Scenergy #01
31 мая 1999 |
Demoscene - the composition and the contacts of the Lithuanian group zERo.
Group-zERo-was founded on October 13 1996. The aim of creation was ob'edenit all the elite of Lithuania and anyone else:) -ZERo-mEMBEr sTATUs on 01/18/1998 zHenYa - coder, musician, swapper, organizer, 17 years old. fLP - cracker / hacker, swapper, 19 years old. aMilToN - grafix maker, 19 years old. KiD - coder, 18 years old RajaH - coder, grafix maker, 18 years old. RnD - coder, 19 years old mAs - musician, 18 years old. zERo - cONTACT bOARDz: (0122) 765989 ... zHenYa - P128, A1200 (0122) 697394 ...... fLP - P128, A500 + (0122) 419222 .. aMiLToN - P128, A1200 (0126) 271616 ...... KiD - P128, A1200 (0122) 765185 .... RajaH - pts486dx133 (0126) 252324 ...... RnD - P128 (0122) 731984 ...... mAs - P128, A1200 sNAiL_mAiL: zHenYa ^ wE ^ zERo, st. Calvary 142-3, 2042 Vilnius, Lithuania. e-mail: subj: for zhenya So many products came under Label'ami -ZERo-,-wORLD eYEs-and-fLP-. It makes no sense enumerate all. We can only say that -ZERo-- support the scene and will support. At Enlight96 we were DeMouy-iCEcREAM-and one Mouzon. At Enlight97 - DeMouy-eXcESs-1 Mouzon, 4 images + gfx and mfx on aMiGa / pC. We want very much to do to fly a hefty demuhu. Temporary name - = 6th Sense =. I flew it KiD'a Pent, so long as it is not repaired, it will not be able to finish Robbo. By the way-zERo-for what would indeed there were a market for Speccy. We also want to Robbo for anything get. If all goes well, we can please you with another toy. That is, everything depends on you, dear readers. I think the price is $ 1-2 for a game is a very real and all she would arranged. But our people can not generally pay for the software. And because of this may come to an end Speccy! For example, After several years of hiatus in the Amiga, Again there were serious firms that engaged in selling games. For example, Vulcano soft. Group Ablaze (if I am not memory) make toys Strangers, and Vulcano is engaged in its sales and proliferation. People, if you do not understand what the market needs, you will condemn Speccy to death. All in fact dragged from UFO-UFO 1 and 2. And if fame does not get money for the Raven, the more we have of him nothing to see, and hurt, right? For example, I can tell you boldly declare that we we have the original Extasy MD. We honestly paid him $ 5. That's all. E-mail and do not forget!
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