ZX Power #02
24 мая 1997

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Corrector v2.0.

<b>Desktop</b> - How to work with the programs: Corrector v2.0.


* -= CORRECTOR v2.0 =- *

Useful software

           for your enjoyment ...

Written by:

         Roman Yatsenko (FISHER)

         Ukraine, Kharkov

         310111 Saltovskaya str.

         157, flat 172.

         phone :62-80-93

basic loader: Metallica soft

last version: 13.03.1997 01:43 pm


   Operable only author version of the program after the 
foreign intervention of the author responsible no 

Hardware Requirements:

   Program requires a color TV / monitor and
desirable stable data bus on your machine!

Differences between version 2.0 from version 1:
- Editing and automatic
  some bug fixes catalogs
- Work with the directory, as with the mass
  sivom records;
- Basic finding files on

  disks, with absolutely killed ka
- Processing of disk errors;
- Improvement of the cursor;
- Print speed, etc.

 (!) - Warning!
 (?) - Why? Explanation of use
 (S) - Standart.Standart TR-DOS.
 <Expression>> - maybe.

    General information about the file

    structure of TR-DOS.

  Information PhD, certain common parameters, properties, 
characteristics, etc. written to disk as files. In the system 
of TR-DOS information about the location of files on a disc 
recorded in your drive (s) dor.0, sek.0. Sector 0 to 7 are used 
to store information about files (16 bytes per file) that

allows you to store (s)
maximum 128 files on disk.
Sector 9 to 15 vosnovnom daemon and reserved

  Sector: Application:
 0 ... 7 catalog CD;
 8 information sector;
 9 ... 15 Reserve;

Directory format is as follows:

  Bytes: Purpose:
 0 ... 7 The name of the file in ASCII;
 8 Type of file;
 9.10 The starting address;
 11.12 Length of the file;
 13 Length in sectors;
 14 Number of the first sector

 15 issue of the first track


   If the first byte of the file name
is # 01, then the file is deleted. If the first byte of the name
File is # 00, this corresponds to the end of the catalog. Files 
in TR-DOS system, written (s) in series one after the other 
(head-to-end) Ie the very first file is always written to (s) 
dor.1, sek.0, this file will be recorded on the track, running 
just behind the end of the first file. And no "holes", ie 
Distance between the end of one and the beginning

another file (s) to be nemozhet:

  Example of "Holes":
 1fayl: Hole 2 file:

             ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
 beginning of the end of the beginning. end

   Along with "holes" exist
concept: "Crossing the files."
Because allocated for each file
a certain number of sectors it occupies on the disk ((s)
up to 255 sectors), and each subsequent file will be written 
after this group of sectors to use, then if a file will begin 
in the area disk, which is already occupied by files, it will 
cause erroneous situatsiyu.Primer it will explain more clear:

Suppose a file:

      2 file:

  Then the intersection of files can

 Beginning Ending

File2 recorded in the mid-file1;

 Beginning Ending

File2 recorded at the end of file1
blocking it, etc.

  It is the location of the tail-head "allows you to safely 
operate the system and not damage discs and nerves. For this

struggling to keep
the system itself. To this end, an 8 sector 0 track contains 
information that ensures the necessary terms of "head-tail". 
Each disc has its own 8

sector, which includes the following information:
 Offset from the beginning Appointment
+ # E1 - the first free sector;
+ # E2 - The first free track
+ # E3 - Disc Type:

   # 16 - 80 more expensive., Double sided.;

   # 17 - 40 more expensive., Double sided.;

   # 18 - 80 more expensive., Sided.;

   # 19 - 40 more expensive., Sided.;
+ # E4 - Total number of files;
+ # E5 # E6 - Number of freedoms. sects.
+ # E7 - Code # 10;
+ # F4 - Number of deleted files;
+ # F5-# FC - The name of the disk in ASCII.

   When installing, reading, writing
and other disk operations, the system reads 8 sectors, and 
counts it, checking for free space, the maximum number of 
files, etc., ie can not write the file to disk for

which do not have enough free space, or number of files
on the disc already 128, etc.

   That is why it is necessary to
8 sectors contain only the information that displays
real state directory ((s)
8 sectors is fully based on
catalog (the catalog drive, and converted all values ​​8
Sector)). It should be clear
that corruption 8 sectors (as well as catalog) can lead to 
unpredictable consequences. In the best If the computer hangs at

accessing the disk (without spoiling



   The main objective of the program - viewing, editing and 
writing changes in the 8 sector 0 track.


