Buzz #17
10 апреля 1999

Heroes of M & M II - The presentation of the game: Heroes of might & magic II.

<b>Heroes of M & M II</b> - The presentation of the game: Heroes of might & magic II.
          o f m i g h t 'm a g i c I I

(C) Snake ^ Remedy ^ Eternity Industry'99 / Vladimir /

   Heroes will take 2 drives - this is exactly calculated.
The map editor in the composition of these two discs do not 
come and live gdenibud separately. On the first drive will be 
very game, the second - card. The first disc will be 
copy-protected, and will clearly NON STANDART TR DISK. The 
second will be without any protection, and it can be easily 
copied to the usual TR-DOS disk, so as to He will be adding new 
and deleting the old, neponravivshiesya card. 

   Game Heroes will be the most popular game on the Spectrum, 
because This game will be the only strategy that can play just 
six people, in turn giving each other a place keyboard. The 
game will be a lot of animation (color), a lot of music, a lot 
of opportunities for the player. The game will be six 
characters, as on the PC. This is: a knight, barbarian, wizard, 
witch, magician and necromancer. Who saw this game on PC, will 
surely appreciate the graphics. You would know how hard it is 
to rock it with the PC, and not as a left leg want, and via a 
special converter, in which you want to ask a bunch of numbers 
and then to the Spectrum still touch up, but even so customized 
to the attributes of a hit. At podrisovku one (1) inside the 
castle, it took me 2 (two) days. A castle in Game 6, and in 
each of 6 buildings + castle itself. In general, summing up the 
above the above, we can conclude: The game will be released 
very cool and interesting! So save up money, while I completed 
yet for you this igruhu a hit. 

P.S. The annex to the Buzz you can find a screenshot for this 

Other articles:

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BLOB the COP - Text of the inner game firms Players to Hacker.

C. Expirience - Cheat for the game Space Crusade.

DOS PRO - The fastest procedure, the disk: read / write sectors without monitoring and controlling errors reading sectors monitoring of the serviceability of reading, reading / writing sectors with the control interrupts the ignition / quenching lamp drive spinning and braking disc, reset VG13, positioned at 0 track, protection from Magic Button, blanking lamp drive, check what the current, control the availability of the disk in the drive.

Eternal News - News from the Kovrov spektrumistov (Ash, Proxima, EI)

GOURAUD - Likbez in 3D-shading (shading algorithm faces by GOURAUD).

Hard Life - On creating a new DOS for the Speccy.

HDD Autodetect - FDD & HDD loader.

Heroes of M & M II - The presentation of the game: Heroes of might & magic II.

MMA in Kovrov - great and terrible in the city where never made carpets.

Modern Word - The description text editor Modern Word v1.3

Parties?! - FunTop'99 vs Chaos Construction'99: Point of view.

Program BOX - New unusual boot - Program BOX v2.0.

Rants & Raves - How to get on the train with forged tickets.

Switch 3.5 ' - As juzat 3.5 drive after it is connected.

various shots - Extracts from the book of Guinness World Records.

various shots - Ultrosovremennaya tale about near the end of the world.

Zhiztyanka - Life issues SPY.

Contacts - contact details.

crisis - tales in the style of the game world from him.

Toy Review - Overview of Game Software: Figus, Mirror, Iron Man, Gyron Atrium, Homer Simpson in Russia, Golovobol, Monster Land, Devil's course, Astro Ball, Net Walk, Nexus.

Review sistemok - Overview of system software: Text Maker v0.12c, Excess Sample Editor v1.4, Best View v2.6, DOS2DOS COPYv2.0, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.0 demo, Laser Compact v5.0, Consul Commander v3.33, DCM Protection KIT v4.1b, Modern Word v1.3, E-Mage Work Statio, PKZIP.

From the authors - On changes in the shell of the newspaper.

About Cruise - Novella to the game "Escape to Harhan.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Viewpoint - On writing Softa for the Spectrum.

Authors newspapers

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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