Scenergy #01
31 мая 1999 |
Sceneexplorer - Conments - based on questionnaires: "What about the Sprinter and dumate GMX", "where taking the program," in which networks have addresses.
All comments are taken from the questionnaires. Style and spelling is preserved. [Sprinter ]----------------------------------------------- ------ Abra / Infotek: [One word - should be able to :)..............] [Great thing! It would be nice to get.] Alex (R): [To me, Spectrum will always be the one-] [Kim, what was the brand. The rest -] [This is not the Spectrum. ...................] ALK / SoK: [would be desirable to fuck ... .................] AlSp / HS: [ne stoit on togo hotya radi interesa ....] AndrSun / BP: [I would like to know more, last] [News-when he was only in devel-] [Processing *:-(..............................] Bes / PFC: [bicycle has been invented .................] Bos / LOSW: [all been nothing but his write emulyator ..] [It would be simpler and cheaper, and software under] [It still is not enough and a lot more then.] Buster: [I like the ZX, and I want him to develop] [Valsya, but the essence has not changed. Here] [Video of him in the form of cards purchased, would .....] CyberJack / LFG: [Too late to come to his senses, it was necessary] [To do it in 1995, and is cheaper. ] D-Man/EI: [Good Machine !.........................] Dismaster / XPJ: [I need this machine well liked ....] [Just have no money: (... in any case.] [Y sabzh have the prospect of .......] Diver/4D: [let him eksperementriruyut, I'm ..] [Not against :))))))).......................] DjLeo / CA: [I am afraid that this project zagnetsya because in] [Bathe him no one would => not be the one] [Prevalence cat. obl.obychn.spek ..] DNK / VG: [Simply kypit mi !........................] Dr.Dismal / LFG: [The best solution for spektrumistov] [Additional opportunities for real] [Price ...................................] Engine / CPG: [Sometimes you think why do not sinter AGA] [;)))) IMHO Sprin real continued] [Cake and have no ....................] EVP: [they were late for 5 years with the development .....] [In terms of price / quantity of software I .....] [Buy a better 286 .........................] Factor6/ESA: [I have heard that it's cool comp, but I.] [Don't know anything about it :(.........] Combinator / PHT: [Why not create a configuration ....] [The real sinter ?!.....................] [Vesch good, but you need $.....] Fidget / ICE: [The best computer, but, in my opinion, Peters] [A bit late with him, besides on ..] [Advanced prices for pricey usera ...] Klim Gromov: [very disappointing that the developers of ka-] [Unpack the kettle CPU is not the post-] [Willy Z380 or Z480 ......................] Habib / H-PRG: [IT'S UNABLE TO BUY IT IN POLAND .........] Infarh / IF: [An example of the extensive development ...........] Katy / STRg: [Respect done by Ivan and other work.] [But I will not buy, now, alas Spectrum] [Does not play the leading role in my life =(...] Kurt/U5: [I think that at any given time .....] [This machine will not find a broad response] [And programmatic support ..................] Lav / SL: [Pyst do. Perhaps something good nibyd ..] [And do it. .............................] LD / XTR: [no one will buy ..........................] Lester / SDM: [what if there is a PC ?.....................] Lexus / DG: [I'm working on this car more than six months, and] [So far has never regretted the purchase ..] [=) ....................................] m @ s / CSG: [Required to finalize the connection ....] [SVGA-monitors, to reduce the number ext .....] [. Videomodes, lower price, vstr.modem ..] Magelan \ IL: [It is not necessary .........................] MarchCat / CDS: [All these attempts to rework the Spectrum in.] [Pitiful semblance of Amiga and pC I just ...] [Laugh. If it is someone like - I ..] [Do not mind. For me, the Spectrum - a .....] [Pentagon-128 (or its foreign equivalent)] Mast / FTL: [If there is a cost affordable and have a mode] [Standard Spectrum, maybe Ref-] [Interval becomes popular ..................] Mbr / XTM: [Otnoshenie neitralnoe - zdorovo opozdali] [Net realnoi podderzhki potentsialnykh] [Proizvoditelei PO - odni obeschaniya ....] Megus / BW: [If they finish it, it would be cool.] [That's only have one question - how much.] [Sprinter spread ................] Merlin / CC: [Pretty good idea ...................] [It can be a lot of good things for this ....] [Write a machine, would give the computer ;-)..] MiB / LFG: [normal computer for the real price] [Which may work fine ..] Mithcell / HWC: [easier to buy a pIsyuk or Amiga :)....] MMA / XTM: [The world does not need another Aubin pisyuk, the more] [Eight-bit! After he had seen on FT'98,] [My opinion is only strengthened. must die!!] Mongol / DC: [wINDOWS'obraznaya shell it locally!] Noize / PHT: [If there is something to buy, then much more ....] [Standing .................................] Minisoft avec NRJ: [I think he has no future date ........] Paracles / EI: [Sprinter, of course, a good thing, but do-.] [May, the Amiga more likely to be machine] [- Successor to the Spectrum ..................] Point777: [write programs for this machine was ...] [Just so wonderful and to see ..] [Demos too, but that's not bad .....] [Did not create the configuration on the Sprint.] Stalin: [too expensive, I'd rather the accumulation bucks ..] [More and buy a Pentium ................] Power / WDG: [price :(.................................] Rambo / DAPA: [Council Peters: "Develop an advertising ...] [Campaign ................................] Hacker Rasp / SF: [IMHO, enough to rape a poor Z80 !.....] [It's time to move on - the Z380 bad ?.......] Reaper / ZXM: [I do not understand what relationship he has since ...] [Spektrumu.Esli really develop Speck, then.] [The principle of GMX ............................] Rum / E-mage: [I think he has no future date ........] SoftFelix: [Good alternative emulators !!!.....] [Designed architecture. Sorry, a little expensive!] SCORPION / CA: [The development is interesting, but without serious] [Software (Spekovskie not] [Considered )..............................] Serzhsoft: [Only Speccy-128 RULEZ FOREVER !..........] [... Sprinter - may live for CPU speed ....] Shaitan: [Why bring up Spectrum buggy] [Form pc .................................] Siril/4D: [I treat with indifference. Why produce new] [Standards? But once done, let it be.] [There will be a lot of extra $ buy out of interest.] Smash / CA: [Not a bad idea, whether it bigger] [Programs machine would just fine.] [Gmx ]----------------------------------------------- ----------- Abra / Infotek: [too bad, but the decoding of ports: (((] ALK / SoK: [touching his hands Sample # 1 in 1997 on] [E'97 ....................................] AlSp / HS: [Dumayu neobhodimaya vesh 'no malo prog ..] [Razve chto samomu pisat'................] Bes / PFC: [late ..................................] D-Man/EI: [Vobschem something bad !......................] Dismaster / XPJ: [expandable memory and graphics - it's very] [OK. but there sabzh - the essence of a separate small] [Bus ... and yes even no documentation ....] Diver/4D: [at current prices to buy such profits-] [Bass is simply unrealistic to spektrumista. ] [I'd rather save for Amig'u :)))..........] DjLeo / CA: [What - something familiar, but could not remember ..] [What ..............................] Engine / CPG: [If there are secrets + access from Prof. Rom only] [+ Tormoznutaya bend Comrade MOA, then these things print] [Lit :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((......] EVP: [software will be almost no ....................] Combinator / PHT: [bred standards pnimash .........] [But would Scorpion, one would fuck ..] Fidget / ICE: [a good idea, but like all Skorpionovs-] [Something not commensurate with the price ..............] Kim Gromov: [instead of implementing the flashing profile] [System had to be done for videkartu] [Spectrum as a viola. de facto standard ....] Habib / H-PRG: [IT'S UNABLE TO BUY IT IN POLAND .........] Katy / STRg: [Why exactly? I