Buzz #17
10 апреля 1999

AGA - Graphic editor 3 color'nyh screenshots AGA v1.0.

<b>AGA</b> - Graphic editor 3 color'nyh screenshots AGA v1.0.
                 cicicicic cicicicic cicicicic

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                 icicicici i cici icicicici

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   And again with you J / CIC. This time I present to you my new
development - a graphical editor 3color'nyh screenshots: AGA (ie
is AGA-ADVANCE GRAFIX ARSENAL). I was prompted to write his
complete absence of normal (I think) 3C editors. And so
as a mode of 256x192 +8 colors is, in my opinion, perspective, I
sat down to write this EYEACHE.

   It all began in the winter 98'ogo when, after reading an 
article about a ZF6 3C, I have a couple of days Scodie, for 
fun, prog, which could totally decent edit one third of the 
screen in "any point of any color" - 3color. Show off in it, 
I've posted his pen pals in different cities. What was my

surprise when they gave me MORAL SUPPORT in writing the full 
version of this editor, although I reported this quite yet 
thought ... Then I did preparing for FUNTOP'98 - rivet effects 
(This was in June). But after thinking and weigh everything, I 
came to the conclusion that sense of AGA (benefit) will be more 
than demos. 

   And so, nichinaya July, I began to write AGA. And he wrote 
as much to early August, then there was the two week break, 
because I just tired of not sleeping at night and almost never 
is. But after work resumed, and I did everything that you now 
can find in the editor, procedures except load / save - to me, 
to my enormous regret, have not had time to do (although he 
worked with might and main night before departure for Moscow, 
and lay half hours ...). As a result, I earned a heavy cold, 
and all FT'98 walked with temperature, without voice and with 
his handkerchief. But I still brought along AGA. Only here show 
there is not managed. 


   Immediately realize that the top of the screen displays a 
picture that you draw, and at the bottom - the image of the 
Scrin under the microscope with a magnification of 8 times. In 
the middle print is different supporting information.

E - Call menu, where you can without shortcuts
Managing Editor.
J - call menu load / save (we discuss it below).
Q, A - as in the editor you can edit any area of ​​the Scrin 
(in MAGNIFY, on the main screen, if you configure the editor, 
respectively), and show a very different, the key 'Q', 'A' 
needs both up and down to select the observable part of the 
Scrin. Moreover, left, right is unnecessary, because Horizontal 
output All 32 familiarity.

I - changes the number of displayed rows Scrin 8 to 5 and vice 
versa (It is necessary to improve performance, but more on that 
below). B - bright ON / off for the top of the screen.

M - magnify on / off (this is also to increase performance).
W, S - the window size increases, in pixels, 1-13 (also for the 
increase in speed). ENTER - highlight the main screen magnify 
the situation or not. H - on the main screen, select the 
position bright'om magnify or flash'om.

G - enable / disable the crosshair on the main screen, which 
will be comply with the cursor to magnify.

SS + (0-7) - choice of color, which you will draw, zafilivat,
drawing, etc.
SINCLAIR - Cursor control / gun.
R - attachment cursor / crosshair to the site, which increased 
in magnify (and, if CURSOR joystick to change this area, the 
cursor will he go after him, as attached - very convenient ...).

K - coordinates of the cursor on the screen to print the edited 
pixels or familiarity + shift in familiarity. Y - the cursor 
appears in the middle of the loop. X - magnifying glass is 
moved to the cursor. 

   Yes, keep in mind yet and that the difference between the 
cursor and the eye not because Sight is the same cursor, but he 
points out cursor position on the main screen, as in ART STUDIO.

On - on / off the curb.

    To curb black color - is how much CPU time eats

    1 problem is the withdrawal of all posts, magnify, picture, 

    but no drawing functions and zafilivaniya - the second 
problem and 

    white color indicates how much is her time to the CPU.

    Moreover, task 1 must always be realtime, so no

    put max settings, if your PC will not pull! and task 2

    rarely realtime. And this gives rise to some unexpected

    situation. For example, you can somewhere something to 
draw, while complex 

    Philetus something else, etc. Or I had a situation

    when debugging 2-I hung up the task, and 1-th task properly

    worked ...:-)) You've probably already guessed that the 
1-st problem 

    depends on interrupts. So I organized a task 2'h

F - zafilivanie selected color, ranging from the place selected
cursor. Zafilivaet color, which indicates the cursor when 
activating this function. BREAK - ESCAPE. 

D - drawing the line. Cursor position at which you enable the 
feature will be the first point of the segment, and by clicking 
the fire, you specify a 2-th point. The color line also need to 
choose in advance. BREAK - ESCAPE.

C - like drawing a line, but here you'll draw a circle.

T - elastic on / off for the 'D' and 'C'. Steep mode, where you 
can under a magnifying glass with enviable precision drawing.

Z - exit.

   Almost all of your belongings behind the keys will be 
reflected in a string message on the screen. 



   At this point the editor can operate in four (4) modes:


   Name of the active mode, you'll see after the "MODE:". I 
think You understand that the regime: 2, 3, 4.

  1 mode - is the primary, which under a magnifying glass you 
are doing something, but not the devil, filite. To return to 
the modes 2, 3, 4 in 1 to press BREAK.

                        Disk menu.


   If you do not know: one 3COLOR'ny screen consists of 3
normal, with different colors. So have a blue, red, green 
screens, or simply B, R, G. 

