Subliminal Extacy #00
01 января 1994

Do You Suffer From Loss Of Memory?

Do You Suffer From Loss Of Memory?
         >>>>> Do You Suffer From Loss Of Memory? <<<<<         
                    -= By L.A. Of Extacy-3 =-                   
Well, you're not alone!  All over the world many thousands of   
men and women suffer the misery of a chronic inability to retain
vitally important information.  This dreadful affliction can    
seriously damage both your personal and professional dealings   
with others.  It can cost you a great deal!  Do you suffer from 
loss of memory?  Well, you're not alone!  All over the world    
(Earth) many thousands (the ones with the three noughts) of men 
(willies) and women (breasts, legs, wombs, etc.) suffer the     
misery of a chronic inability to retain do you suffer from loss 
of memory?  Well, your not alone: this dreadful affliction (not 
being able to remember things) can seriously damage both your   
personal (sex, boozing, stuff like that) and professional (work,
you know, the thing you do to get money - that's the crinkly    
stuff that pays for things like food, you remember food, don't  
you?  That's the stuff you put in your mouth, no, now you're    
getting confused with men, aren't you? - Look, try to           
concentrate: food, what you eat, O.K., skip it).  Do you suffer 
from loss of memory?  Memory.  Remember things: look, can you do
it or not?  What do you mean why?  O.K., go back to the top of  
this article and start again!
                    ЫЫЫЫ       ЫЫЫЫ
                    ЫЫЫЫ       ЫЫЫЫ
Okay, so it is rather stupid and pointless but who cares!!      
It's another shitty article!!....                               

Другие статьи номера:

How To Use Subliminal Extacy Disk-Mag


How To Contribute To Subliminal Extacy


A Message To PD Libraries

Do Your Friends Like You?

Are You A Speccy Freak?

+D and Multiface Protection

Things To Avoid Saying When Drunk

Silly Jokes Time!

Poetry Corner

Strange But True!

Do You Suffer From Loss Of Memory?

Have You Any Friends?

Change Of Plan

Last Friday Night

The Mummy's Curse

What Next?


The End Is Near

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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От авторов - Редакция.
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