Scenergy #01
31 мая 1999

VIP - An interview with the Moscow Spectrum team - Cosmic (Progress).

<b>VIP</b> - An interview with the Moscow Spectrum team - Cosmic (Progress).
 Interview with perhaps the most enigmatic and
mysterious group on the ZX-stage.

 I would like to immediately apologize for his sister
talent, and some confusion in
interview, but it did not depend on me.

 Recently, I happened to meet
member'om very interesting Moscow
Spectrum team - COSMIC. His name
- Hellish Clown, which translates as
Hellish Clown (!). Introduced me to him
under very strange circumstances, MIC
PROGRESS'a of which categorically
refused to tell me how he knows
cosmic'a and as he "otshifroval"
Referring to the word given to them HClown'u,
not to tell anyone about the circumstances
their acquaintance.
 MiC told me only that it
due to unusual or even absurd
 I have already negotiated with COSMIC'om of
meeting, but each time he contacted
me just before the deadline ugovorennogo
meeting, and apologized, asked to postpone
meeting until the next time. Finally, with
fourth time, I managed to catch him.
 He was a young man looked about
23, medium height, a remarkable
looking, progressive and tasteful
 Hellish Clown kindly agreed to give
interviews on behalf of the entire team COSMIC
specially for SCENERGY, and more
that provided for the 1 st Release
CD-Zayn demo, written and CMX'ami
previously relizennoe.

   So the interview.

R: Good afternoon ... Incidentally, I never knew your real

    name. Can I speak to you using it?
HC: I'm sorry ... But I would ask you to call me at

    the handle - just HC.

R: Ok ... The first question to ask is: Why is this

    secrecy? I must admit I have long puzzled over your

    (CMX) identification, since, as he saw a very stylish and

    the original intro COSMIC promotion.
HC: Thank you ... But I'm afraid and that I can not tell

    (Smiles). Circumstances that cause this

    mystery by themselves even more secret.

R: Well, well! Right enigma some ... Well, as you can

    ask whether these circumstances with the scene?
HC: Yes. But they reflect on personal, not related to the stage

R: A someone from Moscow spektrumistov know you? Communicated

    Are you with someone known zetikserov?
HC: The answer is yes. I and other members of our group one

    time were often the so-called "sisopnike, where in addition 

    a fair number of lame'rov and just met a very bruising

    interesting personalities and real sceners. Then we got

    a lot of positives from our communication with interesting 
people. Already 

    Then our group existed under this name, but

    we lived modestly and remain incognito. It was the same

    on the 97th ENLIGHT'e and on the 98th FUNTOP'e where we are 

    a lot of positive emotions.

R: So you party before?
HC: Yes.

R: And what is the basic profile of your team?
HC: Demomaking.

R: So why did we have seen nothing from you except CMX intro? I

    I can give my head to cut off that your team is capable of

    make a very good demo! Is all-time cosmic'i

    sbinarili only a demo that you gave us for the release?
HC: The situation here is complicated. The fact that, as no

    Paradoxically, for us in the audience is not demomaking'e

    an integral part of creativity. Therefore, the fact that our

    We shall never seen does not mean that we do not write.

R: Well, well! That is the point of view. So how much you

    nezarelizennyh work?
HC: That question is difficult to give a clear answer. By the 
end of writing 

    our first demos, it was disgusting to us so that

    We destroyed most of the starting materials. And once

    after collecting the second occurred parsing it into pieces 
and then 

    followed by a lengthy work on the symbiosis with our third

    creation. Same zamorochenny was the creation of

    ENERGY, you will see your readers. True, we did it,

    train agreeing to convey to the audience.
R: Well, the creative process! And something else under the 
label COSMIC 

    We shall see in the future?
HC: Of the older works - surely not! (Looks at his watch), but 
we already 

    almost a year working on a new demo. The process is slow.

    The main reason for stagnation is the lack of a banal

    time for our main coder - 2XOR'a.

R: Funny you handles ... Speaking of your other member'ah

    commands - call, unless of course possible;), the entire 

HC: For God's sake:

    TOXOR - main coding, some gfx

    DYCLOFOCE - coding, some music, debugging

    MOBY - main music, coding

    Coockie - main gfx, coding

    And your humble servant - Hellish Clown - organizing, some 

    There are a couple of Coming-outgoing members, of which 

    certain hard to say.

R: I wonder. So then you're an organizer?
HC: In our group, this concept is vague. For example, I learned 

    ENERGY project in the last minute, when he was in the last

    quarter end. I was involved in it only as a

    zapakovschika and pridelyvalschika b-loader'a: (. That's 
how we 

    All navorocheno, and it's not from a lack of friendly 

    within the group, we often communicate.

R: And if your team is engaged in something else besides

HC: We have made several crack'ov games that we ourselves

    love or loved batsat. But they too were not made for

    releases. And those who went were generally without

    "Unmarked". We wanted to make a crack for the people

    - To restore the beautiful but deadly battered Game -


HC: ... but ahead of us ... SEAMANS! (Squint angrily at me)

    Your crack we saw when almost everything was ready. Must

    say that SM was all done well, nothing

    inferior to our version, so we decided to "double" is not


R: Thank you. I remember, FUX thoroughly worked over Atlantis.

    Many moments in the game were appended to them intuitively 
... And how 

    you have affairs with other platforms?
HC: Every COSMIC'a there is at least one PC in addition to ZX'a.

    But this is mainly due to the work. In creative terms we

    only interested in ZX-scene. Although, I personally, with 

    watch demos and other stsenernye products on Amiga, PC and

    especially at the C = 64!

R: O, Yeah! Commodore is a kick-ass machine ... Wanted to ask

    Do you have a desire to participate in the compo in any 
kind of 

HC: Seriously - no! I already talked about our non-standard 

    a "spectator" factor in demomaking'e. There were only

    spontaneous impulses, when we were mesmerized atmosphere

    party-compo at ENL'97 and FT'98. Maybe in the future and

    try ...

R: E. ..
HC: I'm sorry wildly (looks at watch), but I must flee. I

    already late.

R: Oki. Then last detselny question: What do you think about

    the future of our eight-pet?
HC: Definitely say something not very easy - ZX very

    mysterious and unpredictable, and sometimes quite 

    Comp. However, just know one thing - the fate of the stage 
and life 

    such a platform, like the Spectrum, wholly located

    in the hands of the scenery. So while "alive" per se, in 
the true 

    understanding of this complex term, will be alive and a 

    will be bright and interesting scene. And we COSMIC'i, try

    do not hide their jobs!

    Well, I ran (reaching out).

R: Good luck. Many thanks for an interesting, albeit

    a short interview. Do not forget that promise about his

HC: Okay;). And thank you. Good luck to you and your readers to

    life and on stage.

    C u..


 Here are our COSMIC'i. Dark
horses ...

 On my own I wanted to add that I have received
fun demo CMX - ENERGY. Many
original solutions in the design and unusual
execution of the code. Looks very
vigorously, I would even say - stsenergichno.

 In general, judge for yourself ...

                           r0m/pGs 07mar99

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