   Cursor control is carried out using the keys: O, P,
JOYSTICK'om (which will be interrogated only on those machines
where he is).

   The choice of the medium outside the current window
regarded as CANCEL.

   At the beginning of the program
tests your computer and the results
test are displayed in the lower right corner of the screen 
below the text box COMPUTER:

 CLOCKS - the number of cycles in

            interrupt (!) for

            2.0 version number, with

            up to 50 so
 EXTENDED - whether there is a memory

            above 48 K;
 KEMPSTON - whether there is a possibility
            sequence with KEMP
            STON joystick;
 AY_CHIP - whether there is sound


         Menus and functions.


   The main menu consists of the following items:
 DIRECTORY WORKS - Work with the canonical
 EXEC CORRECTOR - Call editors
 VIEW CATALOGUE - view kata
 SAVE CATALOGUE - saving ka
 RESTORE RECORD - restoration

 PROGRAM SETUP - configuration;
 HARD SEEK - Basic Search

 QUIT PROGRAM - output.

   Now look at each of
points MAIN MENU.


   This menu allows you to view, edit and
record changes in the directory

   In the resulting window mozhno select a track / sector with 
which will be read directory. If this

ZERO TRACK, then the directory is read from its standard 
location, ie with the 0-th track, the 0-th sector. If you 
select TRK: SEC:, You can then specify the location of the 
directory, pointing to a track / sector it is located. 

   After that, inserting the disc (INSERT DISK) and clicking 
OK, you immediately get into the directory editor.

   In the window RECORDS TABLE provides information about 
records (File) kataloge.Dlya each record contains fields:

 filename.e addr len all sec trk

1. filename - the file name;
2. e - file type;
3. addr-starting address;
4. len - the length of the file;
5. all - size in sectors;
6. sec - number of first sector

7. trk - number of first track


 ie Information about the fact that it's over
file, what is its length, the initial
address and where he is on the disk.

   At one and the same time the window
displays information about the three files. The average record 
is available, ie can be changed by clicking the cursor (in 
front of It is worth arrow).

  (!) All the characters with codes less than 32 and more than 
128 are replaced by mark "?". The first character erased

File (# 01) is replaced by a sign
"Deleted". End catalog (a file with
first character of # 00) marked
mark "deleted" and marked
dotted line to the left of the file.

   Also in the window displays the current record number 
(RECORD: 001) in the range 1 .. 128.

   Menu Items:
PREVIOUS RECORD - previous over
NEXT RECORD - the following entry;
TOP - jump to a record (as in
BOT - go to 128 write (in

FILL - fill 0 starting from

   current record [including]

   until the end of the catalog. (?) Ochi
   generalization of the unnecessary directory

RMV - the current record is

   erased, ie, the first symbol

   file records the value

   # 01 (s);
END - current record is

   end of the catalog, ie, the first

   symbol file is written

   value # 00 (s);
DEL - deletes the current record

   moving the other up. (?)

   A very useful feature in a system
   conflict situations with file 0 length,

   as they take place only
   However, in the directory but not on the disc;
INS - inserts a new directory

   record, pushing the old ones. (?)

   Adding records to any

   location within the directory.

only! with a catalog of the disk, and not
makes no changes in 8

(!) If you are printing accommodation sector
uses two digits, ie number 99 and number 199 will be printed 
the same way - "99." 

(!) When the window SAVE CHANGES
(Record Changes) appears
only if you were
made any changes in the directory.

       1.2.EXEC CORRECTOR.

   The main point CORRECTOR'a, because gives you the 
opportunity to most edited 8 sectors.

   In the window that appears, select
CANCEL to failure or OK, if you
want to proceed with the 'inspection' 8
sektora.Posle this will be read only by the sector. A window 
will appear at the top of which: TITLE - naimenovnie paragraph;

OLD - old value - / -;
NEW - the new value - / - (Can

      be changed by you).