do not need .....] Kevin / CC: [Not seen, but they say rulez :)..........] Lav / SL: [All skorpionovskim priblydam I ......] [Otnoshys neutral .....................] LD / XTR: [very few people will buy ..........................] Lexus / DG: [GMX and Sprinter one field berries !......] m @ s / CSG: [I'm waiting for the promised Mr. Mr. Zonov ...........] [. New Scorpion on a single board ........] Magelan \ IL: [It is not necessary .........................] MarchCat / CDS: [I simply do not have ..................] Mbr / XTM: [Pochti vsya produktsiya firmy Scorpion u] [Menya vyzyvaet istericheskiy khokhot -] [Zachem bylo delat 'stol' uboguiu sistemu] Megus / BW: [IMHO, GMX - a very useful development ...] Merlin / CC: [It's too early, say anything, dampness ..] [GMX, a lot of glitches, but hope of it ....] [Pribluda good will, at least for ....] [Assistance in networking software (80 characters )....] MMA / XTM: [Hardware vrtikalny scroll? Well, Well ... ] [Toys for him do not write, demos, too] [But for the thing desired text editors!] Noize / PHT: [If there were Scorpion, would buy ..........] [And so it is possible, and himself something to solder ......] * NORD STAR * / CA: [everything associated with "Scorpio" VYZY] [Vaeth COMPLETE OTVRASCHENIE.TAK it is the most] [FUFLYZHNAYA UNITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Minisoft avec NRJ: [Actually it's not for my computer:) ....] Point777: [later, my friend, and even for such ........] [Cost ...............................] Stalin: [if there is enough software support-] [Schego it is possible to buy ..............] Rambo / DAPA: [Proc would quickly .......................] Hacker Rasp / SF: [And why is it me, if I did not .........] [Scorpion ???.............................] Reaper / ZXM: [A very useful thing. Would be money ,....] [Would have bought ................................] Rum / E-mage: [I'm missing my configuration ...........] SoftFelix: [SUCH Specchia lotion - does not need !.......] [Ports of extended memory - curves "!....] SCORPION / CA: [I think that we have no one in the state] [Buy this thing, who could have passed something] [Where. I would be glad if I find that wrong.] Serzhsoft: [.. I wanna IT !!!.........................] [...... Pentagon on Scorpion is COOL !.....] Siril/4D: [GMX expands the possibilities of Spectrum] [-Family, and it's cool! If there is no] [Glitches, the class finally can! .................] [Where the programs take ]----------------------------------------- Alex Noman / SoK: [I write it myself, but lately I am lazy: (] ALK / SoK: [I'll take a M.M.A or write himself .............] AndrSun / BP: [I can, and got there:-I ...........] Oldman: [themselves are presented (c) Max Romanov ...........] [Public networks have addresses ]------------------------------------ Alex Noman / SoK: [S-Net:) ....................] Abra / Infotek: [E-burg ZXNET, SpaceNet, ProgNet] Minisoft avec NRJ: [Grodno C-Net .................] Power / WDG: [S-Net ........................] [Intro to the game ]--------------------------------------------- --- Factor6/ESA: [You mean "cracktros"?? I love them !.....] [They are often better than all the game!] [Where it is better to partyes ]----------------------------------- Hood: [noone will travel for several days, it's too expensive] [And .. too exhausting so I think no matter the city you.] [Select the conseqences for the visitors are the same ..] [(If it's gonna be an international party ..............] Katy / STRg: [capital and other more or less large cities] [Still do not have to climb into the wilderness ...........] Mbr / XTM: [Luboi gorod s dostatochno razvitoi infrastrukturoi] Siril/4D: [Perm;) because this is the first city-millionaire] [Europe where they can watch the sunrise ... Well .....] [Geographic location nelohoe equally] [Close;) to go anywhere. ....................] [Number partyes ]------------------------------------- Yerzmyey / HPRG: [AS MORE AS POSSIBLE, HE-HE ;-)]
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