ZX Power #02
24 мая 1997

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Cache File Manager 512k.

<b>Desktop</b> - How to work with the programs: Cache File Manager 512k.
Cache File Manager 512k


         Grey fly

         Bother me,

         That would antiaircraft gun

         And kill them all!

 (C) S.System / Enigma / X-Project

  Hello dear reader! For
the beginning of an answer to a very
simple question:
 - Is not annoyed if you sign in the middle of the screen after 
a reset computer? And if you are not lazy to press buttons to 
access the TR-DOS? And if you do not irritate

boring fidgeting boshek floppovoda,
and then 2.3 seconds of inactivity during the boot boot'a,
When you stared at the screen
glumly sopish and eat la-la, slowly raising his head to the 

 - Yes, there are ...- answer you - A
what to do, this is our life
on Spectrum'e!?
 - Here, - I break forth, - awake!
There is a new tool - it's invisible (for you, and for
programs) upravlyator files, which allows one-touch
Magic buttons at any time, in
anywhere executed prog
fall out in a comfortable boot. Scheme
Work boot'a simple, it is even
the child is clear (to quote):

0. Install the Cache File Ma
  nager you can run CFM_512I.

  After testing the hardware

  means your company will you
  worn verdict: either to continue

  installation or go to the Basic,

  in any case

  fall on the Space.

1. After pressing the Magic You will see
  those branded splash screen, but

  only if those
  BOJ initialization kesh'a

  enabled CPU fast turbo 7MHz

  mode, otherwise you

  see large "sho-horrible!

2. Appears simple, but tasteful

  3.5 inch floppy and is considered

  directory of the drive.

3. That's all the instructions. I have to
  finitely not going to say that y
  poisoning on the button 8,9,0;

  that if you have an interface

  Kempston mouse, as well as a Bat

  it, then you can get

  maximum satisfaction from

  with CFM_512k, because can

  select the files directly on the screen
  not be able option switches on / off

  music can change the floppy
  water will be able to choose the type of multiplicative
  tikolornyh indicators (silk
  UHC thereon mice) and, finally,

  see my face on the Island
  write (!) Monitor-TV

  (Clicking on the 2-m bottom strings

  with all sorts of copyrights).

  No-t! I will not say that

  if you do not click, then all these

  Freaks you can do

  on the keys Q, A, O, P, and B. ...

  space; that the disk can be changed

  pulled it out of drive (one

  this is now surprise!) and generally speaking
  slit, if you pressed Magic

  forgot to include the switch

  512-x pages, CFM is not Coal
  chitsya, but pleasant red
  nym color warn of the necessity
  divergence of the inclusion ...

   Well, now finally on the hardware requirements:
 - Required:

  0.Cache (not less than 2Kb), with the inclusion
    cheniem reading from the port

    # FB, and shut down on reading

    from port # 7B;

  1.RAM 512 Kbytes (1/2M) with pore
    that # 7FFD (6,7-d bits).
 - Optional:

  0.Kempston mouse interface;

  1.AY-Sound chip;

  2.Covox or Soundrive 1.2 (not
    know why here, but let


  3.Turbo SH-93 (although CFM_512

    built-in turbo chitalschik; yet

    more nimble movement

    boshek not hurt).

   M-m-m .. It seems everything that I wanted
wrote to say, therefore, with best wishes, such as listen to 
more: The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Orbital, Gina Reactor, 
Splat Grafix and all other RAVE stuff, Green Grey,

The V'YO :-)

   Let me say goodbye! Bye!

                 April 20, 1997

        12:03 pm S.System / EP / XPJ

              XPJnet: 0572/12.3

Other articles:

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Iron - Advanced screen.

Gambling - Description of the game Ghost Busters 2.

Gambling - Game description Satan 2.

Gambling - Game Description Zombi.

Interview - VIC (X-Project) - How do I start?

Interview - An Interview with Joker'om (Mafia).

TO OUR READERS - "Time for a Change"

Likbez - Fighting controllers, or about how I played the 800K floppy.

Likbez - Recovery Programs (On the causes of recovery, characterized by acteristic multifeysnogo hacking types multifeysnyh hacks recovery method of searching for old bootloader).

Likbez - The structure of MS-DOS disk.

Review - Gateway produces remnants Amiga.

Review - O computer "Silicon Graphics" (continued).

From the authors - a description of the shell, greetings and thanks, addresses and contact information.

a rest - 60 American jokes.

a rest - Bessoznanka in the army.

a rest - The Kremlin Trouble.

a rest - Minutes of the meeting for the elections chief doctor at the mental hospital N15.

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first pancake - The path to fame ...

Perspective - Preview STS v6.0.

Perspective - Novella to play WORDS.

Perspective - On the game 3D Killer (demo version - Doommania).

Perspective - Preface to the game STALKER.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Cache File Manager 512k.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Corrector v2.0.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Melon Terminal.

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Miscellaneous - Entertaining Virology.

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Miscellaneous - On the ZX networks and not only ...

Miscellaneous - letter-carrier - a review letters from readers.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Fantasy - Winnie the Pooh - 10 years later.

Fantasy - G. Garison (continued, part 4-6).

Fantasy - The story EG Nesterenko, "The Crown and the Ring" (Part 1)

Fantasy - a fantastic story theater.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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