   Under TITLE You can see
Items containing information on
FIRST FREE SECTOR - the first free
   the free sector, (s) value

   varies from 0 to 15;
FIRST FREE TRACK - the first free
   the free path, the value changes
   varies from 0 to 165;
DISK TYPE - the type of disc (s):

  80T \ DS - 80 tracks 2 sides;

  40t \ DS - 40 tracks 2 sides;

  80T \ SS - 80 tracks 1 side;

  40t \ SS - 40-Track 1 side;
ALIEN - disc type is not defined;
TOTAL FILES - the total number of

   files, (s) value changes
   Xia from 0 to 128;
FREE SECTORS - the total number of

   free sectors on the disk,

   value varies from 0 to

SEPARATOR # 10 - (s) delimiter

   # 10 if it is, then YES, ina
   Th - NO. On this separator

   TR-DOS determines 'their' dis
   ki (t.e.esli slip MS-DOS

   disk, then boot not occur with
   children (hang in the best case
DELETED FILES - the number of UDA
   lennyh file (s) value

   varies from 0 to 128;
DISK NAME - (s) in the name of the drive


   Under the OLD you can watch
current values ​​of all these items. Now you can appreciate the 
value, and if you want to change something, then select the 
desired item and enter new value in the box NEW. CORRECTOR make 
all necessary test itself.

   To record all changes
and (or) leave the editor, click LEAVE THIS ITEM. If
Do you want to save the changes, then
in the window that appears, select
click YES.

(!) SAVE CHANGES window only appears if you
change any znachenie.Esli You just watched 8 sectors, the 
CORRECTOR will not produce records to disk, but simply will be 
released in the MAIN MENU. 

   Menu Items:
LIKE NEW DISK - Automatic

   setting all the parameters 8

   sector in the initial state

   System TR-DOS, ie, is the same

   like after formatting.

   (?) Quick Setup Disk

   a new job;
   Kaya installation disk crashes
   ground state, ie is SOS
   Toyan, at which the disk (in

   directory) nothing can be written
   write (meaning the record

AUTOCORRECT ERRORS - moschnaya fundamental
   ktsiya, which itself automatically
   cally corrects errors kata
   dialogue and corrective kata
   ravine again correct you
   tunable 8 sectors! (?) - Glu
   py vopros.Rassmotrim detail
   her this function:

   Immediately after the selection of this
menu item will read the directory of the drive and start 
skanirovanie.Protsess scan displayed in a window. 

   In the main loop function considers the total number of files
disk (scanning is performed up
the end of the catalog - the value # 00
first character of the file), right
counts the number of deleted files. According to the latest 
file directory is defined by the free area (evaluates the first 
FREE. track, the first FREE. sector, the number of free 

   Scanned the names and
extension of all files in a directory.
And if found banned
character: 31 
   file. If NP = NT (file origin
   curve of length), then in this case

   when choosing a fly LEN COUNT

   Message ZERO LEN FILE and

   function does not take bu
   children. The function also refuses

   calculate the distance between

   files, if they cross

(!) Remember that the function calculates the distance in the 
sectors between the previous and current file (Instead of the 
current and next). Ie make LEN COUNT for the first

file in the directory nepoluchitsya.

(!) If you are printing accommodation sector
uses two digits, ie number 99 and number 199 will be printed 
the same way - "99." 

(!) For the "dead files", if
Recent Files folder, start with the latter (> 159) of tracks 
and their lengths are large (a situation just does not quite 
normal), it can happen overflow in terms of the number of free 

       1.3.VIEW DIRECTORY.

   MAIN MENU This item is intended for viewing directory

   In the window that appears VIEW DIRECTORY You can choose from
will be reading the catalog:
TARGET -> FILE - reading catalogs
   hectares will be carried out

   file whose name you type
   those (!) is undesirable

   read from the disk directory fi
   la, in which it is not;
TARGET -> TRACK - reading catalogs
   hectares will be made with a
   this sector track.

   If reading is successful, then
on the screen you will see a large box containing information 
about files on disk - catalog diska.Esli file or directory not 
found Your drive is empty, you return to the MAIN MENU. 
Information is displayed as (1.1). 


   In this menu you have
opportunity to remember the directory in
or write to the directory
a dorozhku.Vybrav a
of the points of a directory entry, insert the CD with the 
catalog, which You need to save (SOURCE), then drive to be 
written to an archive directory (DESTINATION). Memorization is 
by reading sector 0 track 0 (disk directory) and write file / 


   This item allows you to restore
directory from a file or a particular track. Clause
similar to the effect SAVE DIRECTORY quite the opposite.

