of breakage
computer systems. In addition, Interpol classifies all kinds of 
violations of certain criteria, which were later united into 
groups, imennuemy letters of the alphabet. To refer to computer 
crimes apply letter Q. Vobschem so.

QA - unauthorized access
QAH - Computer boarding
QAI - interception
QAT - theft
QAZ - other types of unauthorized

QD - change computer data
QDL - logic bomb
QDT - Trojan Horse
QDV - computer viruses
QDW - computer worm
QDZ - other types of data changes

QF - Computer mosheynichestvo
QFC - mosheynechestvo with ATM
QFF - hoaxes
QFG - moshneynichestvo with slot machines
QFM - manipulation of the program I / O
QFP - mosheynichestvo a means of payment
QFT - telephone mosheynichestvo
QFZ - other types of computer mosheynichestva

QR - illegal copying (piracy)
QRG - computer games
QRT - other software
QTZ - the topography of semiconductor products and other 
illicit counterfeiting 

QS - computer sabotage
QSH - ---/--- with hardware
QSS - ---/--- software
QSZ - ---/--- other types of sabotage

QZ - Other computer-related crimes
QZB - with the use of komyuternyh boards
ads (BBS)
QZE - theft of information that constitutes
Commercial secrets
QZS - the transfer of information to be
QZZ - Other computer-related crimes

 This is just a list of chastosovershaemyh
crimes, in fact, they have
for a lot longer. And now for more info.

QAH - nesanktsionirovanie penetration
PCs and computer networks.
QAI - unauthorized interception
information through technical
funds. In this case, can use the following methods: 
electromagnetic (radio, modem), audioperehvat (talk service 
presonala) videoperehvat, handling garbage, search

data left after work on a PC.
QAZ - a method of following "a fool", "for
tail ", ie connected to the line and then waiting for the user
complete the active mode. After this
is logged on.
QLD, QLT - Improperly modified data by embedding a set of 
commands which should work under certain conditions, allowing 
to perform illegal of maintaining the hosting program.

QDV - change program's using a different program.
QDW - unauthorized changes
programs, transfer, deployment,
ubiquitous computer virus
through a computer network.
QS - sabotage workers' organization
ispolzvaniem Hardware
(Input, alteration, erasing or
another intervention with the intent to interfere with normal 
functioning of a computer network).  That's basically all that 
I have wanted to tell on this issue.

Other articles:

For Coderz - the translation algorithm of color image in gradations Spekrumovskogo gray.

Inferno - Managing obolchka magazine.

For Coderz - Aparatnye computer errors ATM-TURBO.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 1.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 2 +.

For Coderz - how to programmatically determine the number of strokes in the line of cars equipped with Port # FF.

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone to remove noise and clicks.

Shelezyaka - Pagemaker: refinement of weaving displays the page number memory.

Shelezyaka - NEW BRIGHT: Sixteen full-color mode.

Interview - an interview with the leader of the Samara spektrumistov Unbel! Ver / XTM.

Others - the outcome of the failed survey.

Others - ROMkadrom (humor).

Others - Safemode: computer crime and information warfare.

Others - Thoughts aloud: "All your thoughts about that Sreccy already bent, are complete nonsense ... "

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0.

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0 (Oberon Creative Pack).

Softinka - File Extractor: File Extractor.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - the latest demo spekrumovskoy Amiga version znaminitoy Toys WALKER.

Gameland - the third demo of the game Wolf 3D.

Samizdat - Dragonland: Presentation.

Samizdat - Dragonland: Wild Honey.

Samizdat - Dragonland: When the rain ...

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 1.

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 2.

Samizdat - Something like Kashpirovsky ....

Soap - Letter from nowhere.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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