Buzz #17
10 апреля 1999

ASCII graphics - How do I view ASCII? How to learn to ASCII. Are there helper programs for ASCII.

<b>ASCII graphics</b> - How do I view ASCII? How to learn to ASCII. Are there
 helper programs for ASCII.

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         . .

<-------------[ Continued. Beginning in the 16 th BUZZ'e 

  ___ O
 | __! _____________________________________________ / | \
 ! __ \ _ / | \ _
 !___/ ASCII How do I view the best way? _ / \ _

  Some tips on viewing ASCII graphics:

 √ Use the so-called nonproportional font. This font, by all

   characters which play the same (horizontal) if
   honors pixels, not taking into account the actual width
                                                   Well everyone

    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii character. In

    nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn as at
                                                   Ny three 

   letters: i, n, and M. If you currently use opaque
   proportional font (as on the Speccy is likely, because -

   prim.per.), the length of these lines will be the same.

 √ narrow, say, devyatipikselny (obviously, for barrows with 

   more than Speccy :-) - approx. trans.) font like

   increases the resolution. Particularly well suited narrow 

   to see the gray scale-images.

 √ I can also recommend a look at some races ASCII
   state, for example, meter or more.

 √ Set the attributes of the screen so that the characters were

   light and the background - dark. In most ASCII-images

   means it is light characters on a dark background. Sdela
   but it's for the best effect - such attributes

   make it easier to manipulate the brightness of the 
characters. In addition, 

   the monitor is less fade.

   Several individual cases ...

 √ As already mentioned, most of the gray scale-images must

   viewed light characters on a dark background. There
   exist, however, a picture, to show which characters are

   be dark and the background - bright. As you've probably 
already Dogadov    were similar to the picture, mainly intended 
for races    seals on the printer.

 √ While most ASCII-images are intended for

   view on the monitors, the screen which has 80 characters in

   width (again, not for the Spectrum - approx. per.), some
   rye picture is wider (from 81 to 132 characters). They also 
prednaz    nacheny for printing. To view them on screen, use

   narrow, for example, chetyrehpikselny, the font. Do not 

   that the background should be light, and the characters - 

 √ In addition to ASCII, directly intended to show

   or print, you can also find the schedule recorded in the

   BMP, EPS, GIF or other format. These files are watching
   or are printed using appropriate software.

  There are several points which details please remember when
create, view, or just talk about ASCII, and which ones do not, 
however, almost always overlooked. 

 √ Disproportionate fonts may also vary and, hence,

   one and the same picture using different fonts can

   look differently. Some ASCII-artists show,

   using a font created image.

 √ Font can consist of both upper (big), and from

   lowercase (small) letters, which, in turn, may

   be straight or curved (italics, for example), wide

   or narrow. All this also affects the "appearance"


 √ You can vary the weight of a character. Similarly, "weight" 
differences    wells are especially vulnerable to the following 

     # - A hash (hatch / hash mark)

     $ - Dollar sign (dollar sign)

     @ - A sign of "at" (at sign)

 √ "Appearance", "image" of the symbols may also vary. Below

   are 3 _naimenee_ changing character:

     - - Dash (dash)

     / - Slash (slash)

     \ - Backslash (backslash)

   As Richard Kirk (Richard Kirk), here the characters with 
whom one must be careful (rather free translation of the phrase 
"Shapes to be wary of are" - approx. trans.): 

     ~ - Sometimes located on top, sometimes in the middle

     <- Same

     * - Same

     '- Sometimes "closed", sometimes "open"

     | - Sometimes represented a solid feature, sometimes 

     '- Sometimes the "truncated" on one side, sometimes 

     [] - Sometimes placed in the center, sometimes closer to 
the edge 

     <> - Sometimes relate to the top or bottom of familiarity, 
sometimes races           put in the middle

     0 - sometimes crossed and sometimes not

     l - sometimes depicted with rounding down, sometimes 


     y - sometimes with a straight tail, sometimes with a curved

 √ As mentioned in the file "asciitech" (by Jorn): 
"Unfortunately, this 

   somewhat limited standard does not account for some

   details: the pound sign in the UK, letters with 'accents' in 
French    tsuzskom and Scandinavian alphabets and others, which 
leads to 

   some changes to the standard, making these characters as

   minimum nonuniversal:

      ^ - A sign of the degree (caret)

      `- Reverse apostrophe (backquote)

      # - A hash (hatch / hash mark)

      | - Pipe

      {} - Curly braces (curly braces)

      ~ - A wavy line (tilde)

      \ - Backslash (backslash)

      [] - Square brackets (square brackets)

      $ - Dollar sign (dollar sign)

      @ - A sign of "at" (AT sign)

 √ Various equipment for different displays characters. If you

   view images on the terminal Unix-site and then

   bring it home and look at the Mac (oh, and primerchiki :-)

   ca. trans.), it will look slightly different. On

   Mac its vertical size is somewhat smaller.

   In other words, change the coefficient of proportionality

   (Aspect ratio).

  Scale factors of proportionality:

    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

    -+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--- -+---->

     | |

     | For the measurement of the proportional-|

     | Surface screen of your monitor, do the |

     | Following: |

     | |

     | Measure with a ruler vertically |

     | Line on the left. |

     | |

     | Measure the same distance on the horizon-|

     | Experimental scale. The obtained value, and |

     | Is the desired ratio. |



   __, O /

  / / _ _____________________________________________ \ / |
 | _ \ |

  \ ___ / How to learn to ASCII? _ / \ _

  Unfortunately, the information on this subject is extremely 

  A good way is to monitor how ASCII-artist
creates a picture. Pay attention to what characters he uses
and for what.

  The second way - to change the existing works. Select the 
part of a picture that you think could be improved. Make a copy 
and get to work. If you mess up, make another and try again. 

  Once you have a good idea to get, try to finalize a really 
good picture. Convert any GIF file. If the conversion, as you 
seem to be look "not very", try to fix the failed areas.

   If you started working from scratch, the following tips can 
you useful:

  √ First of all, decide that you need. Sketch

    next picture, about wondering where it would be located
    gatsya. Then mark the dimensions and proportions. This is 

    do it now, not after all be traced


  √ Gradually add the details. Pay special attention to

    the most important parts of your masterpiece. Because

    ASCII - the art of low-resolution image will be

    quite large, if you want to get well

    smoothed and detailed picture.

  √ But be careful with detail - too much dragging
    chenie it can spoil a picture.

  √ But the best help - this is a good knowledge of how every
    brazhat different objects. For example, you can "bend" 
horizontal     horizontally line by using only three 
characters: _ - " 


     Another example - a wavy line (by MJ):

           .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-.

      `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `

     DNA-like line (by Richard Kirk):

        .-.-. .-.-. .-.-. .-.-. .-.-. .-.-. .-.-.

       / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \

      `- '`-`-' `-`-' `-`-' `-`-' `-`-' `-`-'` - `

  √ Quite simply depict oblique vertical lines:

          /, '-',

         /, '-' ,_-'"

        /, '-' _ "

       /, '-' ,_-'"

      /, '-' ,_-'"

     /, '-' ,_-'"

    Example Felix Lee (Felix Lee):

          / _ /. / / / '. " '

        / _ /. / / / '. " '

      / _ /. / / / '. " '

  √ Next, perform smoothing (smoothing or anti-aliasing).

    At this stage, particular attention is given to "external

    type "characters (I wonder at what point it does _not_ was 
paid     is the attention ;-) - approx. trans.) Using a similar 

    You can smooth out a font, or other objects:

     Suppose you draw the object, XXXX

     using only the letters "X". _________ XXXXXXXX

     The object, apparently, quite angular. XXXXXXXXXX

     Let us slightly modify it, and the first-XXXXXXXX

     thing to do, fill it with the inside of the XXXX

     eights. "8" - a popular character

     for general fill. Some, however, prefer characters

     "M" or "H". Now we proceed directly to the smoothing

     Brackets suitable for _ d88b ___ symbols "b", "d" and "o"

     curvature of the parties \ d888888b suitable for rounding

                           (88888888) transitions from line to

     It could be Y888888Y line.

     use "P", but / Y88Y

     This character has no /

     specular reflection, so we use "Y". In addition,

     You can also use "*".