   Restoration is by
read from the specified file / track and record in the sector 0 
0 dorozhki.Esli file directory not found, then the function 
will be released in the MAIN MENU.


   In this section you can set the configuration CORRECTOR'a:
AUTO SAVE - on / off

   Auto-entry changes in the COR

   does not appear, change is written
   are described by automatically). (!)

   Be very careful with this

DEC INPUT - input values ​​in the de
   syatichnoy system;
HEX INPUT - - / - in sixteen
   ondary system;
2544 MODE, 2640 MODE - Select the maximum
   maximal amount of freedom
   different sectors on the disk.

        1.7.QUIT PROGRAM.

   Exiting CORRECTOR'a Wednesday
TR-DOS. In later versions, can result in a joint application.

         1.8.HARD SEEK.

   A very useful feature that allows a first approximation to 
find the BASIC files, compile Catalog and burn it on

disc. (?) If the directory of the drive
was killed for good, and you want to restore your BASIC'i. 
Principle of functions:

   Briefly the structure of BASIC file
(With view of the possibility of its restoration):

   Each line begins with 2
byte numbers. BASIC file ends with: # 80, # AA,
followed by row number autostart. HARD SEEK function scans the 
drive looking for sequences of bytes of # 80, # AA, n, m and if 
the sequences were found, the data on them are reduced to a 
table on which is built catalog! (But not 8 sector!).

   After you select HARD SEEK in the
main menu appears on the screen
window where you can choose what
part of the disk will be scanned
looking for BASIC files:
WHOLE DISK - the entire disc;
TRK, SEC, LEN - the task of

   manually by specifying exactly where and

   many sectors of the search.

(!) Is desirable! set the value of sector SEC to 0, because
all further calculations are
about him.

   Insert a disc and watch
scanning the disk. In
the bottom window displays the number of found files, BASIC.
(Actually found all BASIC
files. Function in the first pass
looking for tips BASIC files). After
how the scanning process
ends and the function chtoto found on the disk, then a window 
will appear - DO YOU WANT TO VIEW RESULTS.Vybrav click OK on 
this screen you will see the results of the first pass. 

(!) HARD SEEK writes again
create the directory, it writes over the previous one, ie the 
old directory, after recording function HARD SEEK is lost!

   So, after the first pass we
received a full directory! BASIC number of files on disk. 
Values ​​starting address, length file in bytes, and sectors are

0 since these settings files
first pass to determine not
Can. In the catalog we have
information about the end of BASIC files. Next, to restore
BASIC files, there is one proven method: get some
DISK DOCTOR, and in it the basis of
Data on the ends of the BASIC files to look for the beginning 
of these files, ie 2 byte starting line number,

Then write the number of dor / sec, where
found this number in the directory
in setting the initial track /
sector file and calculate the length of
bytes (from the starting line up
end), and in the sectors (of the initial dorsal / sec to the 
end). In this If you restore almost all

parameters is lost BASIC file, except for length parameter BASIC
File (LEN). As is well known Startpolnaya length BASIC file 
together with domain peremennyuh (ie the distance in bytes from 
the beginning of the file to the values ​​end # 80, # AA, n, 
m). A LEN - length of the BASIC file without the domain of the 
variables. But, in principle, can be restored and this option, 
simply rewriting it from Field START BASIC file, because it

at work / BASIC file copying in any way! not affected.

(!) This method (with some modifications) applicable to all
other file types.

   In the COMPLETE SEEK select
click OK to continue the restoration BASIC files (second
pass). The second pass is performed using the algorithm 
described above. In a series of records are processed on the 
ends of the BASIC file, compiled in the first pass. For each 
found in the first pass file, a window LOOKING FOR in which:

AUTOSTART - auto-line;
NEW VALUE - the new value of row
   ki. In this window, given that

   is the string that will be

   seek, as the initial row
   ka BASIC file. Auto row
   start does not always coincide with

   starting line, so you

   can ask themselves what

   string to search for in paragraph NEW


(!) Lines in the AUTOSTART and NEW
VALUE asked in reverse form
(Senior, junior), ie as
is given in the format of BASIC line.

   In the case of finding similar
sequence of bytes on the screen appears: BEGINNING
FOUND, a further shift from the beginning of the buffer track, 
sector, where value was found; decimal dump area in which it 
was found a sequence, and the sequence is strictly in the 
center (2 bytes) is printed below the ASCII dump (The sequence 
in the center). 