   In the disc menu, their hot buttons, so do not transgress on 
the glitch. Disk operations can take place in three different 
screens (Which decomposes any RGB image - it's BLUE, RED, 
GREEN) or directly with all three. Function LOAD, perhaps, 
understandable and without comment. Oh yeah, do not be alarmed 
if the third third of the screen will attribute glitches - is 
in that one-third (8 sectors), Georgia directory handle + 
attributes this to one-third (1 sector), Georgia system sector. 
So I had to distort due to a catastrophic shortage of memory 

   SAVE function requires to enter the file name. For this 
second third will be a strip of white attributes, where poked 
keys You can enter it. Function SAVE .. IN - is shipping to an 
existing file. In general, it is similar to LOAD, with the only 
difference that is unloaded. MUSIC function is not implemented 
due to lack of memory. Although in this version, I would like 
to implement it. She had to get specified code block from the 
disk and cause a 1 / 50 seconds. That is, can be used to 
download and play music, or download the clock, etc.

  Now about the extensions that understands AGA:








  all the rest - CODE

   Expansion AGA obtained during shipment of three screens.

                   How to use 3C screens.

   They can be used anywhere. To do this:

 output blue screen
 output of red screen
 output green screen

so for 3 FRAME shows one (1) 3Color screen.
True, this will be a slight flicker, but if you turn down the 
brightness of the monitor, or wear dark glasses :-), it will be 
about her forget.

   And yet, does not necessarily show the whole screen 
(256x192), as well be consistent with each screen (B, R, G), 
with the same coordinates of the same size cut sprites, and 
skip to the above analogy. But do not forget to remove 
3C-screen for as long as it has a need, ie can not show it 
once, and he will be there permanently and have it every 
perevyvodit times. Now, I hope everyone who does not know the 
technology 3kolora, to understand something, and if it has not, 
then read the second format of: "Programming" - "SHARING 
EXPERIENCE" - "BMC" (If I remember correctly ...). 

                       NAPOLEON'S PLANS.

   After increasing the memory of his pentagon'a up to 256K or 
512K I plan to immediately release v2.0, but now higher than 
the second where you unlikely see (and if you and you will see, 
probably, in delirium ...). 

   So, what exactly will be in v2.0:
 - Work with windows
 - Fill texture
 - View the entire screen and its treatment
 - A smooth color transition in the window (with textures and 

   extended color gamut)
 - Work with 3D graphics
 - Loading of the resident and his parallel work with AGA
 - Something else that I have not yet invented
 - New bugs

   By the way, if you find bugs in this version (but first find 
out what bugs there are, or so I thought of the program), 
immediately I report them in any way. In addition to gratitude 
(which, unfortunately, not put in your pocket), you get a new 
version of the editor (and will wear it in your pocket even 
before the death pc). Still would like to get your feedback on 
my progress work (in vain I can not sleep at night and people 
do not need AGAv2.0 ???).

My address: 617740,

           Perm Region.,


           ul.Bulvar-textile workers,

           d.7 kv.10,

           J / CIC.


                         --------- Now and then, for what all 
this was started :-) HELLO: ACCEPT CORP

        BLAZ (estimated by the editor)

        COPPER FEET (I'm tired of waiting 4B-2)




        DIE KRUPPS GROUP (what do you think about the editor?)


        FBG (liter wait ...)

        SPEED CO


        X-TRADE (SE-blesk!!)

   After the greetings you can and say goodbye.



                           GOOD LUCK!

                    COPYRIGHT J / CIC 9.11.98
p.s. I really hope that is not in vain, he wrote the AGA and 
you are at      good. ;-)

Other articles:

AGA - Graphic editor 3 color'nyh screenshots AGA v1.0.

ASCII graphics - How do I view ASCII? How to learn to ASCII. Are there helper programs for ASCII.

BLOB the COP - Text of the inner game firms Players to Hacker.

C. Expirience - Cheat for the game Space Crusade.

DOS PRO - The fastest procedure, the disk: read / write sectors without monitoring and controlling errors reading sectors monitoring of the serviceability of reading, reading / writing sectors with the control interrupts the ignition / quenching lamp drive spinning and braking disc, reset VG13, positioned at 0 track, protection from Magic Button, blanking lamp drive, check what the current, control the availability of the disk in the drive.

Eternal News - News from the Kovrov spektrumistov (Ash, Proxima, EI)

GOURAUD - Likbez in 3D-shading (shading algorithm faces by GOURAUD).

Hard Life - On creating a new DOS for the Speccy.

HDD Autodetect - FDD & HDD loader.

Heroes of M & M II - The presentation of the game: Heroes of might & magic II.

MMA in Kovrov - great and terrible in the city where never made carpets.

Modern Word - The description text editor Modern Word v1.3

Parties?! - FunTop'99 vs Chaos Construction'99: Point of view.

Program BOX - New unusual boot - Program BOX v2.0.

Rants & Raves - How to get on the train with forged tickets.

Switch 3.5 ' - As juzat 3.5 drive after it is connected.

various shots - Extracts from the book of Guinness World Records.

various shots - Ultrosovremennaya tale about near the end of the world.

Zhiztyanka - Life issues SPY.

Contacts - contact details.

crisis - tales in the style of the game world from him.

Toy Review - Overview of Game Software: Figus, Mirror, Iron Man, Gyron Atrium, Homer Simpson in Russia, Golovobol, Monster Land, Devil's course, Astro Ball, Net Walk, Nexus.

Review sistemok - Overview of system software: Text Maker v0.12c, Excess Sample Editor v1.4, Best View v2.6, DOS2DOS COPYv2.0, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.0 demo, Laser Compact v5.0, Consul Commander v3.33, DCM Protection KIT v4.1b, Modern Word v1.3, E-Mage Work Statio, PKZIP.

From the authors - On changes in the shell of the newspaper.

About Cruise - Novella to the game "Escape to Harhan.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Viewpoint - On writing Softa for the Spectrum.

Authors newspapers

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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