  √ For the "emulation" color palette, toning and contrast

    Use the whole group of characters. In this case, the first

    foreground is not a single character, but how it looks in

    together with others. For example, note how to

    illustrated below, the flower fades, "density"

    characters to form a shadow transitions. I would like to

    see it in color.


            . @. .

            @ M @,. . @

           . @ M% nm @,. . @ M @

          . @ Nvv% vnmm @,. . @ Mn% n @

         . @ Mnvvv% vvnnmm @,. . @ Mmnv% vn @,

         @ Mmnnvvv% vvvvvnnmm @,. . @ Mmnnvvv% vvnm @

         @ Mmnnvvvvv% vvvvvvnnmm @,;;; @ mmnnvvvvv% vvvnm @,

         `@ Mmnnvvvvvv% vvvvvnnmmm;; @ mmnnvvvvvv% vvvvnmm @

          `@ Mmmnnvvvvvv% vvvnnmmm;% mmnnvvvvvv% vvvvnnmm @

            `@ M% v% v% v% v% v ;%;%;%;%;%;%;%%% vv% vvvvnnnmm @

            ., Mm@@@mm %;;@m @ m @ @ m @ @ m @ mm;;%% 

         ., @ Mmmmmmvv %%;;@vmvvvvvvvvvmvm@;;%% vvnnm @;% mmm @,

   ., @ Mnnvv% v% v% v %%;;mmvvvv %%;*;*;%% vvvvmmm @;;% m;%% 
v% v% v% vmm @,. @ Mnnvv% v% v% v% v% v% v %;;@vvvv %%;*;*;*;%% 
vvvvm @ @;; m%%% v% v% v% v% v% vnn 

    `@ Mnnvv% v% v% v %%;;mvvvvv %%;;*;;%% vvvmmmm @;;% m;%% v% 
v% v% vmm @ ' 

       `@ Mmnnvvvvv %%;;@mvvvv %%%%%%% vvvvmm@;;%% mm @;%% 
nnnnm @ ' 

          `@ Mmmmmmvv %%;;@mvvvvvvvvvvmmm@;;%% mmnmm @;% mmm @ '

             `Mm@@@mm%;; @ m @ @ m @ m @ m @ @ m@;;%% vvvvvnmm 
@; @ ' 

            , @ M% v% v% v% v% v ;%;%;%;%;%;%;%;% vv% vvvvvnnmm 

          . @ Mmnnvvvvvvv% vvvvnnmm% mmnnvvvvvvv% vvvvnnmm @

         . @ Mmnnvvvvvv% vvvvvvnnmm '`@ mmnnvvvvvv% vvvnnmm @

         @ Mmnnvvvvv% vvvvvvnnmm':%::`mmnnvvvv% vvvnm @ '

         @ Mmnnvvv% vvvvvnnmm'`:::%%:::'`mmnnvv% vvmm @

         `@ Mnvvv% vvnnmm @ '`:;%%;:'` @ mvv% vm @'

          `@ Mnv% vnnm @ '`;%;'` @ n% n @

           `@ M% mm @ ';%;. `@ M @

            @ M @ '`;%;` @

            `@ ';%. '

             ``;%; Top portion of a picture

                                                by Susie Oviatt.

  √ This is a couple of textures from the file "asciitech" (by 

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* ::*:::::***:::::::::::

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* :::::::**::::::*::::*:

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* :*::*:*::*::::*::::*::

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* :::*::::::*::*:*::::::

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* ::*:*::::*:*::::::::::

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* ::::::*:*::::*::::::::

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* *::::::::**:::::::::**

     *::*::*::*::*::*::*::* ::::*::::::*:::::*::::

        smooth texture random texture

   Here are some tips by which facilitated the process
creating ASCII-images:

  √ The fastest way to create images - is to draw it

    in clear plastic and attached to the monitor screen. Kar
    Tinka drawn on the plastic, will help you to "size
    schat "characters.

  √ Also, your work will facilitate the creation of a file 
containing rows     ki of the gaps. Make a copy and get to 
work. You 

    feel that the work has become easier because You can re
    reindeer to go anywhere and put the characters anywhere, 

    no need to constantly press the space bar. After completion
    of work do not forget to remove the extra spaces.