(!) As until there is no vozhmozhnosti computer technology
"Insert a normal mind," then
You will have the most visually
to understand - it seems there what
was found at the start line or not.

   Upon completion of all the work you
again offered to review the results and write
them to disk.

(!) Function allows HARD SEEK
recover only part of the BASIC, if the file is a monoloader 
(and Most of Programs now are), it will be restored

only the BASIC part, it will not affect his performance, but to 
rewrite it without prior conversion

full-length does not succeed, because
will be copied exactly as
sectors, how long it takes him
BASIC part. In this case, I
offer function LEN COUNT
Editor in 8 sectors.

   That is, in principle, and all of CORRECTOR'u. Hopefully it 
will be you useful.


   When writing CORRECTOR'a used:
- TASM 4.0 (c) Rst7; Aig; Xld;
- STS 3.3 (c) STALKER;

And finally some greetings:

   Capital city system programmers:


   Anyone know a person:
FIX (healthy and unhealthy to not
   which places critic ;-));
METALLICA (my thanks for the idea of ​​restoration
   formation BASIC files);
COBRA (my thanks for the idea of ​​automatic
   kinetic reconstruction of the lengths


   Whom I Do not Know:
STALKER (without words, one RULES!);
ALEM (ALASM Screw the piece, but

   if disc operation
   faster, and then include that
   Kaya longing ...);
RST 7 (TASM 4.12, respectively

Max Iwamoto, J. Advent, JV-Soft,
VVV-Soft, V.M.G., Dismaster,
Dreamer ...

   Other worlds:
KSA, Cooper Feet, ZX-Masters,
XL-Design, Oldman, Magic Soft,
Lorgos, Step, Progress, Rush, VAV,
Delirium Group, Flash Inc, Digital
Reality, Nicodim, Hazard Dreams,
Omega HG, Slash, Kamikaze, Aig,
Tankard, Hammer, Inferno, Titus,
Virtual Brothers, Centronix, Silicon Brains, Greedy Guys, 
Softland, Roversoft, Golden Disk, Perestroika, Outland, Umc, 
We, and You!

        I estimate all hloptsi.

 Thank U 4 using our production.

Other articles:

Iron - Microprocessors Zilog: Z80, 1980, Z8000, Z80000.

Iron - Modem: Myths and Realities.

Iron - On AY-mouse (FAQ).

Iron - Serial-VCOM-for Spectrum.

Iron - Advanced screen.

Gambling - Description of the game Ghost Busters 2.

Gambling - Game description Satan 2.

Gambling - Game Description Zombi.

Interview - VIC (X-Project) - How do I start?

Interview - An Interview with Joker'om (Mafia).

TO OUR READERS - "Time for a Change"

Likbez - Fighting controllers, or about how I played the 800K floppy.

Likbez - Recovery Programs (On the causes of recovery, characterized by acteristic multifeysnogo hacking types multifeysnyh hacks recovery method of searching for old bootloader).

Likbez - The structure of MS-DOS disk.

Review - Gateway produces remnants Amiga.

Review - O computer "Silicon Graphics" (continued).

From the authors - a description of the shell, greetings and thanks, addresses and contact information.

a rest - 60 American jokes.

a rest - Bessoznanka in the army.

a rest - The Kremlin Trouble.

a rest - Minutes of the meeting for the elections chief doctor at the mental hospital N15.

first pancake - Description of the RAM-TEST v1.0.

first pancake - The path to fame ...

Perspective - Preview STS v6.0.

Perspective - Novella to play WORDS.

Perspective - On the game 3D Killer (demo version - Doommania).

Perspective - Preface to the game STALKER.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Cache File Manager 512k.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Corrector v2.0.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Melon Terminal.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Symed v1.1

Desktop - How to work with the programs: ZX-Turbo Disassembler.

Miscellaneous - Entertaining Virology.

Miscellaneous - News from the Progress, Dream Team, Rush, Phantasy, Copper Feet, etc.

Miscellaneous - On the ZX networks and not only ...

Miscellaneous - letter-carrier - a review letters from readers.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Fantasy - Winnie the Pooh - 10 years later.

Fantasy - G. Garison (continued, part 4-6).

Fantasy - The story EG Nesterenko, "The Crown and the Ring" (Part 1)

Fantasy - a fantastic story theater.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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