Subliminal Extacy
01 января 1995 |
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THEORY SHIT! ============== ================ BY DA GANGSTER ================ So I sit here thinking of what to write as an article. Perhaps I should do one on different types of fruit. Or maybe not. After just re-reading through the whole of SUB. XTC #0 I should have plenty of ideas but not me!! Maybe I should write my weird story here, it's a bit long though so maybe next time! Nope, there really is nothing I can think of writing... (Tut.ED) (Sorry, told not to put dots in like that.) Wonder how much of this shit will be edited?? (Very little actually.ED) Who gives a toss!! Fuck! I've got no intresting things to talk about (I'm 14 and I live in the most boring place ever, Pakenham) so my social life amounts to the odd conversation with grapefruits before I have to put the cow out. (Pardon??) Perhaps I could give some theories to really fuck people off with! That's it! First, a crap one... (Shit! Sorry!) Why call the first Subliminal Extacy number '0'. What about one? How can anything be a nought? (Well you see, this first S.E. was only a preview version and not a real one!! Get it? And if you have 5 pound and I nick it off you how much do you have?? Naught, there you can have naught!!ED) There, told you the first one was crap, but here we go with the real one... (ARGH!) The Adam and Eve story will now be proved to be a complete load of shit for all the bible bashers out there. Surely if the world had been started by just two people, there would have been loads of deformities so the human race would have never taken off. Or maybe we would have ended up like sheep or something. It is impossible for anything to be infinate as everything has a limit and as infinaty is not a number nothing can be infinate. (Now get as pissed as possible and read through that again) Here's a good one: To say that nothing's impossible would create a paradox. You see, if nothing's impossible then it means that it's possible to prove something impossible which proves the statement that nothing's impossible wrong. There. I was watching Star Trek today (don't ask why) and found a thing wrong. At the beginning when you see the Enterprise flying across the screen with the credits popping up it makes a noise as it flies past. Why? Isn't space a vacumn so you wouldn't hear any noise from anything so how a space ship could rumble past is beyond me! Hold on, not sure if I explained the Adam and Eve theroy well enough; if the world had been started by just two people then there would have been loads of inter-breeding and as we all know, in nearly all cases this will lead to some sort of deformities. (Yes, there's a tribe in Brazil where inter-breeding is only aloud, and now most people are being born with extra or missing limbs, fingers, toes, etc..ED.) Well, that's all I can think of for now. Perhaps if there's enough demand or even if there isn't, I might be back next time with more words of wisdom to get you thinking! (Provided I can think of more words of wisdom that is) Er, erm, bye. Address, DA GANGSTER TRELAWNE FEN ROAD PAKENHAM BURY ST. EDMUNDS SUFFOLK IPЗ1 2LS ENGLAND
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