Inferno #02
01 мая 2001

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone to remove noise and clicks.

<b>Shelezyaka</b> - the prefix to the phone to remove noise and clicks.

 Bring to your attention one more
pribambasinu to your modem. In the first
issue we have already told you about a signal booster telephone 
line, and now it's time to tell you about the very

fundamentally different lronburg that
will allow you to get rid of any noise
and clicks on the line, arising due to the induced electricity.
 Just want to tell you that the author of this text is unknown, 
but the text was racked from the depths of the Internet.  
That's all that I (Shaitan / SoK) wanted to say about it. And 
now give the floor to our unknown

author, but first give your attention the scheme of the device.



          T1 * T2 *

   O \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / o

  ATS R2 Modem

   O / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ o





 So we are on the verge of great discoveries. Our eyes make the 
technological revolution - modems have become so perfect that 
it is time to improve their telephone lines. Not to think that 
it is very difficult - you it is now also under strength, so we 
developed and tested a new device that extends the ability of 
your phone line.

             Principle of operation


 Transformer T1 is designed for high performance filtration high
interference. This allows us to successfully confront the 
appearance of interference due to operation of electrical 
appliances and such bad thing as laying parasitic interference 
radio transmission network in your apartment or office.

 Plot scheme, collected on the passive
elements R1, C1 - R2, C2, is
for frequency correction of the input signal. As we know from 
the course of circuit theory, telephone line is a natural

analogue of the so-called long-line,
work which at one time studied the Lord
Kelvin in the design of the communication line
between America and Europe. Long line
applies to circuits with distributed parameters and the 
specified area as the scheme brings the kind of signal to the 
original.  And finally, transfrmator T2 performs

important function of the passive amplifier signal.
 Ergo, we got a cheap and practical
a device that improves the line parameters
Communication and beneficial effect on the quality of
faksmodemnoy communication.

         Manufacturing & Parts


 Transformer T1 contains 2 independent
winding to 7 turns each, and wound on the ferrite ring 
rigorously symmetrical, ie both windings are wound roughly 
clockwise. Wire - coating, approximately 0.5 mm in

 Resistance R1, R2 - 10 .. 50 ohms, which
determined empirically and depends on the length of the line 
from the PBX to your telephone wall socket, which includes a 
modem.  Capacitors C1, C2 - 0.1 microfarads.

 Transformer T2 has 2 independent
winding turns of each of 30-60, and
wound on the ferrite ring rigorously
asymmetric, ie windings are wound in
different directions. Wire - varnishing
approximately 0.5 mm in diameter.
 Try to place the transformers T1 and T2 away from each other - 
this improve the overall performance of the apparatus.

 STE truncated wrote not me! But the thing .....
cool ..... ispytavayu ...... Duc .... less glitches and 
vaaasche ....;) Collecting! Attempt - it has not yet been 
torture! ;-) 

Other articles:

For Coderz - the translation algorithm of color image in gradations Spekrumovskogo gray.

Inferno - Managing obolchka magazine.

For Coderz - Aparatnye computer errors ATM-TURBO.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 1.

For Coderz - Description of a personal computer ATM-TURBO 2 +.

For Coderz - how to programmatically determine the number of strokes in the line of cars equipped with Port # FF.

Shelezyaka - the prefix to the phone to remove noise and clicks.

Shelezyaka - Pagemaker: refinement of weaving displays the page number memory.

Shelezyaka - NEW BRIGHT: Sixteen full-color mode.

Interview - an interview with the leader of the Samara spektrumistov Unbel! Ver / XTM.

Others - the outcome of the failed survey.

Others - ROMkadrom (humor).

Others - Safemode: computer crime and information warfare.

Others - Thoughts aloud: "All your thoughts about that Sreccy already bent, are complete nonsense ... "

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0.

Softinka - description of a new text editor ZX-WinWord V3.0 (Oberon Creative Pack).

Softinka - File Extractor: File Extractor.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - How to write a play. Volume 3. Part One.

Gameland - the latest demo spekrumovskoy Amiga version znaminitoy Toys WALKER.

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Samizdat - Dragonland: Presentation.

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Samizdat - Dragonland: When the rain ...

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 1.

Samizdat - "Bastard AlHimik Doctor Faustus Plumed Serpent "№ 2.

Samizdat - Something like Kashpirovsky ....

Soap - Letter from nowhere.

Inferno - The authors.

Inferno - Intro.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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