ZX Power #02
24 мая 1997

Interview - An Interview with Joker'om (Mafia).

<b>Interview</b> - An Interview with Joker'om (Mafia).
I N T E R B TeV.


   Hello, reader! Thank you
looked into this rubriku.Ona assumes that you meet here with 
some interesting person, but sometimes it is not

only interesting but also very entertaining. Here and now, 
during the formation of large corporations and associations 
(RUSH, PRESTIGE, X-PROJECT, MAFIA), we decided to to interview 
the creator of one of nih.Tak read it and enjoy!


ZXP: Please introduce yourself.

J: Joker of Aws / Mafia PC,

   He also Odintsov

ZXP: Do you agree th
   We say the truth, the

   truth and nothing but


J: Yes.

ZXP: Do you agree with the fact that

   Your response can be used
   summons against you?

J: Yes.

ZXP: How did you start your

   activity on the computer


J: start small. This was in

   beginning of 1995, as I

   I remember in the spring, I bought from

   saving my last 128

   Pentagon. Game, like all

   days and acquaint nochami.Potom
   milsya with some Impetusom, which
   ry, in general, led his

   group, referred to as' Reflec
   tion 'software.

ZXP: And how you have developed


J: Cause we went with him immediately

   not very good, dashed

   various assaults on each other and


ZXP: And then came MAFIA

   Private corporation?! As well

   organized the closed


J: It was evening prosto.Sidya

   I decided that we should all still on
   prove himself to the people, and nareshal

   connect with someone, for the

   times are well versed

   in matters of Speccy!

ZXP: Who was it?

J: It was the Silicon Brains group

   from the city of Mykolayiv.

ZXP: And then what?

J: And then it was simple: I

   My team could not do

   say there music or good
   Chiyah codes, etc., and I started

   cooperation with many of those
   Mi, who was familiar with. Reaction

   initially, was not very good
   Shaya, many said that the pier

   Learn how to do their prog
   FRAMEWORK better and if possible
   but we will send you one of the

   their example, unnecessary metal
   lody. And just when I, JOKER,

   organized Mafia 'pc, then I

   did not have to call and about
   Sit anything for their prog
   Ramm, I did everything and adjoint
   Lali yourself! Well, in general history

   very long, to tell you how

   some other time.

ZXP: All tormented guesses who

   is now really part of the

   MAFIA? 've Never not

   It was clear ...

J: Actually, the mafia became

   not officially enrolled

   very long time, but somewhere at the end

   1996, in the fall. Now I

   I will call those who are officially

   part of our corporation is:



   VIRTUAL CODE inc. full coc
   tavy. Here, perhaps, all of those

   who enters! Well Co
   comes with many honors

   close to MAFIA, people


   Gia others are not particularly well-known

   people who are virtually no
   who knows ...

ZXP: Finally, after a brief

   interview, talk about plans

   MAFIA PC'97.

J: To plan, in fact, the case

   not very good, but still

   I say that in the future possibilities
   but will continue to campaign to races
   propagation of new products,

   DEN also soon release a de
   model version of the next masterpiece,

   which so far have only

   guess, well I, JOKER,

   I will look for talent across

   neobyatnoy our country, here

   so then ...

ZXP: What would you wish

   finally to the readers?

J: A desire in general, is nothing

   just remember to Speccy, not

   change it at all there

   AMIG'i, IBM'y and similar

   things, because no other

   platform, you will not find

   so many friends and you get

   great success. Good luck

   all friends. Sincerely,

   Joker / Aws / Mafia 'pc'97 ...


From the Editor:

   Friends, please write to us, who would
You like to see in this column. Ask your questions! We
happy to reimburse interview
This man specifically for
You! Contact our office, address
which you can find everything there
same - in the 'Authors'!

Other articles:

Iron - Microprocessors Zilog: Z80, 1980, Z8000, Z80000.

Iron - Modem: Myths and Realities.

Iron - On AY-mouse (FAQ).

Iron - Serial-VCOM-for Spectrum.

Iron - Advanced screen.

Gambling - Description of the game Ghost Busters 2.

Gambling - Game description Satan 2.

Gambling - Game Description Zombi.

Interview - VIC (X-Project) - How do I start?

Interview - An Interview with Joker'om (Mafia).

TO OUR READERS - "Time for a Change"

Likbez - Fighting controllers, or about how I played the 800K floppy.

Likbez - Recovery Programs (On the causes of recovery, characterized by acteristic multifeysnogo hacking types multifeysnyh hacks recovery method of searching for old bootloader).

Likbez - The structure of MS-DOS disk.

Review - Gateway produces remnants Amiga.

Review - O computer "Silicon Graphics" (continued).

From the authors - a description of the shell, greetings and thanks, addresses and contact information.

a rest - 60 American jokes.

a rest - Bessoznanka in the army.

a rest - The Kremlin Trouble.

a rest - Minutes of the meeting for the elections chief doctor at the mental hospital N15.

first pancake - Description of the RAM-TEST v1.0.

first pancake - The path to fame ...

Perspective - Preview STS v6.0.

Perspective - Novella to play WORDS.

Perspective - On the game 3D Killer (demo version - Doommania).

Perspective - Preface to the game STALKER.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Cache File Manager 512k.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Corrector v2.0.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Melon Terminal.

Desktop - How to work with the programs: Symed v1.1

Desktop - How to work with the programs: ZX-Turbo Disassembler.

Miscellaneous - Entertaining Virology.

Miscellaneous - News from the Progress, Dream Team, Rush, Phantasy, Copper Feet, etc.

Miscellaneous - On the ZX networks and not only ...

Miscellaneous - letter-carrier - a review letters from readers.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Fantasy - Winnie the Pooh - 10 years later.

Fantasy - G. Garison (continued, part 4-6).

Fantasy - The story EG Nesterenko, "The Crown and the Ring" (Part 1)

Fantasy - a fantastic story theater.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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