Adventurer #14
30 июня 2003

News - news from: Alco/Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk+4d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft, Stefano.

<b>News</b> - news from: Alco/Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk+4d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft, Stefano.

Not much for this time... Send the
summary of your activities to el-, and you'll find
this section more informative next
time. Thanks to Yerz/H-Prg for
help with info collecting.


Being one of 'the compo' organi-
zers Alco is very sad about low
voting activity. Seems like ay/ym
admirers just can't get closer to
understanding of the process' plea-
sure. Anyway, the results of the
first part are compiled and will
be released with 'Inferno#4'. If
you can't wait the official relea-
se date, just write to the organi-
zers, and 'thecompo.trd' will ap-
pear in your postbox. Also you can
find a plenty variety of works for
the second part of the competi-
tion, but beware, those entries
are only for die-hard ay-freaks,
remind the rules and you'll un-
derstand what I mean. And what
about other Alco's projects?
You'll know everything in forthco-
ming Russian-language zine
'Inferno#4', published by the rem-
nants of 'Stars of Keladan' and

Studio Stall 

After the prominent release of
'Antique Toy' warez pack there
were no news from this former very
active group. The reason is far
too common for the most of such a
silent inactivity -majority of the
team have lost their interest to
the scene. Those who are still the-
re are the founders - Stanly and
Capry. Usually they don't like to
spread info about developed pro-
jects, but rumors about the new
version of one of the best as-
semblers out there - Alasm became
too urgent. Yes, it's in work,
still no release date, but we may
hope to see it this year. 'Milk
And Nuts' - their cooperative game
with Nik-O and Cannibal of
'Techno Lab' is covered with the
dense fog, as noone knows its
fate. The one thing that could be
known for sure Stanly will take
part in CAFe'03 graphics compo, as
his work is almost done.


A never-ending fun continues. As
Yerzmyey stated, H-Prg are making
a demo with optional general sound
support. For now I remember only
Real Masters did that before. The-
re is no info when and where it
will be released, but recalling
the 'Loosing Victoria' I think of
this year's Assembly... The well
known ay related projects, managed
by Yerz are frozen, because of his
realmusic activities. But still,
you can download some hardcore mi-
xes from, as a part of
hardcore-techno project ('Deflora-
tion of Ears' done with
Moran/CPU I was very admired of).
And the Spectrum release of Ay
Riders album (besides of mp3 ver-
sions, available at

is scheduled to be released soon.
Btw, the next International Vodka
Party will be held somewhere this
year, and Yerz is waiting for Rus-
sian hard drinkers there!


After success of 'Detroyt', relea-
sed at ASCII'03 TBK are planning
to force their demo scene activi-
ties. Considering the returning of
Key-Jee from Russian army it so-
unds true. The long awaited
CAFe'02 demo is supposed to be re-
leased this year, not becoming a
part of an any party's warezpack.
Cyberjack also revealed the histo-
ry of an oldschool bonus "get up",
that could be seen as an addendum
to their ASCII entry: it was an
intro to the far gone phat0 demo,
that will never be released, due
to the changed direction in the
group's creative works. Also they
are planning an entry to 'Your
Game'03' competition, organized
by Perspective Group, but it wo-
uldn't be mentioned long ago 'Bom-

c-jeff/green bit group

His tunes are everywhere, seems li-
ke c-jeff is one of those natural
born protracker maniacs. While Ar-
chon, the coder of their group is
too slow in producing their game,
c-jeff runs a plenty of projects
including an album 'Still Flying'
that should be released in this
issue, another album 'abso-
lute_ambient',  ASCII  pack
'bit_world' and a text adventure
game "white road" for the
'Your Game 2003' compo. There is
also a mysterious project, that
was mentioned above by Stefano.
We'll track this next time.

Colour of Magic 

The authors of not so long ago re-
leased Russian e-zine - Gothiq Is-
sue One announced that the se-
cond number of their creation is
never gonna be released because
there is no coder capable to sup-
port this project. But the whole
direction of group formally known
by unfinished game projects is
clear - development of speccy AS-
CII scene. First step is already
done - 'coma' proved, that not on-
ly skrju can do a high quality AS-
CII packs, exploring various as-
pects of this minimal art. Who
we'll be the next? One of the ol-
dest speccy ASCII artists
D-Man/PCB is on his way, alongside
with ubiquitous c-jeff/gbg.


The disappointing rumors about
kruk#4 destiny made me get the in-
formation from the fist hands. kq
confessed - while doing a kriik#3
he lost interest to the scene jour-
nalism... But within the timeflow
zine came to their mind again. So
wait the kriik4 votesheets in your
postbox. Also the cooperation with
nq will continue in future skrju
demo projects. The last 'why?'
thing have shown the good mutual
understanding between authors, re-
vealing the so familiar state of
creative one-night schizophrenia.


Psychoz is coming. This Russian
e-zine has experienced a few life
and death cycles, reborning in a
new form. What will it be this
time? I don't know, but it's worth
waiting, as usual. The delay could
be explained an Ice'di's amiga1200
buying and real life activities.
The new version of Spectrum
Newspapers Guide is coming
soon, and Ice'n'Plaid will make a
demo at last, even if their main
coder Pastor will not support them
in CAFe'03 challenge.


Since Mayhem are too slow incar-
nating the speccy scene ay-music
resource, Newart appeared with
similar idea. Reminding his activi-
ties in last year scene life we
may suppose, this project will not
sink into oblivion. According to
his words there are more than 9500
tunes presented by 450 composers
with some info about each person.
The only problem is in finding the
right man to design and maintain
the upcoming www resource.

