30 июня 2003 |
Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.
Forever Music Compo kq/skrju FQ music compo_psychology. Have you ever been at european de- moparties? I have not. Perhaps, you talked with people who have been there? I did, but of so- mething else. So, i'm writing just my personal thoughts. Just a coup- le of paragraphs about the euro- pean 8-bit party visitor's psycho- logy. Everybody wonders, why do usually europeans win? I don't. Because it's enough to chat with a man to understand his nature, and his at- titude in this life. If you're going to take part in de- moparty, first of all you must fi- gure out your exact intentions. For example, i have some purposes of competing and i can pick out the most essential ones, but the most common for almost everybody is to win. I think it's true that the result of your creative impul- se corresponds with the purposes of your appearance at the party. But it's not the point of this ar- ticle, maybe somehow it is related to. Anyway, if you want to present your contribution at European demo- party, you have to perceive the vi- sitor's, the voter's psychology. Who are they? Europeans. Czechs, Slovaks, Englishmen, even Spanish, perhaps. And russians? No, there's no russians. Maybe, once there was one, but he couldn't meddle in any matter. Although, he could have forgotten about the voting because of being drunk in his happiness. So, leave him peacefully and see the voter is European. Who is euro- pean? He has a different menta- lity. He has everything alright with sewerage, he earns 4 bucks per hour, and why is he concerned with Spectrum? Right -for the plea- sure. It's a hobby. Someone col- lects coins, stamps, dung-beetles, and someone is playing with their old Spectrums. And they are too far from hard code, lame code - the demoscene is a pure fun for them. FOR FUN. FUN. F U N. Remem- ber this. It's not a mere word. They don't devote themselves to 8 bits as the almost every russian spectrumist do. I'm studying at university, i have a girlfriend, free time and a lot of beer (and it's a very good beer if i live in Czech Rep.). When i was small, my parents bought be a computer, and i played games from tapes with colourful covers that i could buy in a shop. I liked the joy and a fun, i was fond of Jet Set Willy 2, it was marvellous. Then i got a pc, entered a univer- sity, i began to eager for the big- ger fun and creativity. I still play games, my old games, because they remember me of my childhood. About that cheerful and wonderful world and those hours of joy that it gave to me. And now i am stu- dying, have to pass the exams, but i have no really big problems. I have a little being used minivan, i have rented a small apartment, i date with my girl. And i'm a ZX-Spectrum fan. I have a lot of friends, we chat at #z80, someti- mes we gather at somebody's sum- mer cottage to drink Czech beer from the 20 litre barrel. We are happy of being together, we are friends. And it's a big fun for us to do something on Spectrum. Beca- use we are carefree in this life. Though someone has to work while studying, he is also concerned with Spectrum. To have some fun. For fun. FUN. Sometimes we all gather to drink some beer and to enjoy ourselves (almost the same things). Ellvis invites us. Meeting with a tap on the shoulder and a smile. We enjoy each other, drink beer and sud- denly, hehe, a music compo begins. Or maybe graphics. Or any other. And i hear the music that my fri- end has made, here he is, sitting nearby, drinking beer and la- ughing. I begin to laugh too. Sud- denly, i hear the music that is ve- ry familiar to me, that reminds me of my childhood! I see the smiling face of Factor 6 and realize, that all that i have to do is to give him the first place. Because he ga- ve me what i wanted to have. So- mething that i like. And it's fun- ny to me. FOR FUN. FUN. P.S. Moreover, it's good for dan- cing (especially after beer that i've drunk by now).
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