30 июня 2003 |
Scene - Modern tendencies in demomaking.
Modern Demomaking Chasm/CPU Modern tendencies in demomaking Recently, there formed a difficu- ilt situation in the modern demoma- king. Almost every 8-bit platform practically has reached the climax in a programming techniques deve- lopment, at the same time, on the ibm pc, due to the constant tenden- cies of the hardware accelerators' development, the pure and tight code, generally, is out of use. So, it's easy to understand that demomaking from the simple coders' competition developed into the way of expressing of personal emotions and the creator's ideology. Since, it became easy to deliver the cre- ator's idea to the public visually and if it is not enough, then it is possible to combine it with text information, presented by me- -ans of effects. For those, who don't understand what i mean, i'll try to explain it in other way. Let's consider the first part of 'Matrix'. For the most of consumers it is a 'super' block-buster with high-tech visual effects; for those, who understand cyberpunk, it's a possible way of human evolu- tion; and if look deeper, then it's just a parable with beautiful pictures telling about a world, that every man can build around himself and which he want to see and to live in. The same thing happens with demo- making. For the most who doesn't understand its meaning, demo is just a beautiful video, with outstanding audio-video features; for those who slightly comprehend, it's just another manner of dick-comparison, whose is longer (i.e. whose code, music or gfx is better); and finally, the most dee- pest understanding of a demo - what stands behind that pretti- ness, the sense, i.e. the inner world, either current state of cre- ators' minds, which they want to deliver to the public. However, there's no need in tight code to make others see, what you feel, if you have an interesting idea and its proper realization. For example, demos from skrju, or Timewaster, which has nothing dif- ficuilt in code, but has a great emotional affection. I'm not making an appeal for crea- ting funny crap demos, we just ha- ve to forget about this dick-length competition and try to concentrate on really interesting things, that force to comprehend the meaning of life and the world, surrounding us, or to make demos, which let us see the creator's in- ner state, it has a big importan- tance too. p.s. I hope, Sair00s will present the next progressive engine :) p.p.s. By the way, conversions are not the cure, though it is a simple way of achieving novice coder's purposes. You don't have to follow someone's conceptions, create your own and you'll gain a biiiig satisfaction.
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