Perspective Group 

Perspective group continues their
game publishing, But at a complete-
ly new level. Remember the good
old days, when software houses co-
uld release a game, such as
'Starglider' or 'Elite' with the
add info, including game based no-
vel book, real music, inspired by
the game and a special package?
No? Me too... There were no such
software houses in Russia, when we
all were young... 'Imperia 2' by
action has it all. The game itself
is a real-time strategy, working
only at spectrum compatible machi-
nes with at least 256 KB of ram.
The whole package (Tr-Dos version
only) costs about 7 euro. Other
good news are that 'Etudes' an asm
programming oriented brochure is
planned to be published in spring,
including the diskette with proce-
dures itself. The famous 'Your
Game' contest is scheduled to No-
vember 2003. seems that 'Perspec-
tive' are very serious in develo-
ping speccy game industry. Also
the next issue of their Rus-
sian-language paper zine 'Abzatz'
is in work for now.


Dreamsellers. Cronosoft are sel-
ling dream of neverending past. It
costs only 3.50f. Not much for the
fresh game title our days. 5 pie-
ces already released: 'Flashbeer',
'Egghead 3', 'Hop'n'Chop', 'Gloop'
and 'Wanted Dead Or Alive'. Just
mention, it works on standard 48k.
you can find the well packed tape
at e-bay or other Internet auc-
tions, the amount of produced co-
pies is about 50-100 per title,
and it could be varied according
to the popularity changes. It's al-
so a great chance for us - weird
spectrum freaks to become a part
of real game industry - write a ga-
me and be sure it would be pub-
lished. The profit for developers
is about 25% of cost.

Weird Science Software 

Here is one of those, who have al-
ready released something at Crono-
soft. Seems like this experience
was successful, because the
authors of 'Flashbeer' are working
on another game. As Edy & Pgyuri
of WSS stated their next game wo-
uld be much more enjoyable than
the previous one and they are loo-
king for contacts, So don't hesi-
tate - write to Pgyuri
<>.  Btw,
first part of 'Flashbeer trilogy'
could be freely downloaded from
the WSS page.


Not so good news from Italy. A few
months ago some info about RS232
Speccy Internet connection appea-
red on various news boards. Stefa-
no was looking for a skillful co-
der to finish the project. The
problem was not solved and work is
freezed. Recalling the Hyperlink
and Contiki on c64 this became
very pitiful. But as we may see,
Stefano's scene activities are not
stopped: opinion polls spreading
and cooperating with c-jeff will
show its results, I hope... Also
he reports of forthcoming Real-X
a new version of real spectrum
emulator with a lot of new featu-
res and windows friendly struc-

Oh, I've almost forgot. Don't you
know about Original Computer As-
sociation's action - 'Respect'?
There is text a file in the at-
tachment - spend a few minutes to
fill in the form, don't let it be

Другие статьи номера:

Editorial - Our Time Machine.

Editorial - Editorial.

Editorial - Семь лет журналу, четырнадцатый номер. Магические цифры.

Editorial - о новой оболочке журнала.

Editorial - адреса редакции и авторы журнала.

News - news from: Alco/Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk+4d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft, Stefano.

News - новости от: Alco/Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk+4d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft, Stefano.

Scene - опрос демокодеров об их любимых демах.

Scene - Democoders Questionnarie: best zx demo.

Scene - современные тенденции в демомэйкинге.

Scene - Modern tendencies in demomaking.

Scene - приключение Финнов в России: отчет о поездке на русское пати CAFe'2002.

Scene - The Scene Behind A Curtain.

Scene - эпический отчет о поездке CPU на CAFe'2002.

Scene - глобальный отчет CPU о поездке на беларуское пати Millennium'1902.

Scene - подробный отчет с ростовского пати Paradox'2002.

Scene - отчет с Словацкого 8-битного пати Forever Quatro 2003.

Scene - интервью с известным польским спектрумистом Yerzmyey/Hooy-Programm.

Scene - Interview with Yerzmyey/Hooy-Programm.

Scene - беседа Sq, Diver, CJ о судьбе газеты Insanity.

Scene - интервью с Brainwave взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с Color of Magic взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с Mayhem взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с Power Of Sound взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой Antares взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой Triumph взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой OCA взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой Jeez взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с украиским спектрумистом Looker взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с Kacuk взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой Phantom Family взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой Master Home Computers Group взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с группой Placebo взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с Screamer'om взятое на CAFe'2002.

Scene - интервью с организаторами CAFe'2002 - xPasha, Adam Bazaroff и Unbeliever.

Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.

Interface - психология голосования за музыку на европейских демопати на примере Forever.

Interface - Проблемы русской спековской пресс сцены. Обзор современной прессы.

Interface - история создания демы Summermilk в виде IRC лога.

Interface - история создания виртуального пати Antique Toy.

Interface - History of Antique Toy.

Reviews - обзор демок за 2002 год: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black&White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Reviews - 2002 year demo review: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black&White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Review - обзор совренного спектрум железа.

Reviews - ZX Spectrum 2002 year Hardware Review.

Review - железячный ретро-фетешизм.

Review - Hardware Retrofetishism .

Tutorials - новое слово в демомакинге: чанковый движок 2x2.

Tutorials - New trend in demomaking: Chunks 2x2.

Ottyag - наблюдения за жизнью.

Ottyag - секретные места моего сознания.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Похожие статьи:
Программистам - Современные программы.
Groups - анкеты действующих групп: Proxima Centauri.
Юбилеада - Пивной бунт на тихом озере: шуточный отчет FOX'a о поинтовке.
Чтиво - Терминатор 3.
Ринг - сравнительный анализ двух файловых коммандеров Real Сommander VS Quick Сommander.

В этот день...   8 февраля