Miracle #03
16 июля 1999 |
System Software - FastCopy 3.0: a complete description of tricked out turbo-copyist.
(C) KOT / NorthStar ----------------- - N O R T H S T A R G R O U P - present Turbo-copier Fast Copy v3.00 Hey, people! Achtung! Achtung! If you have on the disk version 2.98 - wash it to hell and enjoy it now only version 3.00, which lacks the previously observed glitches 2.98. Besides from this, has added new features, by which FC has become one of the most steep and fast copier format TR-DOS! Fast Copy v3.00 is designed for quick and easy potrekovogo kopirivaniya TR-DOS disks. Has a developed system adjustable parameters, support RAM expansion component ZS-256 (without GMX), PROFI, PENTAGON 128/256/512. For incurable fans SoftCopy Bazaar: FC SC does not yield the speed and ease of operation an order of magnitude greater than it (the more that the SC has its specification is that SC - juicy Copier anything and everything - - No doubt: we are talking only the TR-DOS). A vivid example: wheels, having more than 2,544 sectors in the provision (Use a file tracks> # A0 (160)) will be copied incorrectly SC (Optional TR-DOS-up in the standard form has a border # 9F (159)). Note this is just one benefit, if ischo want - read to the end (and need to delve into the matter). Not supported: - Version TRDOS, are not compatible with 5.03 (5.04t) and below them; - Neanderthal disk parameters (Drive) Type: one side, single density, is only supported DS / DD; That is able to: - Very quickly copied (with or without formatting) from A to B, B to A, A on A B to B, as well as from A to A and B to B in RESTORER'a mode); - Change of address to copy (as potrekovaya and drayvskaya); - Special-LAG function to optimize speed drive (sold only in the RDS v3.1); - Browse catalogs A and B (idea: Nike / NSG, until now nowhere in this kind of prog not relizino!); - Avtotreking: defines the last busy with track and "embed" in the parameters Copy - for the lazy or rushing human, too, marvel marvelous unseen); - Preservation of the body SETUP'ov FC; - Flexible configuration RETRY'ev; - The correct response to errors DOS'a (including handling BREAK); - Many other things (read below) ... So. The top line bend specified version of the program and the capacity of the wheelbarrow (Kb). Scale. Visual Supervisor copying. Depicted on the scale shaped as letters and tsiferki Hex represent LOGICAL track numbering on disc # A7. Vertical shtrishkami specified border copy for matching them (there is a shtrishok) nenaivno believe that copied one track. With the direct copying top horizontal bar indicates the current shtrishkov readable track, and the lower, respectively, written. At each cylinder spending three Piks indications: first - track with an even number, the second - track with an odd number, the third separator between the cylinders (if someone do not know what the cylinder, then I will explain - - It is such Diatlovo old helmet which used to be a solid progressive outfit for the vat). Then up and down will appear "Stylized" inscription Fast Copy. Sometimes you will hear a bazaar type Ok or No depending on the correctness of execution a particular function. No market is not occurs when an error occurs in copying process and the reason here banal (Mandarin) - Disease (no memory). Options. Knopichkemi QAOP and cursor by cursor movement inversion through menu options. Pressing klavischy "input" or "space" by putting p.ch. in aa, ie, "Particles of programming in "Analizatsionnoe office" program, and not what you probably already own Imagine ... In addition, there are four ischo knopiski: '1 'S directory of drive A; '2 'Directory of drive B; 'C' avtotreking (on success triggered an option that you may ENDTRACK confirm your choice, boss (?)); 'S' save settings in the body Basic - - File "FCOP3.00 ", and the name of the file should be like that. Parameter options can be entered into hexadecimal and decimal radix. All that being said, Peace on Earth. For rusty brake option SOURCE DRIVE, DESTINATION DRIVE, START TRACK, END TRACK, ofkozzhe not clear ... However, there are comments and normal chuvakoff. With regard to SOURCE / DESTINATION drives, then you probably notice that we can choose drives C and D. In fact when copying, for example, from A to C (alt with B to D) will be made up with And the A (alt with a B to B) without any "stupid" clues such as INSERT ... DISK, ie, what is called a mode RESTORER'a. With regards to START / END TRACK say this. A "vskobochny" ON in options END TRACK means that the track is specified here also included in the copy. If, analysis of input parameters to copy find that the START> END, then they interchanged, so that you do not mind. The best possible option END TRACK'a is track # A7 (167), so as the overall range of copy is # 00 - # A7, ie 168 tracks. However, the "standard" and more reasonable have 166 tracks, as some very smart drives (even 3'5 ") does not want to poke my head off for the buoys (for 159 track). Pervomajskij select FORMAT DESTINATION: YEA (NEA) is to you in the process of copying could his voice (!) to manage the copiers. For this we need to stoop to the key, and TRUE VIDEO tell (whisper softly) his command, and then three times to lick the key INV. VIDEO. If the copier will refuse execute your command - try reset bit multitasking keystroke EXT.MODE / Q. Fancy option DRIVE SPEED intended to adjust the speed drive (it's an inner ability any drive). The larger the parameter, the slowly rotating disk. If you have "A collection of broken disc, you can try this: set DRIVE SPEED = # 03 and try to write (Necessarily with the formatting!) Anything on this disc, and perhaps find that "holes" have disappeared (you never know?). So we (or you?) Priperlis to description of the options RETRY's COUNT'ov. How