  √ Use your mouse. It will allow you to move from the symbol

    the symbol is much faster. Also facilitated the process of 
removal     of groups of characters and lots of strings.


  √ To reduce the difference in | |

    different background image-|) = + /! (|

    coefficients, used pure symbols on-| - _:;,. |

    were proved right. !___________________________!

  √ Use a "block edit" Of course if you can.

    Some software allows you to cut, copy and paste the quasi-
    dratnye or rectangular pieces of text.

   Also, I recommend to look at files, similar to "asciitech"

   Jorn'a. They can be found at the following addresses:

                   Jorn's FTP site
 -> Host:

    Path: mcsnet.users / jorn / ascii-art

    File: asciitech


                Scarecrow's FTP Site
 -> Host:


    Path: pub / Scarecrow / Info


   Send different ASCII-graphics at:


  ____ \ O,
 ! __ | _________________________________________________ | \ /

   / / |

  / _ / Are there any helper programs _ / \ _

        we have to ASCII?

   Not much. "The Emacs editor" offers some help, if you 
certainly know how to use it. A couple of bits of Emacs code 
can be found on the FTP-site Scarecrow. EmacsMouseCode allows 
you to draw with the mouse and allows you to use 
EmacsFigletCode Figlet within Emacs. 

   Q-Edit and "vedit" - it's the editors that allow you to 
block certain transactions, and TheDraw can do some ANSI 
tricks, but limited to the amount of memory. 

   For Unix and DOS'a programs exist to create ASCIIkartinok 
(similar to "modasc" Ric'a Hotchkiss'a). BBSdraw available for 
the Amiga. Also available CygnusEd, which allows you to edit 
the columns. And yet there TPU editor for VAX. And also, 
"mdraw.el" to "GNU Emacs 19 under X", which allows draw with 
the mouse. 

<-------------[ Continued in the next room ...]-------------->

Other articles:

AGA - Graphic editor 3 color'nyh screenshots AGA v1.0.

ASCII graphics - How do I view ASCII? How to learn to ASCII. Are there helper programs for ASCII.

BLOB the COP - Text of the inner game firms Players to Hacker.

C. Expirience - Cheat for the game Space Crusade.

DOS PRO - The fastest procedure, the disk: read / write sectors without monitoring and controlling errors reading sectors monitoring of the serviceability of reading, reading / writing sectors with the control interrupts the ignition / quenching lamp drive spinning and braking disc, reset VG13, positioned at 0 track, protection from Magic Button, blanking lamp drive, check what the current, control the availability of the disk in the drive.

Eternal News - News from the Kovrov spektrumistov (Ash, Proxima, EI)

GOURAUD - Likbez in 3D-shading (shading algorithm faces by GOURAUD).

Hard Life - On creating a new DOS for the Speccy.

HDD Autodetect - FDD & HDD loader.

Heroes of M & M II - The presentation of the game: Heroes of might & magic II.

MMA in Kovrov - great and terrible in the city where never made carpets.

Modern Word - The description text editor Modern Word v1.3

Parties?! - FunTop'99 vs Chaos Construction'99: Point of view.

Program BOX - New unusual boot - Program BOX v2.0.

Rants & Raves - How to get on the train with forged tickets.

Switch 3.5 ' - As juzat 3.5 drive after it is connected.

various shots - Extracts from the book of Guinness World Records.

various shots - Ultrosovremennaya tale about near the end of the world.

Zhiztyanka - Life issues SPY.

Contacts - contact details.

crisis - tales in the style of the game world from him.

Toy Review - Overview of Game Software: Figus, Mirror, Iron Man, Gyron Atrium, Homer Simpson in Russia, Golovobol, Monster Land, Devil's course, Astro Ball, Net Walk, Nexus.

Review sistemok - Overview of system software: Text Maker v0.12c, Excess Sample Editor v1.4, Best View v2.6, DOS2DOS COPYv2.0, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.0 demo, Laser Compact v5.0, Consul Commander v3.33, DCM Protection KIT v4.1b, Modern Word v1.3, E-Mage Work Statio, PKZIP.

From the authors - On changes in the shell of the newspaper.

About Cruise - Novella to the game "Escape to Harhan.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Viewpoint - On writing Softa for the Spectrum.

Authors newspapers

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February