do I I hope can be seen from the English letters that COUNT - a counter in this case is the counter "perepotytok. Dale I called RETRY's COUNT I - RC-I, a RETRY's COUNT II - RC-II. What is this crap is that? When an error occurs chteiiya / FC record attempt (perepopytaetsya ") n-oe number of times to read / write bad sector - counter such attempts is the RC-I. Very useful tool (Incorporated in the FC) is the restoration of the SH (drainage Baska on track # 00) and positioning on the original track - counter these distortions is the RC-II. Relationship between the RC-I and RC-II is as follows: RC-II - is nothing more than a factor RC-I. It is interesting to work the counters when records in their # 00: RC-I just turned off and RC-II once still will reposition the head with drive, but as reading / writing itself is not performed (RC-I = # 00), then such provision Affairs does not make sense. Note that the above zero for the RC-II - is in fact # 01, # 01 in fact # 02, etc. Y v RC1 = 0? < N v RC1 = RC1-1 Y > Reposition head N v Y issue RC2 = 0? > Messages> Now, how would say legendary Nicolas, it all became clear even to those who did not understand. LAG NEXT TRACK - the literal translation "Being late the next track." One of the the coolest features. As is known, different drives operate at different speeds, also the program is treated information on the disk at different speeds: any Indo-Russian dictionaries are slower than the loaders, but also loaders, as the fastest form of transport on different drive work differently ... In order to speed up data are used more and interleukin (InterLeave). This piece engaged that sector during formatting become spread all tracks in a certain alternation. For example, standard Interlachen TR-DOS ROM is determined by the number 2 and sector on the track are as follows as follows: 08192A3B4C5D6E7F It is easy to see that sector are "One" and, again, it is easy to prepolozhit that interlive-3 sector will rotate through the two: 06B17C28D39E4AF5 Therefore, perhaps at interlive = 2 Russian-Indian dictionary will work a little faster. But! ... We are with you Progressive People and assume that "Our code is steep and our car faster." Astute (or raising) tovarischi have noticed that an abnormally interliva option also means that, for how many revolutions the disk track will be read in full. For example, if interlive-3 to the processing of all sectors of the track will take 3 turns the disc ... In general, Interlachen = 1 rulez and all the disk utility format the snail-like: n +0 track 0123456789ABCDEF n +1 track 0123456789ABCDEF n +2 track 0123456789ABCDEF In one of these tools, specifically RDS, I saw a strange word to me then LAG and indeed the prog came to me without description. Then I was just Teac 5'25 and experiments with LAG'om to anything did not result in good: an increase in LAG parameter processing speed track fell. Later, I set myself the drive Panasonic 3'5. At that time I knew following LAG NEXT TRACK (being late the next track) increases the pause transition to the expectation of the initial (at number) sector, the next track. Here you a small example (in LAG = # 02): n +0 track 0123456789ABCDEF n +1 track EF0123456789ABCD n +2 track CDEF0123456789AB In essence, the sector # 00 tracks n +0 to sector # 00 track n +1 is necessary to do the way to # 12 sectors # 10 of whom processed (read / write) and "last" two (already on the track n +1) form a slight pause before the arrival to head with the sector # 00 (entry by number). This pause and compensate the delay the positioning of the track at n +0 track n +1. On my 5'25 prog read (vb) / write (to be) without LAG'ov at maximum speed can not be said about the drive on 3'5. Probably, the speed of its relatively more than than 5'25, and therefore the sector # 00 to audiences n +1 flew by and we had to wait a full revolution drive! Empirically, I picked the optimal value LAG'a (# 02) and drive 3'5 stop braking! If you are interested in this fact, I suggest you also pick up experienced by LAG on your (and) drive (s): Set LAG = # 00, record a few tracks (formatirovaniem!), count the processing time assigned count tracks, will increase LAG and repeat operation (from writing). You can pick up a LAG prog, uses more disk space (Indo - Russian dictionary), or even a disc (game). CALL MUSICAL DRIVE - rather dull and the strange name is quite justified their goal - the drive is trying to accompany Mouzon. Mouzon written KLAV'om (CB). Prichnoy by which it got here this muzak is simple - the root of the hard, raves performed AY tochnyak you break your drive. All options (Drive A, B, speed drive) are mounted directly in main menu (the drive is selected by item SOURCE DRIVE). During playback, Mouzon act knopitsy O / P, Enter (ON / OFF channel C AY, under which sings the drive) and the cosmos. The beginning does not sound very convincing (at least for me), but then ... In general, cool! The presence of disk in a drive does not necessarily ... In the FC is almost always involved a combination of keys SS / A (STOP on iS-DOS'u) for a truly happy cardholder Praporshick Sound (this Schaub did not put pressure on RESET). ... Our transmission comes to an end please release the cars ... Well. Came to a logical conclusion fable about the legendary (?) Copiers Fast Copy. On any glitch, plz, tell any way to the author. Helloz to NSG-piplz: Nike, Diam0nd, SL, Acyd, Anarchy, Crow, Kid. Hi: Ice'n'Blade'n'Triumph, NLG, VVG, Digital Reality, Rein, Hare, Real Masters, RUSH, X-Trade, Flash, Delta Corp., Zero Guyz (Kirovsk), PIcon, Alem, E-mage and etc ... 184230 Murmansk Region, Kirovsk, Lenina d.29 kv.32 Popov, Dmitry Mikhailovich (Kot'u) (C) 1998 North Star (Kirovsk / Apatity / Olenegorsk)
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